13 research outputs found

    Deriving the exact nonadiabatic quantum propagator in the mapping variable representation

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    We derive an exact quantum propagator for nonadiabatic dynamics in multi-state systems using the mapping variable representation, where classical-like Cartesian variables are used to represent both continuous nuclear degrees of freedom and discrete electronic states. The resulting Liouvillian is a Moyal series that, when suitably approximated, can allow for the use of classical dynamics to efficiently model large systems. We demonstrate that different truncations of the exact Liouvillian lead to existing approximate semiclassical and mixed quantum-classical methods and we derive an associated error term for each method. Furthermore, by combining the imaginary-time path-integral representation of the Boltzmann operator with the exact Liouvillian, we obtain an analytic expression for thermal quantum real-time correlation functions. These results provide a rigorous theoretical foundation for the development of accurate and efficient classical-like dynamics to compute observables such as electron transfer reaction rates in complex quantized systems

    Efficient light-emitting diodes from organic radicals with doublet emission

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    Organic light-emitting diodes (OLEDs) with doublet-spin radical emitters have emerged as a new route to efficient display technologies. In contrast to standard organic semiconductors, radical materials have unpaired electrons. This feature results in the most well-known examples of organic radicals being where they are reactive species in chemical reactions. Stabilized radicals can be used in optoelectronic applications, which exploit their optical and spin properties, allowing up to 100% internal quantum efficiency (IQE) for electroluminescence. Highly efficient OLEDs have been demonstrated, which operate in the doublet-spin electronic state manifold with doublet emission. The radical-based devices present a departure from the singlet- and triplet-level considerations that impose efficiency limits in OLEDs for typical organic semiconductors (25% IQE). This Perspective focuses on radical doublet emitters for optoelectronics, outlining how the photo- and spin-physics of unpaired electron systems present new avenues for research in light-emitting applications

    Electronic energies from coupled fermionic "Zombie" states' imaginary time evolution

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    Zombie states are a recently introduced formalism to describe coupled coherent fermionic states that address the fermionic sign problem in a computationally tractable manner. Previously, it has been shown that Zombie states with fractional occupations of spin orbitals obeyed the correct fermionic creation and annihilation algebra and presented results for real-time evolution [D. V. Shalashilin, J. Chem. Phys. 148, 194109 (2018)]. In this work, we extend and build on this formalism by developing efficient algorithms for evaluating the Hamiltonian and other operators between Zombie states and address their normalization. We also show how imaginary time propagation can be used to find the ground state of a system. We also present a biasing method, for setting up a basis set of random Zombie states, that allows much smaller basis sizes to be used while still accurately describing the electronic structure Hamiltonian and its ground state and describe a technique of wave function "cleaning" that removes the contributions of configurations with the wrong number of electrons, improving the accuracy further. We also show how low-lying excited states can be calculated efficiently using a Gram-Schmidt orthogonalization procedure. The proposed algorithm of imaginary time propagation on biased random grids of Zombie states may present an alternative to the existing quantum Monte Carlo methods

    Electronic energies from coupled fermionic "Zombie" states' imaginary time evolution.

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    Zombie states are a recently introduced formalism to describe coupled coherent fermionic states that address the fermionic sign problem in a computationally tractable manner. Previously, it has been shown that Zombie states with fractional occupations of spin orbitals obeyed the correct fermionic creation and annihilation algebra and presented results for real-time evolution [D. V. Shalashilin, J. Chem. Phys. 148, 194109 (2018)]. In this work, we extend and build on this formalism by developing efficient algorithms for evaluating the Hamiltonian and other operators between Zombie states and address their normalization. We also show how imaginary time propagation can be used to find the ground state of a system. We also present a biasing method, for setting up a basis set of random Zombie states, that allows much smaller basis sizes to be used while still accurately describing the electronic structure Hamiltonian and its ground state and describe a technique of wave function “cleaning” that removes the contributions of configurations with the wrong number of electrons, improving the accuracy further. We also show how low-lying excited states can be calculated efficiently using a Gram–Schmidt orthogonalization procedure. The proposed algorithm of imaginary time propagation on biased random grids of Zombie states may present an alternative to the existing quantum Monte Carlo methods

    Vibrationally assisted intersystem crossing in benchmark thermally activated delayed fluorescence molecules

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    Electrically injected charge carriers in organic light-emitting devices (OLEDs) undergo recombination events to form singlet and triplet states in a 1:3 ratio, representing a fundamental hurdle for achieving high quantum efficiency. Dopants based on thermally activated delayed fluorescence (TADF) have emerged as promising candidates for addressing the spin statistics issue in OLEDs. In these materials, reverse singlet–triplet intersystem crossing (rISC) becomes efficient, thereby activating luminescence pathways for weakly emissive triplet states. However, despite a growing consensus that torsional vibrations facilitate spin–orbit-coupling- (SOC-) driven ISC in these molecules, there is a shortage of experimental evidence. We use transient electron spin resonance and theory to show unambiguously that SOC interactions drive spin conversion and that ISC is a dynamic process gated by conformational fluctuations for benchmark carbazolyl–dicyanobenzene TADF emitters

