17 research outputs found

    The role of HLA-G in human pregnancy

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    Pregnancy in mammals featuring hemochorial placentation introduces a major conflict with the mother's immune system, which is dedicated to repelling invaders bearing foreign DNA and RNA. Numerous and highly sophisticated strategies for preventing mothers from rejecting their genetically different fetus(es) have now been identified. These involve production of novel soluble and membrane-bound molecules by uterine and placental cells. In humans, the placenta-derived molecules include glycoproteins derived from the HLA class Ib gene, HLA-G. Isoforms of HLA-G saturate the maternal-fetal interface and circulate in mothers throughout pregnancy. Uteroplacental immune privilege for the fetus and its associated tissues is believed to result when immune cells encounter HLA-G. Unequivocally demonstration of this concept requires experiments in animal models. Both the monkey and the baboon express molecules that are similar but not identical to HLA-G, and may comprise suitable animal models for establishing a central role for these proteins in pregnancy

    Human trophoblast stem cell self-renewal and differentiation: Role of decorin

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    The origin and regulation of stem cells sustaining trophoblast renewal in the human placenta remain unclear. Decorin, a leucine-rich proteoglycan restrains trophoblast proliferation, migration/invasiveness and endovascular differentiation, and local decorin overproduction is associated with preeclampsia (PE). Here, we tested the role of decorin in human trophoblast stem cell self-renewal and differentiation, using two models: an immortalized first trimester trophoblast cell line HTR-8/SVneo (HTR) and freshly isolated primary trophoblast (p-trophoblast) from early first trimester (6-9 weeks) placentas. Self-renewal capacity was measured by spheroid forming ability of single cells on ultra-low attachment plates for multiple generations. Markers of embryonic stem (ES) cells, trophoblast stem (TS) cells and trophoblast were used to identify stem cell hierarchy. Differentiation markers for syncytial and extravillous (EVT) pathways were employed to identify differentiated cells. Bewo cells were additionally used to explore DCN effects on syncytialization. Results reveal that the incidence of spheroid forming stem-like cells was 13-15% in HTR and 0.1-0.4%, in early first trimester p-trophoblast, including a stem cell hierarchy of two populations of ES and TS-like cells. DCN restrained ES cell self-renewal, promoted ES to TS transition and maintenance of TS cell stem-ness, but inhibited TS cell differentiation into both syncytial and EVT pathways