10,534 research outputs found

    Spikes in Cosmic Crystallography

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    If the universe is multiply connected and small the sky shows multiple images of cosmic objects, correlated by the covering group of the 3-manifold used to model it. These correlations were originally thought to manifest as spikes in pair separation histograms (PSH) built from suitable catalogues. Using probability theory we derive an expression for the expected pair separation histogram (EPSH) in a rather general topological-geometrical-observational setting. As a major consequence we show that the spikes of topological origin in PSH's are due to translations, whereas other isometries manifest as tiny deformations of the PSH corresponding to the simply connected case. This result holds for all Robertson-Walker spacetimes and gives rise to two basic corollaries: (i) that PSH's of Euclidean manifolds that have the same translations in their covering groups exhibit identical spike spectra of topological origin, making clear that even if the universe is flat the topological spikes alone are not sufficient for determining its topology; and (ii) that PSH's of hyperbolic 3-manifolds exhibit no spikes of topological origin. These corollaries ensure that cosmic crystallography, as originally formulated, is not a conclusive method for unveiling the shape of the universe. We also present a method that reduces the statistical fluctuations in PSH's built from simulated catalogues.Comment: 25 pages, LaTeX2e. References updated. To appear in Int. J. Mod. Phys. D (2002) in the present for

    Impact of pelvic radiotherapy on female sexuality

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    PURPOSE: To assess physical and psychological morbidity, sexual functioning and social and relationship satisfaction among women treated with pelvic radiotherapy. METHODS: Observational (case-control) study of 199 women: 98 submitted to pelvic radiotherapy for the treatment of uterine, rectal or anal cancers and 101 without a personal history of cancer and similar socio-demographic variables. These completed a socio-demographic and clinical questionnaire, and validated measures of psychological health (DASS: Lovibond and Lovibond in Behav Res Ther 33:353-343, 1995), sexual function (FSFI: Rosen et al. in J Sex Marital Ther 26:191-208, 2007), social support (ESSS: Ribeiro in Analise Psicologica 3:547-558, 1999) and relationship satisfaction (IMS: Hudson in The WALMYR assessment scales scoring manual 1992). RESULTS: Women submitted to pelvic irradiation reported a higher rate of adverse physical symptoms in the last month: fatigue 59 versus 25% (p < 0.001), lack of strength 42 versus 20% (p = 0.001), diarrhoea 24 versus 12% (p = 0.032), vaginal discharge 17 versus 7% (p = 0.024), skin erythema 9 versus 2% (p = 0.026). Levels of depression, anxiety and stress were higher among radiotherapy patients, but only reach statistical significance for the stress parameter (6.1 vs. 4.0, p = 0.012). Also these women reported lower scores of satisfaction with social support (57.2 vs. 62.2, p = 0.005) and sexual function (8.5 vs. 13.5, p = 0.049). No statistically significant differences occurred between the two groups regarding scores of relationship satisfaction (20.8 vs. 19.9, p = n.s.). CONCLUSIONS: Our results suggested that pelvic radiotherapy had a negative impact on female sexuality. Thus, interventions that would help to reduce this impact need to be designed and integrated into routine clinical practice

    Controle da produção leiteira e a demanda por sistemas computacionais simples.

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    A indústria de software agropecuário trabalha para colaborar com a administração de propriedades rurais procurando compatibilizar complexidade do controle de indicadores e produzir uma ferramenta que seja útil para produtores e técnicos. Esta busca é ajustada pela observação do tamanho do mercado usuário ou potencial usuário de software agropecuários. O artigo tem por objetivo apresentar a necessidade de oferta de ferramentas computacionais simples para o controle da produção de leite visando facilitar a gestão do negócio da pecuária leiteira. Para tanto, foi avaliada estratificação de produtores de leite combinados com dados de quem controla dados de suas propriedades e com reunião com especialistas em agroinformática ocorridas em 2008. Como resultado considerou-se que o uso de planilha eletrônica seria o recomendada na fase inicial de controles passando para programas/software mais detalhados à medida que o registro e uso dos dados como informação seja praticado.SBIAgro 2009

    Ultrasonic estimates of fat thickness and longissimus dorsi muscle depth for predicting carcass composition of live Aragon lambs

