36 research outputs found

    On-line Response Tests on Case History of Earthquake Induced Deformation of River Dykes Founded on Saturated Sandy Deposits

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    River dykes and road embankments are frequently damaged during earthquakes. The liquefaction of foundation, the behavior of which is not yet well realized, is considered to be the main cause of the damage. Based on the results of past studies, the foundation of an embankment was divided into three zones to examine the failure modes. One-dimensional on-line earthquake tests, which were conducted by a combination of element tests and computer earthquake response analyses, were performed for such zones of actual river dykes damaged during earthquake. The cumulative horizontal displacement values obtained by the tests were compared with the measured embankment-crest settlement data, which showed that the liquefaction sliding failure under the toe of slope of such an embankment is found to be the most detrimental of all failure modes

    Effects of Irrigation Methods on the Growth of Petunia Grown in Heat Fusion Polyester Fiber Hardened Medium without Polythylene Pot

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    Recenty, polyethylene pots(PP) present a significant environmental issue for waste disposal. To develop bedding plant production system without PP, properties of compacted medium hardened by heat fusion polyester fiber were investigated. Effects of irrigation methods on the growth of vegetative propagated petunia grown in medium without PP were investigated. The effect of medium type was not as significant as the difference in water loss per pot. Water loss per pot of medium without PP was about two times greater than medium held in PP. No compacted medium disintegrated easily without root-ball formation, and in 20 days after cutting about half of non-compacted medium had disintegrated. Compacted medium did not disintegrate before rooting. Medium type did not significantly affect rooting rates, plant heights, leaf numbers and fresh weights when transplanted to medium. Also, cell or pot medium type did not significantly affect plant heights, flower numbers, leaf numbers and fresh weights. Non-compacted medium without PP easily disintegrated with overhead irrigation. Subirrigation and much overhead irrigation had similar effect on growth when planted in containers.However, less overhead irrigation had significantly lower growth. Moreover, in less overhead irrigation, non-compacted medium without PP had remarkably lower growth than compacted medium without PP. In, conclusions, compacted medium without PP did not affect the growth of bedding plants whenever water and nutrient regime was well regulated. Compacted pot medium was easy to transplant since it did not disintegrate. Therefore, it was considered practical and feasible to use compacted medium without PP for bedding plant production

    Effects of Medium Shape, Fertilization Methods and Plant Density on the Growth of Pansy Grown in Medium Hardened by Heat Fusion Polyester Fiber without Polyethylene Pot

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    To develop bedding plant production system without polyethylene pots (PP), problems that may be encountered with compacted medium hardened by heat fusion polyester fiber were investigated. Effects of medium shape, fertilization methods and plant density on the growth of pansy in medium without PP were investigated. To improve water usage on compacted medium, a watering space (6×6×depth 3cm) was made on the upper part of the compacted medium (9×9×depth 9cm). In the early stages of the experiment the amount of water supplied per pot (weight after irrigation-weight before irrigation) of medium with water space was 10–25% greater than that of medium without a water space. However, from the mid to late stages of the experiment, the difference gradually declined. The amount of water supplied per pot was similar between with and without water space especially on cloudy or rainy days. The growth of pansies on medium without PP was remarkably greater with water space than without water space. On 10g/liter basal fertilizer treatment, pansies had severe symptoms of fertilizer damage. The growth of pansy on 10g/liter basal fertilizer was inhibited compared to that of 5g/liter basal fertilizer. Spacing treatment was conducted whenever plant density was half. Height of pansy grown with spacing treatment was significantly lower than that without spacing treatment. PP had no effects on growth when pansy was grown without spacing treatment. However, when pansy was grown with spacing treatment, pansy grown without PP had significantly greater growth than with PP. Algal growth on the medium increased with increasing irrigation rate or nutrient rate. Combination of spacing treatment and medium without PP decreased the rate of algal growth on medium.固化培地を利用したポリポットを用いないポットレス栽培において,潅水効率の上昇,施肥の簡易化,藻の発生抑制のため,培地の形状,施肥方法および栽植密度がパンジーの生育に及ぼす影響について検討した.9㎝角のポット型培地に6×6×深さ3㎝のくぼみ(ウォータースペース)を培地上部に作成すると,栽培前期の水供給量(灌水後の重量―灌水前の重量)が約10~25% に多くなった.しかし,栽培中期から後期にかけてはその違いは次第に小さくなり,特に曇雨天時には水供給量に差はみられなくなった.ウォータースペースの有無にかかわらず,ポリポットがあると生育に違いは認めらなかったが,ポットレス区ではウォータースペースによって生育が改善された.元肥量10g/liter 区では生育初期に高濃度障害と思われる症状が見られ,5g/liter 区より生育が抑制された.栽植密度を半分にしたスペーシングによって,草丈はかなり抑制された.スペーシングなしの場合にはポットの有無による差は小さかったが,ポットレス栽培の生育がスペーシング栽培でかなり改善された.ポットレス・スペーシング有・灌水量120ml区の生育が最も旺盛であった.養分量が多いほど灌水量が多いほど,藻の発生が大であったが,スペーシングとポットレスを組み合わせると藻の発生が改善された

    Is the progression of treatment for patients with hemophilia leading to improvements in school or social life?: A questionnaire survey for mothers of children or adolescents who chiefly receive prophylactic treatment for hemophilia.