    Tuning Singlet Fission in π-Bridge-π Chromophores

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    We have designed a series of pentacene dimers separated by homoconjugated or nonconjugated bridges that exhibit fast and efficient intramolecular singlet exciton fission (iSF). These materials are distinctive among reported iSF compounds because they exist in the unexplored regime of close spatial proximity but weak electronic coupling between the singlet exciton and triplet pair states. Using transient absorption spectroscopy to investigate photophysics in these molecules, we find that homoconjugated dimers display desirable excited-state dynamics, with significantly reduced recombination rates as compared to conjugated dimers with similar singlet fission rates. In addition, unlike conjugated dimers, the time constants for singlet fission are relatively insensitive to the interplanar angle between chromophores, since rotation about σ bonds negligibly affects the orbital overlap within the π-bonding network. In the nonconjugated dimer, where the iSF occurs with a time constant >10 ns, comparable to the fluorescence lifetime, we used electron spin resonance spectroscopy to unequivocally establish the formation of triplet-triplet multiexcitons and uncoupled triplet excitons through singlet fission. Together, these studies enable us to articulate the role of the conjugation motif in iSF

    Tuning Singlet Fission in π-Bridge-π Chromophores

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    We have designed a series of pentacene dimers separated by homoconjugated or non-conjugated bridges that exhibit fast and efficient intramolecular singlet exciton fission (iSF). These materials are distinctive among reported iSF compounds because they exist in the unexplored regime of close spatial proximity but weak electronic coupling between the singlet exciton and triplet pair states. Using transient absorption spectroscopy to investigate photophysics in these molecules, we find that homoconjugated dimers display desirable excited state dynamics, with significantly reduced recombination rates as compared to conjugated dimers with similar singlet fission rates. In addition, unlike conjugated dimers, the time constants for singlet fission are relatively insensitive to the interplanar angle between chromophores, since rotation about σ bonds negligibly affects the orbital overlap within the π-bonding network. In the non-conjugated dimer, where the iSF occurs with a time constant > 10 ns, comparable to the fluorescence lifetime, we used electron spin resonance spectroscopy to unequivocally establish the formation of triplet-triplet multiexcitons and uncoupled triplet exciton through singlet fission. Together, these studies enable us to articulate the role of the conjugation motif in iSF.L.M.C. acknowledges support from the Office of Naval Research Young Investigator Program (award N00014-15-1- 2532) and Cottrell Scholar Award. S.N.S., A.B.P., and B.C. thank the NSF for GRFP (DGE 11-44155). This research used resources of the Center for Functional Nanomaterials, which is a U.S. DOE Office of Science Facility, at Brookhaven National Laboratory under contract no. DE-SC0012704. This work used the Extreme Science and Engineering Discovery Environment (XSEDE), which is supported by National Science Foundation grant number ACI-1548562. M.J.Y.T. acknowledges receipt of an ARENA Postdoctoral Fellowship and a Marie Sklodowska Individual Fellowship. D.R.M. acknowledges support from an Australian Research Council Future Fellowship (FT130100214) and through the ARC Centre of Excellence in Exciton Science (CE170100026). Single crystal X-ray diffraction was performed at the Shared Materials Characterization Laboratory at Columbia University. Use of the SMCL was made possible by funding from Columbia University. N.A. acknowledges support from the NSF CAREER (award no. CHE-1555205), NSF EAGER (award no. CHE-1546607), and a Sloan Foundation Research Fellowship. J.C.D. and G.D.S. acknowledge funding through the Division of Chemical Sciences, Geosciences, and Biosciences, Office of Basic Energy Sciences of the U.S. Department of Energy (award no. DESC0015429)

    Nuclear quantum effects enter the mainstream

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    Over the past decades, atomistic simulations of chemical, biological and materials systems have become increasingly precise and predictive thanks to the development of accurate and efficient techniques that describe the quantum mechanical behavior of electrons. However, the overwhelming majority of such simulations still assume that the nuclei behave as classical particles. While historically this approximation could sometimes be justified due to complexity and computational overhead, the lack of nuclear quantum effects has become one of the biggest sources of error when systems containing light atoms are treated using current state-of-the-art descriptions of chemical interactions. Over the past decade, this realization has spurred a series of methodological advances that have led to dramatic reductions in the cost of including these important physical effects in the structure and dynamics of chemical systems. Here we show how these developments are now allowing nuclear quantum effects to become a mainstream feature of molecular simulations. These advances have led to new insights into chemical processes in the condensed phase and open the door to many exciting future opportunities.Comment: Pre-review versio