1,781 research outputs found

    An analysis of the adoption of OSS by local public administrations: Evidence from the Emilia-Romagna Region of Italy

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    The wide diffusion of open source software (OSS) is driving discussion among scholars on a set of issues, including its adoption by public administrations (PA). Previous works only discussed one or a few factors that drive the decision to adopt OSS and did not addressed the potential benefits in terms of e-government that OSS may bring to PA. Our paper attempts to fill these gaps. The analysis is based on the Emilia-Romagna region of Italy and studies the adoption of software (both proprietary and open source) by local PA. The results show there is increased adoption of OSS in several different domains of application, both servers and desktop clients. Among the motivations to adopt OSS, only dependence on software suppliers seems to be important. Its adoption also positively affects the variety and extent of interactivity of local public e-services.open source software; public administration; online public services; empirical research

    Public relations in the Albanian telecommunication companies and their impact on the news

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    Telecommunication companies in Albania remain the biggest advertisers in the Albanian media. This reality in the last 15 years, has an impact on the way that media observe these companies and promotes their news. It is seen that these companies have created a kind of immunity by the media because they contribute with advertisement budgets, so much needed by Albanian TV, newspapers and portals. They own very solid structures of PR that are supported by the marketing groups. They changed the way that the corporate news are created, and generally these news are similar to advertisements. Randomly these news are un-noted as promotional messages. Through this paper, are analysed some of these news structures which are a direct product of PR offices. They do not pass through any editorial filter of the media

    Mediumet tradicionale turke në Kosovë, Maqedoni dhe Shqipëri

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    Ky punim do të përpiqet të fokusohet në punën dhe aktivitetin e mediave tradicionale turke në tre vende tërajonit tonë, Kosovë, Shqipëri dhe Maqedoni. Këto media ndërthurin dy aspekte të komunikimit mediatik: komunikimin nga dhe drejt komuniteteve turke në këto vende si dhe komunikimin e Turqisë drejt këtyre vendeve. Në këtë punim do të trajtohen mediat turke vendase si televizionet, radiot, gazetat, revistat dhe faqet e internetit të cilat kanë një karakter privat. Po ashtu do të trajtohen edhe dy mediat publike turke TRT dhe Anadolu Ajansı, të cilat transmetojnë/botojnë aktualisht në gjuhën shqipe si nga Ankaraja ashtu edhe nga Tirana dhe Prishtina. Qëllimi i punimit është të japë një tablo të funksionimit të mediave minoritare në hapsirën shqiptare dhe të mediave publike të një vendi tjetër (konkretisht Turqisë) në gjuhën shqipe në hapsirën mbarëshqiptare. Cili është mesazhi mediatik dhe si është i strukturuar ai në të dy modelet

    Riabilitazione della sella distale edentula del mascellare atrofico. Alternative di trattamento. Impianti a lama.

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    Nel corso dei decenni, l’approccio alle diverse problematiche anatomiche con cui l’implantologia si ù dovuta scontrare consisteva principalmente nell’alterazione dell’anatomia del paziente attraverso l’utilizzo di diverse metodiche chirurgiche pre-implantari che avevano come obiettivo l’incremento dell’osso alveolare atrofico per permettere l’inserimento di impianti “tradizionali”. Tuttavia suddette tecniche sono spesso di difficile esecuzione, talvolta scarsamente predicibili, costose, e risultano stressanti per i pazienti. Negli ultimi anni si ù aperta una nuova strada che consiste nell’adattare le forme e le dimensioni implantari alle configurazioni anatomiche presenti senza la necessità di eseguire chirurgie pre-implantari. L’obiettivo di questa tesi ù dimostrare come “nuove” forme implantari possano andare a rappresentare, in particolari situazioni anatomiche, delle ottime soluzioni terapeutiche. L’impianto preso in considerazione nello studio ricorda la forma degli impianti a lama introdotti da Leonard Linkow nel 1986 negli Stati Uniti d’America

    Përmbajtjet ndërkombëtare (filma, seriale dhe telenovela) në median vendore shqiptare pas dixhitalizimit