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    【背景】血友病患者の治療は進歩した。そこで治療の進歩による患者の学校・社会生活の詳細を明らかにするために,母親を対象に,若年世代の患者の学校・社会生活,母親の困り事について実態調査した。 【方法】血友病患者の母親を対象に,無記名自記式の質問紙調査を実施した。 【結果】母親27人の回答が得られ,息子である患者は30人だった。定期輸注実施は23人で,そのうち家庭で輸注を行う者は22人だった。通園経験のある者は27人だった。全ての行事に参加させた者が18人だった。宿泊行事中の定期輸注の実施について,中学生までは学校に支援依頼していた。患者8人は自己注射し,高校生以降の患者4人は,自室で一人の時に注射をしたという回答だった。母親の困り事は「血管確保の失敗と焦り」だった。 【結論】治療の進歩は患者の学校・社会生活を改善した。しかし継続的治療を支える家族の負担のもとに成立する。今後必要な医療支援として,患者の宿泊行事中の輸注において,患者が安心して注射できる場所についての助言が示された。Background: Hemostatic treatment for patients with hemophilia( PWH) has improved. The aim of this study was to clarify school status and social life among young boys with hemophilia, as well as their mothers’ frustrations. Methods: A questionnaire survey was completed anonymously by mothers of hemophilic boys. Results: A total of 27 mothers of 30 PWHs completed the survey. Twenty-three PWHs had received prophylactic treatment, and 22 received home infusion therapy. Twenty-seven PWHs had attended preschool, and 18 had participated in all preschool/school events. When factor concentrates needed to be infused during overnight events, many mothers requested the assistance of medical staff until the PWHs were junior high school students. When they were high school students, eight PWHs were able to infuse themselves. Four PWHs were reported to infuse alone, hiding from the public eye. Mothers’ chief source of frustration was“ infusion failure on busy mornings.” Conclusion: This study indicates that the progress of treatment for PWHs may improve the school or social life of patients. However, these patients’ family support is also essential for the patients’ treatment. Medical support, such as advice about where to self-infuse during overnight events is needed for PWHs

    Effect of Combination of Overhead Irrigation and Subirrigation on the Growth of Bedding Plants Grown in Polyester Fiber Medium Hardened by Heat Fusion, without use of Polyethylene Pots

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    The effects of irrigation methods on several bedding plants without polyethylene pots using compacted polyester fiber medium hardened by heat fusion were investigated. The characteristics of overhead irrigation with a tray collecting runoff water (combination of overhead irrigation and subirrigation) were investigated at the same time. Irrigation usage (the amount of water supplied per pot / amount of irrigation water) with a combination of overhead irrigation and subirrigation was improved compared to overhead irrigation alone. The growth of garden type Cyclamen grown under a combination of both overhead irrigation and subirrigation was significantly greater than that grown in either wick irrigation, ebb & flow irrigation or overhead irrigation. Notably, smaller growth was achiered in garden type cyclamen grown with overhead irrigation. The growth of Vinca grown in a combination of overhead irrigation and subirrigation was significantly greater than that grown with overhead irrigation alone. The irrigation amount had no effect on the growth of Vinca regardless of irrigation method. The growth of Petunia was greater with increased amounts of irrigation water. However, the growth of Pansy grown under overhead irrigation was significantly greater than that grown in a combination of overhead irrigation and subirrigation. These results suggest that a combination of overhead irrigation and subirrigation method in bedding plant production without polyethylene pots is generally suitable since the plants grow without drought stress. However, it may be suggested that the amount of irrigation water should be as low as possible in the winter season or with sensitive species in order to prevent waterlogging injury.熱融着性ポリエステル繊維固化培地を利用したポットレス花壇苗生産における灌水方法として,水受けトレイを用いた頭上灌水(頭上底面灌水)の実用性を検討した.頭上灌水と比較して頭上底面灌水では灌水効率(培地に吸収された灌水量/灌水量)が大幅に改善できた.ガーデンシクラメンの生育は頭上底面灌水区で最もよく,次いでひも灌水,底面灌水の順であり,頭上灌水区で最も生育が抑制された.ニチニチソウでは頭上灌水より頭上底面灌水区で生育が改善されたが,灌水量には差はほとんどみられなかった.ペチュニアでは灌水量が多いほど,専用トレイに溜める水量が多いほど生育が旺盛になった.しかし,パンジーでは頭上底面灌水によって生育が抑制された.ポットレス花壇苗生産では頭上底面灌水が最も適切であったが,蒸発散の少ない冬期や過湿に弱い種においては灌水量をできるだけ少なくすべきと考えられた

