8 research outputs found

    Mulher, saúde e trabalho no Brasil: desafios para um novo agir Women, health, and labor in Brazil: challenges for new action

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    Apesar do marcante aumento da participação das mulheres no mercado de trabalho, no Brasil, persiste um desconhecimento generalizado sobre os efeitos do trabalho sobre sua saúde. Neste artigo, em revisão da literatura, pretendeu-se identificar questões teóricas e metodológicas na análise das relações entre trabalho e saúde de mulheres a partir de uma perspectiva de gênero. Assinala-se as características da inserção profissional feminina, decorrentes de seu papel na reprodução social, que resultam na necessidade de estratégias variadas de conciliação entre as atividades profissionais e as domésticas. Discute-se as implicações da inserção social das mulheres trabalhadoras para a sua saúde e a necessidade de repensar criticamente teorias e conceitos, estratégias metodológicas, fontes de informação, para dar conta da complexidade e das especificidades das condições de trabalho e de existência das mulheres. A recente atuação das mulheres sindicalistas na defesa do direito ao corpo, à saúde e à feminilidade no ambiente de trabalho não pode prescindir de um novo olhar, que se produz de modo ainda incipiente no espaço acadêmico, por inspiração do movimento social de mulheres. Nesse sentido, apontam-se os desafios para a produção do conhecimento sobre o tema, que desvendem as singularidades da realidade nacional, caracterizada pelo desemprego, o trabalho informal, os baixos salários, a fragilidade das organizações sindicais e sociais, além de relações tradicionais familiares e matrimoniais.<br>Despite the remarkable rise in women's participation in the labor market in Brazil, its consequences on health are still virtually unknown. This study aims to identify theoretical and methodological problems in the relationship between labor and women's health from a gender perspective. Characteristics of women's occupational placement are described and analyzed as resulting from their role in social reproduction. The study examines the development of several conciliatory strategies between paid work and housework which are discussed as potential determinants of health problems and support the need for a critical reappraisal of theoretical and methodological strategies to reach a better understanding of the complexity and specificities of women's living and working conditions. The author also stresses the role of women's recent participation in the trade union movements in defense of health, body rights, and women's issues in the workplace, as well as the need for a new framework embodied in the women's social movement. The study thus points to the challenge to produce knowledge on this subject in order to unveil the uniqueness of the national scenario marked by unemployment, informal jobs, low salaries, weak trade unions and other civil organizations, and traditional domestic and marriage relationships

    Depression among physicians working in public healthcare in Belo Horizonte, Brazil.

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    Purpose Prevalence of depressive disorders has been reported among physicians in a number of different settings. The aim of the present study is to assess the prevalence of self-reported depression and its associated factors among physicians working in the public healthcare system of Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais state, Brazil. Methods A cross-sectional survey was carried out in 2009 to investigate individual and occupational dimensions of depressive disorders in a group of physicians working at several municipal healthcare units. The percentage of physicians that self-reported a confirmed diagnosis of depression by another physician was used as the prevalence proportion; the Poisson regression univariate and multivariate models were applied to study factors associated with depression. Results The response rate was 81.2 %, of which 12.0 % reported depression confirmed by another physician. Reports of RSI/WMSD (p\0.001) and passive work (p\0.05) were positively and independently associated with the outcome. Conclusions Our data bring valuable information that may help guide interventions and health-promoting activities for physicians by indicating concrete measures to change working conditions that affect mental health

    Peers Influence Prosocial Behavior in Adolescent Males with Autism Spectrum Disorders

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    Peer influence has a profound impact on decision-making in typically developing adolescents. In this study, we examined to what extent adolescent males (age 11–17 years; N = 144) with and without autism (ASD) were influenced by peer feedback on prosocial behavior, and which factors were related to individual differences in peer feedback sensitivity. In a public goods game, participants made decisions about the allocation of tokens between themselves and their group—in absence or presence of peer feedback. Adolescents with and without ASD were sensitive to peer feedback on prosocial behavior. More autism traits and social interest were associated with less sensitivity to antisocial feedback, suggesting that peer feedback creates opportunities for social adjustment in those with and without ASD.Pathways through Adolescenc

    Chemistry, physics and evolution of Antarctic saline lakes

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