2,710 research outputs found

    La délicate articulation des cultures scolaire et jeune. Les usages de Twilight de quelques professeurs d'un lycée de ZEP

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    Actes consultables sur Internet : http://www.enfanceetcultures.culture.gouv.fr/actes/dagiral_tessier.pdfInternational audienc

    Ethylenediamine- and propylenediaminediacetic acid derivatives as ligands for the "fac-[M(CO)3]+" core (M = Re, 99mTc)

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    The reaction of Re(CO)5Cl with o- or p-N-(nitrophenyl)ethylenediaminediacetic acid (H2L1, H2L2) and o- or p-N-(nitrophenyl)propylenediaminediacetic acid (H2L3, H2L4) in methanol leads to the formation of stable anionic [Et3NH][Re(CO)3(L)]·H2O complexes 1-4. These compounds have been characterized by means of IR, mass spectrometry, elemental analysis, NMR and conductimetry, as well as X-ray crystallography for 2 and 3. The [Re(CO)3]+ moiety is coordinated via the nitrogen of the iminodiacetic acid unit and two oxygens of monodentate carboxylate groups. In each case, the nitro group of the aromatic ring remains uncoordinated. The analogous technetium-99m complexes 1' and 3' were also prepared quantitatively by the reaction of H2L1 and H2L3, respectively, with the fac-[99mTc(CO)3(H2O)3]+ precursor in ethanol. The corresponding Re and 99mTc compounds were shown to possess the same structure by means of HPLC studies. The high affinity of these ligands for the Tc(I) or Re(I) core, coupled with the easiness of their derivatization (by reduction of the nitro group in amino group), implies that the utilization of this ligand system to develop target-specific radiopharmaceuticals for diagnosis and therapy is promising

    Longitudinal investigation of Salmonella spp. from farm to fork in the pig industry in Reunion Island

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    Salmonella is, after Campylobacter, the most reported zoonotic pathogen in Europe. Pork meat is frequently incriminated in salmonellosis. However, asymptomatic carrying of Salmonella by pigs makes its detection difficult. Despite its tropical situation, pig industry of Reunion Island is also concerned by this public health burden

    Prevalence and risk indicators associated with Salmonella infection in farrow-to-finish farm in Reunion Island

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    Salmonella is the second cause of foodborne diseases in France and pork products are regularly incriminated. For the implementation of control measures in farms, it is necessary to better understand the risks of infection of pigs by Salmonella at farms. Our epidemiological study aims to determine Salmonella prevalence of fattening pigs in Reunion Island, oversea territory of France, and the main risk indicators for pig infection. Fifty farms (farrow-to finish and multiplier) were randomly selected and visited 4 times: at slaughtered previous batch, after cleaning and disinfection, beginning and end of the fattening period for the studied batch. Pools of fresh faeces, gauze socks and gauze swabs were sampled to assess the bacteriological status of these pig farms. A questionnaire was submitted to farmers and analysed for the further identification of risk indicators

    Dendrochronological approach to the radial growth of okoume (Congo)

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    La croissance radiale de 4 sections d'okoumé du Congo provenant de 4 arbres différents est analysée. La présence dans la région d'au moins une saison sèche marquée permet de définir des cernes de croissance annuels. Ils sont mesurés et les courbes des largeurs de cernes sont confrontées de manière graphique afin de vérifier que l'année de formation attribuée à chaque cerne est exacte (interdatation). Le synchronisme est mauvais lorsque les courbes appartiennent à des arbres différents. Pour lever le doute quant à la validité de la délimitation des cernes annuels, une confrontation avec les enregistrements pluviométriques de Pointe Noire est tentée. Le résultat du test est positif et les limites de cernes établies au début de l'étude sont maintenues. L'approche dendrochronologique sur une espèce telle que l'okoumé est donc possible mais une vérification de l'interdatation par confrontation avec des données climatologiuqes est indispensable. Ce type d'approche conduisant à une datation absolue des cernes peut être d'un grand intérêt en écologie tropicale : elle permet en particulier de replacer les analyses biogéochimiques des cernes dans un cadre chronologique exact, ou encore d'apprécier la vitesse de progression des lisières forestières. (Résumé d'auteur

    Toward dynamic pain expressions in avatars : perceived realism and pain level of diffrent action unit orders

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    The facial expression of pain can be decomposed in three sets of Action Units (AUs), the smallest discriminating facial movements: Brow lowering (B), Nose wrinkling + Upper lip raising (N), and Orbit tightening + Eyelid closure (O). This study compared the perception of realism and pain level from different onset orders of AUs in avatars. Seven videos of facial expressions of pain were created with four different avatars (2 women): six sequential onsets combining the three sets of AUs and one synchronized onset. 45 healthy adults (22 women; aged 23.6 ± 5.2 years) rated the realism of facial movements, and the level of intensity and unpleasantness of perceived pain. A more realistic expression was associated with the onset of O before or at the same time as N, a more intense expression was associated when B occurred last, and a higher level of unpleasantness was associated with the onset of N before B. Therefore, the sequence ONB yielded the highest ratings on both measures of realism and pain levels. These findings describe the perceived content of different orders of facial movements that could contribute to the creation of realistic pain-expressing virtual agents designed to study human-computer interactions

    The heart of a hibernator: EGFR and MAPK signaling in cardiac muscle during the hibernation of thirteen-lined ground squirrels, Ictidomys tridecemlineatus

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    Background: Thirteen-lined ground squirrels (Ictidomys tridecemlineatus) experience dramatic changes in physiological and molecular parameters during winter hibernation. Notably, these animals experience reduced blood circulation during torpor, which can put numerous stresses on their hearts. The present study evaluates the role played by the epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) in signal transduction during hibernation at low body temperature to evaluate signaling mechanisms. By investigating the regulation of intracellular mitogen activated protein kinase (MAPK) pathway responses, anti-apoptosis signals, downstream transcription factors, and heat shock proteins in cardiac muscle we aim to determine the correlation between upstream tyrosine phosphorylation events and downstream outcomes. Methods: Protein abundance of phosphorylated EGFR, MAPKs and downstream effector proteins were quantified using immunoblotting and Luminex_ multiplex assays. Results: Monitoring five time points over the torpor/arousal cycle, EGFR phosphorylation on T654, Y1068, Y1086 was found to increase signifi

    Prevalence and risk factors susceptibility of Salmonella spp., Campylobacter spp. and Listeria spp. isolated from pork and poultry sausages, in Reunion Island, France

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    Zoonoses are a public health burden in France. The most predominant pathogens incriminated in TIAC are Salmonella spp. Campylobacter spp., and Listeria spp. The population of Reunion Island eats a lot of pork and poultry meats. One of the local cooking characteristic is the sausage 100% poultry or 100% pig
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