29 research outputs found

    Pathogenesis of adolescent idiopathic scoliosis in girls - a double neuro-osseous theory involving disharmony between two nervous systems, somatic and autonomic expressed in the spine and trunk: possible dependency on sympathetic nervous system and hormones with implications for medical therapy

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    Anthropometric data from three groups of adolescent girls - preoperative adolescent idiopathic scoliosis (AIS), screened for scoliosis and normals were analysed by comparing skeletal data between higher and lower body mass index subsets. Unexpected findings for each of skeletal maturation, asymmetries and overgrowth are not explained by prevailing theories of AIS pathogenesis. A speculative pathogenetic theory for girls is formulated after surveying evidence including: (1) the thoracospinal concept for right thoracic AIS in girls; (2) the new neuroskeletal biology relating the sympathetic nervous system to bone formation/resorption and bone growth; (3) white adipose tissue storing triglycerides and the adiposity hormone leptin which functions as satiety hormone and sentinel of energy balance to the hypothalamus for long-term adiposity; and (4) central leptin resistance in obesity and possibly in healthy females. The new theory states that AIS in girls results from developmental disharmony expressed in spine and trunk between autonomic and somatic nervous systems. The autonomic component of this double neuro-osseous theory for AIS pathogenesis in girls involves selectively increased sensitivity of the hypothalamus to circulating leptin (genetically-determined up-regulation possibly involving inhibitory or sensitizing intracellular molecules, such as SOC3, PTP-1B and SH2B1 respectively), with asymmetry as an adverse response (hormesis); this asymmetry is routed bilaterally via the sympathetic nervous system to the growing axial skeleton where it may initiate the scoliosis deformity (leptin-hypothalamic-sympathetic nervous system concept = LHS concept). In some younger preoperative AIS girls, the hypothalamic up-regulation to circulating leptin also involves the somatotropic (growth hormone/IGF) axis which exaggerates the sympathetically-induced asymmetric skeletal effects and contributes to curve progression, a concept with therapeutic implications. In the somatic nervous system, dysfunction of a postural mechanism involving the CNS body schema fails to control, or may induce, the spinal deformity of AIS in girls (escalator concept). Biomechanical factors affecting ribs and/or vertebrae and spinal cord during growth may localize AIS to the thoracic spine and contribute to sagittal spinal shape alterations. The developmental disharmony in spine and trunk is compounded by any osteopenia, biomechanical spinal growth modulation, disc degeneration and platelet calmodulin dysfunction. Methods for testing the theory are outlined. Implications are discussed for neuroendocrine dysfunctions, osteopontin, sympathoactivation, medical therapy, Rett and Prader-Willi syndromes, infantile idiopathic scoliosis, and human evolution. AIS pathogenesis in girls is predicated on two putative normal mechanisms involved in trunk growth, each acquired in evolution and unique to humans

    O uso de enxerto homólogo na revisão de artroplastias do quadril com cimentação do componente acetabular Use of homologous graft in hip arthroplasty reviews with acetabular component cementation

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    A artroplastia total do quadril representa um grande avanço no tratamento das enfermidades ortopédicas que acometem o quadril. A soltura asséptica desta prótese pode causar lesões e perdas ósseas, representando um grande desafio para a reconstrução cirúrgica destas artroplastias. Uma das alternativas para a reconstrução é o uso do enxerto ósseo de banco de ossos, podendo este ser usado em bloco ou na forma picada. Este estudo, baseado em uma revisão da literatura sobre enxertos ósseos, teve como objetivo uma análise quanto à reconstrução com enxertos em bloco e picado e sua integração. O enxerto picado mostrou melhores resultados quanto à integração quando se consegue estabilidade da reconstrução. Quando não conseguimos uma boa estabilidade, o enxerto em bloco associado aos anéis de reforço sobressai como a melhor opção.<br>Hip total arthroplasty represents a breakthrough in the treatment of orthopaedic illnesses affecting the hip. The aseptic loosening of this prosthesis may cause injuries and bone losses, representing a great challenge for the surgical reconstruction of those arthroplasties. One alternative to reconstruction is the use of bone graft sourced by bone bases, which may be used as a block or in pieces. This study, based on a literature review addressing bone grafts, had as an objective to analyze reconstruction with grafts in blocks and in pieces and its union. The graft in pieces showed better results concerning union when reconstruction stability is achieved. When a good stability cannot be achieved, the graft in block combined with reinforcement rings is highlighted as the best option