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    Six ultrasonic fat and muscle depth measurements, taken on the left and the right side of the fourth lumbar vertebra and third stemebra of the breast bone, were related to carcass composition to determine the accuracy of these measurements for predicting carcass compositon of live Aragdn lambs (Temasco) . Live weight alone accounted for 21, 19,26, 18 and 47% of total variation of muscle, bone plus remainder, total fat, and subcutaneous and intermuscular fat, respectively. Addition of ultrasonic fat depth measurement on the right side of the lumbar region accounted for a further 18,31,33 and 36% of muscle, bone plus remainder, total carcass fat and subcutaneous fat, respectively. Addition of the same measurement taken on the left side accounted for a further 15% of intermuscular fat. Live weight alone accounted for only 4% of the total variation of kidney and pelvic fat, but the addition of ultrasonic fat depth measurement on breast bone accounted for a further 26% of the variation of this fat depot. The accuracy of prediction of carcass composition on live animals could be improved by the addition of ultrasonic fat measurements.Un total de 6 mesures d'épaisseur du gras et du muscle, réalisées en utilisant des ultrasons sur la 4ème vertèbre lombaire et la 3ème sternèbre sternale, ont été rapportées à la composition de la carcasse, en ayant comme objetif d'étudier l'exactitude de ces mesures en tant qu'élément de prédiction de la composition de la carcasse d'agneaux vivants producteurs du ‘Ternasco d'Aragón’. Le poids vif à lui seul a expliqué 21, 19, 26, 18 et 47% de la variation totale du muscle, de l'os plus les déchets, du gras total et du gras souscutané et intermusculaire, respectivement. L'addition des mesures d'épaisseur du gras (mesure C) réalisées par ultrasons sur le côté droit de la région lombaire, ont augmenté de 18, 31, 33 et 36% la précision de l'estimation de la variation totale du muscle, de l'os plus déchets, du gras total et sous-coutané de la carcasse, respectivement. L'addition de la même mesure réalisée sur le côté gauche a augmenté de 15% la précision de l'estimation de la variation totale du gras intermusculaire. Cependant, le poids vif n'a expliqué que 4% de la variation totale du gras pelvico-rénal, mais l'addition de la mesure d'épaisseur du gras sternal total, réalisée aux ultrasons, a augmenté de 26% la précision de l'estimation de la variation de ce dépôt adipeux. La précision de la prédiction de la composition de la carcasse sur l'animal vivant pourrait augmenter par l'addition de mesures de l'épaisseur du gras réalisées aux ultrasons.Un total de 6 medidas de espesor de grasa y músculo realizadas mediante la utilización de ultrasonidos sobre la 4a vertebra lumbar y la 3a esternebra del esternón fueron relacionadas con la composición de la canal, con el principal objetivo de estudiar la exactitud de estas medidas como predictoras de la composición de la canal de corderos vivos productores de ‘Ternasco de Aragón’. El peso vivo solo explicó el 21, 19, 26, 18 y 47% de la variación total del músculo, hueso más desechos, grasa total y grasa subcutanea e intermuscular respectivamente. La adición de las medidas de espesor de grasa (medida C) realizadas con ultrasonidos sobre el lado derecho de la región lumbar, incrementaron un 18, 31, 33 y 36% la precisión de la estimacón de la variación total del músculo, hueso más desechos, grasa total y subcutánea de la canal respectivamente. Y la adición de la misma medida realizada sobre el lado izquierdo incrementó un 15% la precisión en la estimación de la variación total de grasa intermuscular. Sin embargo el peso vivo solo explicó el 4% de la variación total de grasa pelvico-renal, pero la adición de la medida de espesor de grasa total del esternón realizada con untrasonidos, incrementó un 26% la precisión de la estimación de la variación de este depósito adiposo. La precisión de la predicción de la composición de la canal en el animal vivo podría ser incrementada con la adición de medidas del espesor de grasa realizadas con ultrasonidos

    Predicción in vivo de la composición de la canal: técnica de los ultrasonidos y puntuación de la condición corporal.

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    En una detallada monografía sobre la calidad de la canal ovina. Delfa (1992a) y Delfa el al. (J 992a) exponían que la valoración de la composición de la canal, es decir, la determinación de la proporción de piezas que de ella se obtienen así como de la cantidad absoluta o relativa del musculo. grasa y hueso que cada una de las piezas proporcionan y el reparto y distribución del tejido adiposo en la canal. Son los criterios más importantes que dilucidan la calidad de las mismas

    Improvement of fructooligosaccharides yield and productivity by solid‐state cultivation of Aspergillus japonicus on corn cobs

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    Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT) - SFRH/BPD/38212/200

    Ultrasonic estimates of fat thickness, C measurement and longissimus dorsi depth in rasa aragonesa ewes with same body condition score

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    Ultrasonic estimates of fat thickness, C measurement and longissimus dorsi depth were assessed in 14 Rasa Aragonesa ewes with same body condition score. The ultrasonic estimates have been used for predicting tota1 carcass fat and muscle. The 76% of the variation in carcass lumbar fat thickness was accounted for by variation in lumbar fat thickness assessed by ultrasonic machine, whereas 53% of the variation in C measurement was accounted. Nevertheless only 5% of variation in m. Longissimus dorsi depth was accounted for by variation in this measurement assessed by ultrasonics. The inclusion of cold carcass weight as an independent variable in a multiple regression with lumbar fat thickness assessed by ultrasonics and the same measurement obtained on carcass improve the precision of total carcass fat and muscle predictions (r=81 and 91%)

    Adult mastocytosis: a review of the Santo António Hospital 's experience and an evaluation of World Health Organization criteria for the diagnosis of systemic disease

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    BACKGROUND: Mastocytosis is a clonal disorder characterized by the accumulation of abnormal mast cells in the skin and/or in extracutaneous organs. OBJECTIVES: To present all cases of mastocytosis seen in the Porto Hospital Center and evaluate the performance of World Health Organization diagnostic criteria for systemic disease. METHODS: The cases of twenty-four adult patients with mastocytosis were reviewed. Their clinical and laboratorial characteristics were assessed, and the properties of the criteria used to diagnose systemic mastocytosis were evaluated. RESULTS: The age of disease onset ranged from 2 to 75 years. Twenty-three patients had cutaneous involvement and 75% were referred by dermatologists. Urticaria pigmentosa was the most common manifestation of the disease. One patient with severe systemic mast cell mediator-related symptoms showed the activating V560G KIT mutation. The bone marrow was examined in 79% of patients, and mast cell immunophenotyping was performed in 67% of the participants. Systemic disease was detected in 84% of cases, and 81% of the sample had elevated serum tryptase levels. All the diagnostic criteria for systemic mastocytosis had high specificity and positive predictive value. Bone marrow biopsy had the lowest sensitivity, negative predictive value and efficiency, while the highest such values were observed for mast cell immunophenotyping. Patients were treated with regimens including antihistamines, sodium cromoglycate, alpha-interferon, hydroxyurea and phototherapy. CONCLUSIONS: Cutaneous involvement is often seen in adult mastocytosis patients, with most individuals presenting with indolent systemic disease. Although serum tryptase levels are a good indicator of mast cell burden, bone marrow biopsy should also be performed in patients with normal serum tryptase, with flow cytometry being the most adequate method to diagnose systemic disease