37 research outputs found

    The 4Cs of adaptation tracking: consistency, comparability, comprehensiveness, coherency

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    Adaptation tracking seeks to characterize, monitor, and compare general trends in climate change adaptation over time and across nations. Recognized as essential for evaluating adaptation progress, there have been few attempts to develop systematic approaches for tracking adaptation. This is reflected in polarized opinions, contradictory findings, and lack of understanding on the state of adaptation globally. In this paper, we outline key methodological considerations necessary for adaptation tracking research to produce systematic, rigorous, comparable, and usable insights that can capture the current state of adaptation globally, provide the basis for characterizing and evaluating adaptations taking place, facilitate examination of what conditions explain differences in adaptation action across jurisdictions, and can underpin the monitoring of change in adaptation over time. Specifically, we argue that approaches to adaptation tracking need to (i) utilize a consistent and operational conceptualization of adaptation, (ii) focus on comparable units of analysis, (iii) use and develop comprehensive datasets on adaptation action, and (iv) be coherent with our understanding of what constitutes real adaptation. Collectively, these form the 4Cs of adaptation tracking (consistency, comparability, comprehensiveness, and coherency)

    Age differences in the association of childhood obesity with area-level and school-level deprivation: cross-classified multilevel analysis of cross-sectional data.

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    OBJECTIVE: Evidence suggests that area-level deprivation is associated with obesity independently of individual socioeconomic status; however, although the school may also have an impact on child health, few studies have investigated the association between school-level deprivation and the body mass index (BMI) of students. The aim of this study was to assess the relationship between the BMI for children of different ages and area-level and school-level deprivation. SUBJECTS: BMI measurements were collected through the National Child Measurement Programme (NCMP) that samples from two school years: 396,171 reception year pupils (4-5-year olds) and 392,344 year 6 pupils (10-11-year olds) from 14,054 primary schools in England. DESIGN: Cross-classified multilevel models with four levels: individual (n=788,525), lower super output areas corresponding to area of residence (n=29,606), schools (n=14,054) and primary care trusts (PCTs, n=143), which coordinate the collection of data within a large area, were used to study the relationship between measures of deprivation at an area and school level, and childhood BMI within England. RESULTS: A positive association was found between the area and school measures of deprivation, and student BMI. Both the measures of deprivation explained a greater proportion of variance in BMI z-scores for year 6 students than for the reception year students, with a greater difference between the year groups found with the school-level measure of socioeconomic status than for the the area-level measure. CONCLUSIONS: Deprivation explains a greater proportion of the variance in BMI for older compared with younger children, perhaps reflecting the impact of deprivation as children age, highlighting the widening of health inequalities through childhood. The association with school-level deprivation illustrates the impact of the school on BMI status throughout the primary school years

    Repeated detoxification of alcohol-dependent patients impairs brain mechanisms of behavioural control important in resisting relapse

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    Alcohol abuse is frequently characterised by cycles of heavy drinking, detoxification, and relapse. We review evidence that multiple detoxifications are associated with impaired ability to control reward seeking, and with exaggerated responses to negative emotional stimuli. Under conditions of incentive conflict and in intra-extra dimensional shift and reversal tasks, deficits are found that are consistent with impaired executive control of behaviour by prefrontal cortical mechanisms. Correspondingly, alcoholics who have undergone multiple detoxifications show loss of grey matter in prefrontal regions associated with accurate performance of these tasks, the extent correlating with numbers of detoxifications. The ability to respond appropriately to certain emotional stimuli (e.g., fearful faces) is also impaired following multiple detoxifications. Such impairments are associated with reduced connectivity between insula and prefrontal areas but increased connectivity between insula and subcortical regions (colliculus), and between amygdala and other subcortical regions (bed nucleus of stria terminalis, BNST). Such changes may increase vulnerability to stress-induced relapse, and disrupt social abilities, contributing to social isolation