8 research outputs found

    Effects of Light, Food Availability and Temperature Stress on the Function of Photosystem II and Photosystem I of Coral Symbionts

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    Background: Reef corals are heterotrophic coelenterates that achieve high productivity through their photosynthetic dinoflagellate symbionts. Excessive seawater temperature destabilises this symbiosis and causes corals to "bleach," lowering their photosynthetic capacity. Bleaching poses a serious threat to the persistence of coral reefs on a global scale. Despite expanding research on the causes of bleaching, the mechanisms remain a subject of debate.\ud \ud Methodology/Principal Findings: This study determined how light and food availability modulate the effects of temperature stress on photosynthesis in two reef coral species. We quantified the activities of Photosystem II, Photosystem I and whole chain electron transport under combinations of normal and stressful growth temperatures, moderate and high light levels and the presence or absence of feeding of the coral hosts. Our results show that PS1 function is comparatively robust against temperature stress in both species, whereas PS2 and whole chain electron transport are susceptible to temperature stress. In the symbiotic dinoflagellates of Stylophora pistillata the contents of chlorophyll and major photosynthetic complexes were primarily affected by food availability. In Turbinaria reniformis growth temperature was the dominant influence on the contents of the photosynthetic complexes. In both species feeding the host significantly protected photosynthetic function from high temperature stress.\ud \ud Conclusions/Significance: Our findings support the photoinhibition model of coral bleaching and demonstrate that PS1 is not a major site for thermal damage during bleaching events. Feeding mitigates bleaching in two scleractinian corals, so that reef responses to temperature stresses will likely be influenced by the coinciding availabilities of prey for the host

    Potato virus Y: Control, Management and Seed Certification Programmes

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    The management of Potato virus Y (PVY) in potato crops poses a continual challenge due to the non-persistent mode of transmission of the virus and the propagation of seed potato tubers over several generations in the field. While PVY-resistant cultivars remain the most efficient way to protect potato crops against PVY, a vast majority of cultivars grown do not display significant resistance to PVY. Due to the short time period for PVY transmission by non-colonising aphid vectors, efficient control of PVY relies on preventing aphids landing on a crop and on adopting precautionary measures by ensuring that crops are grown in areas of low aphid and low virus pressure and limiting field generation. Prophylactic measures such as roguing and early haulm destruction limit PVY spread but are not efficient alone. Among all existing control methods, spraying potato crops with mineral oils can offer significant protection against PVY spread, but their efficacy do vary in field conditions. The combination of several control methods such as mineral oil treatments, crop borders, intercropping, straw mulching or insecticide treatments can increase protection. These emphasise the importance of controlling virus through appropriate monitoring methods and crop management enforced by seed certification schemes through the use of ‘clean’ input seed and, when possible, the segregation of seed and ware crops to minimise the risk of virus transmission. This chapter presents and discusses the most widely used techniques of control and management of PVY, their effectiveness and their mode of action. This chapter also presents the history, objectives and principles of seed potato certification schemes and their role in minimising the spread of viruses within potato crops worldwide