    Photocatalytic degradation of trimethoprim using S-TiO2 and Ru/WO3/ZrO2 immobilized on reusable fixed plates

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    In this study, photocatalytic degradation of trimethoprim by synthesized S-TiO2 and Ru/WO3/ZrO2 catalysts was investigated. Both photocatalysts have been immobilized on circular aluminum plates by polysiloxane to investigate their reusability performance. The morphology and structure of the catalysts were studied by high-resolution transmission electron microscopy, X-ray diffraction, and energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy. The photocatalytic experiments were carried out using suspended and attached catalysts using a metal halide lamp as a light source. The degradation efficiencies of trimethoprim were 100% and 98.2% at catalyst dose of 0.5 g/L, pH of 7.0 and irradiation time of 240 min using suspended Ru/WO3/ZrO2 and S-TiO2, respectively. After immobilization of the catalysts on the aluminum plates, the removal efficiencies in five repetitive cycles were 98%, 96.9%, 96.8%, 93.2% and 83.4% using Ru/WO3/ZrO2, while they were 88.6%, 86%, 84%, 78% and 75.9% in case of S-TiO2. The irradiation time of each cycle was 240 min, and the initial trimethoprim concentration was 10 mg/L. The degradation rates of trimethoprim were estimated in the case of suspended and immobilized S-TiO2 and Ru/WO3/ZrO2. The radical trapping experiments using various scavengers revealed that superoxide radicals, holes and hydroxyl radicals all participated in the photo-degradation process. Furthermore, the transformation products generated during the trimethoprim oxidation process were detected by liquid chromatography/mass spectroscopy to identify the possible degradation pathways

    ザッシュ セイケン ニ オケル ワンシンケイソウ ブロック ガ ジョウシ ケツリュウ リョウ ニ オヨボ ス エイキョウ ニ ツ イテ

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    雑種成犬の腕神経叢ブロック(BPB)モデルを作製し,ブロック後の上肢血流量の変化について調べた.【方法】雑種雄性成犬を対象とし,全身麻酔下にBPB モデルを作製し,生理食塩水1 mL(生理食塩水群:8 例)と1%メピバカイン1 mL(局所麻酔薬群:8 例)投与後の正中動脈血流量(MABF)の変化を記録,比較検討した.BPB は,超音波下に21 ゲージ針を腕神経叢内に進め,電気刺激装置にて刺激を確認しながら薬液を注入し,測定終了時に頚部を開創してインジゴカルミン含有の薬液の神経叢内に限局した広がり確認した.BPB による上肢血流量の変化は超音波血流計を用いてMABF を測定することにより評価した.【結果】局所麻酔薬群では,薬液注入30 分後よりブロック側のMABF が有意に増加し,その増加は60 分後に最大値(136.7±35.3%)に達し,有意な血流増加は140 分後まで持続した.局所麻酔薬群のブロック反対側のMABF の変動は認められなかった.一方,生理食塩水群では,薬液注入後のMABF の変動は,ブロック側,反対側ともに認められなかった.【結語】雑種成犬のBPB を作製し,交感神経遮断によると考えられる上肢の動脈血流増加作用を確認した.The purpose of this study is to establish a model of brachial plexus block( BPB) in anesthetized dogs and evaluate changes in the arterial blood flow after BPB. Sixteen anesthetized dogs were enrolled into this study and divided into two groups as follows;M group( 1% mepivacaine 1 mL:n=8) and C group (physiological saline solution (PSS)1 mL:n=8). For BPB, a block needle was inserted into the left brachial plexus under ultrasonic imaging, the brachial plexus was identified using a nerve stimulator and the spread of drug solutions was confirmed by indigo carmine under dissection after the study. Changes in the arterial blood flow were evaluated by the median arterial blood flow (MABF) using the ultrasonic blood flowmeter. In group M,left MABF was significantly increased from 30 min to 120 min after BPB, and maximum increase in MABF was 136.7±35 % at 60 min after BPB. In group C, changes in left MABF were not observed during the study. In both groups, right MABF was not changed after BPB. Our results suggest that BPB may have a vasodilating effect induced by sympathetic block