15 research outputs found

    Liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry - Application in the clinical laboratory

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    This review provides a concise survey of liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry (LCTMS) as an emerging technology in clinical chemistry. The combination of two mass spectrometers with an interposed collision cell characterizes LCTMS as an analytical technology on its own and not just as a more specific detector for HPLC compared with conventional techniques. In LCTMS, liquid chromatography is rather used for sample preparation but not for complete resolution of compounds of interest. The instrument technology of LCTMS is complex and comparatively expensive; however, in routine use, methods are far more rugged compared to conventional chromatographic techniques and enable highthroughput analyses with very limited manual handling steps. Moreover, compared to both gas chromatographymass spectrometry (GCMS) and conventional HPLC techniques, LCTMS is substantially more versatile with respect to the spectrum of analyzable compounds. For these reasons it is likely that LCTMS will gain far more widespread use in the clinical laboratory than HPLC and GCMS ever did. In this article, the key features of LCTMS are described, method development is explained, typical fields of application are discussed, and personal experiences are related

    Importance of highly selective LC–MS/MS analysis for the accurate quantification of tamoxifen and its metabolites: focus on endoxifen and 4-hydroxytamoxifen

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    The antiestrogenic effect of tamoxifen is mainly attributable to the active metabolites endoxifen and 4-hydroxytamoxifen. This effect is assumed to be concentration-dependent and therefore quantitative analysis of tamoxifen and metabolites for clinical studies and therapeutic drug monitoring is increasing. We investigated the large discrepancies in reported mean endoxifen and 4-hydroxytamoxifen concentrations. Two published LC–MS/MS methods are used to analyse a set of 75 serum samples from patients treated with tamoxifen. The method from Teunissen et al. (J Chrom B, 879:1677–1685, 2011) separates endoxifen and 4-hydroxytamoxifen from other tamoxifen metabolites with similar masses and fragmentation patterns. The second method, published by Gjerde et al. (J Chrom A, 1082:6–14, 2005) however lacks selectivity, resulting in a factor 2–3 overestimation of the endoxifen and 4-hydroxytamoxifen levels, respectively. We emphasize the use of highly selective LC–MS/MS methods for the quantification of tamoxifen and its metabolites in biological samples

    Expression and function of beta-glucuronidase in pancreatic cancer: potential role in drug targeting

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    Improvement of non-surgical strategies is a pivotal task in the treatment of pancreatic cancer. Response to treatment with most anticancer agents has been very poor, probably due to insufficient drug concentration in tumor tissue. Increased response rates during chemotherapy might be achieved by dose escalation; however, this approach is often hampered by severe side effects. One strategy to overcome these adverse effects is application of nontoxic glucuronide prodrugs from which the active moiety is released by beta-glucuronidase within or near the tumor. The use of glucuronide prodrugs in pancreatic cancer requires increased expression of the enzyme in the diseased tissue, a problem that has not been addressed so far. We therefore investigated function and expression of beta-glucuronidase in tissue samples from human healthy pancreas (n = 7) and pancreatic adenocarcinoma (n = 8 ), respectively. Comparing the ability of tissue homogenates to cleave the standard substrate 4-methylumbelliferyl-beta-D-glucuronide, we found a significantly increased specific beta-glucuronidase activity (P < 0.05) in pancreatic cancer (median: 133; 75% percentile: 286; 25% percentile: 111 nmol/mg per h) as compared to healthy pancreas (median: 74; 75% percentile: 113; 25% percentile: 71 nmol/mg per h). Enzyme kinetic experiments with the model prodrug N-[4-beta-glucuronyl-3-nitrobenzyloxycarbonyl] doxorubicin (HMR 1826) demonstrated bioactivation of HMR 1826 by pancreatic beta-glucuronidase. Enzymatic activity was found to be closely related to enzyme contents (r = 0.87) as assessed by Western blot analysis. Our data indicate that increased beta-glucuronidase activity in pancreatic cancer seems to be due to an elevated steady-state level of the protein. This may be the basis for new therapeutic strategies in treatment of pancreatic carcinoma by using glucuronide prodrugs of anticancer agents