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    Kanalet televizive vendore nĂ« ShqipĂ«ri u kanĂ« dhĂ«nĂ« njĂ« kohĂ« speciale transmetimi produksioneve ndĂ«rkombĂ«tare, veçanĂ«risht serialeve, telenovelave dhe muzikĂ«s. Arsyeja se pĂ«rse ka njĂ« prezencĂ« tĂ« kĂ«tyre produksioneve Ă«shtĂ« fakti qĂ« TV vendore shqiptare financiarisht nuk munden tĂ« prodhojnĂ« emisionet e tyre vendore. Serialet dhe telenovelat, pĂ«rgjithĂ«sisht nga Amerika Latine (Brazili, Venezuela, Meksika), ShBA, Italia dhe Turqia transmetohen tashmĂ« nĂ« kĂ«to kanale televizive. Por, pas hyrjes sĂ« tyre nĂ« rrjetin e dixhitalizuar, transmetimi i kĂ«tyre pĂ«rmbajtjeve do tĂ« jetĂ« i vĂ«shtirĂ« pĂ«r tre arsye kryesore: 1. E drejta e transmetimit tĂ« serialeve Ă«shtĂ« nĂ« dorĂ« tĂ« kanaleve kombĂ«tare shqiptare (kryesisht me qendĂ«r nĂ« TiranĂ«, apo edhe nĂ« PrishtinĂ« dhe Shkup). 2. Ligji kundĂ«r piraterisĂ« i promovuar me kujdes nga AMA 3. Çmimi shumĂ« i lartĂ« i kĂ«tyre programeve nĂ«se blihen direkt nga kompanitĂ« ndĂ«rkombĂ«tare tĂ« shpĂ«rndarjes. PĂ«r kĂ«tĂ« arsye, ne mendojmĂ« qĂ« kanalet televizive vendore nĂ« ShqipĂ«ri do tĂ« pĂ«rballen me vĂ«shtirĂ«si dhe probleme me pĂ«rmbajtjet e tyre ndĂ«rkombĂ«tare nĂ« pĂ«rgjithĂ«si dhe me serialet nĂ« veçanti. ShumĂ« nga kĂ«to kanale mund edhe tĂ« ndĂ«rpresin transmetimet sepse serialet mbeten matĂ«rialet kryesore tĂ« trabnsmetimit, krahas edicioneve vendore tĂ« lajmeve tĂ« pĂ«rgatitura prej tyr

    Traditional Turkish Media in Kosovo, Macedonia and Albania

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    This work will try to focus on the work and activities of Turkish traditional media in the three countries of our region, Kosovo, Albania and Macedonia. These media combine two aspects of communication media: communications from and to Turkish communities in these countries as well as Turkey's communication to these countries. In this work will be treated local Turkish Media like television, radio, newspapers, magazines and websites which have a private character. Also it will be treated two Public Turkish media, “TRT” and “Anadolu Ajansı”, which broadcasts / publishes currently in Albanian language from Ankara, Tirana and Pristina. The purpose of this work is to provide an overview of how the minority media works in Albanian area and public media of another country (in this case Turkey) in Albanian language in the Albanian speaking region. What is the message the media and how it is structured in two models


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    The Republic of Turkey is now maybe the most dominant and economically powerful country in the Balkans. In the current global economic crisis, Turkey remains the 17th most developed country in the world, and it expects to be among the 10 most dominant states by the year 2023. The official diplomatic relations between Turkey and Albania date back to the 1920s and despite all the political changes, these relations still remain lively. Recently, the so-called Turkey’s “soft power” in the region has brought many discussions about Turkey’s Neo-Ottomanism. The “MuhteƟem YĂŒzyıl” (Splendid Century) TV serial, named in Albanian “Sulejmani i MadhĂ«rishĂ«m” (Suleyman, The Magnificent) brought discussions about the Turkish public diplomacy in Albania and in the Balkans generally. This means that the Turkish TV industry, despite being a private business, has now taken on the role of the Turkish State partner, by creating, bringing and imposing a new image of Turkey abroad, and in this study concern in Albania. The twelve most successful Turkish TV serials that are aired on the Albanian televisions such as the national “Klan” TV, “Vizion Plus” TV, “Albanian Screen” TV etc., bring another reality and image of Turkey to Albania. These serials seem to be part of that public diplomacy. And as the former diplomat and Dean of the Fletcher School Edmund A. Gullion (March 1966) says, “By public diplomacy we understand the means by which governments, private groups, and individuals influence the attitudes and opinions of other peoples and governments in such a way as to exercise influence on their foreign policy decisions”. This study aims to answer the following questions: 1. How Turkey is using its public diplomacy in Albania through its TV serials? 2. What is the impact of these serials regarding the image of Turkey and its economy

    Marrëdhëniet publike në kompanitë e telekomunikacionit në Shqipëri dhe ndikimi i tyre mbi lajmin

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    KompanitĂ« e telekomunikacionit nĂ« ShqipĂ«ri mbeten reklamuesit mĂ« tĂ« mĂ«dhenj nĂ« median shqiptare. Ky realitet nĂ« mĂ« se 15 vjet ka ndikuar nĂ« mĂ«nyrĂ«n se si media i sheh kĂ«to kompani dhe si pĂ«rçon mesazhet e tyre te publiku. Mendohet se ato kanĂ« ndikuar nĂ« ndĂ«rtimin e njĂ« “paprekshmĂ«rie” nga ana e medias, duke qenĂ« kontributorĂ« me buxhete, aq tĂ« nevojshme pĂ«r mbijetesĂ«n financiare tĂ« televizioneve, gazetave dhe portaleve. TĂ« mbĂ«shtetur nga agjenci tĂ« fuqishme tĂ« marketingut dhe MarrĂ«dhĂ«nieve Publike vendore apo ndĂ«rkombĂ«tare si dhe me strukturat e tyre organizative tĂ« konsoliduara, kĂ«to kompani kanĂ« ndryshuar mĂ«nyrĂ«n se si ndĂ«rtohen lajmet ekonomike, duke i pĂ«rafruar ato me gjuhĂ«n e reklamĂ«s. KĂ«tu ka ndikim fakti qĂ« shumica e kĂ«tyre departamenteve tĂ« MP varen nga drejtoritĂ« apo grupet e marketingut. PĂ«rmbjatje reklamuese, shfaqen rĂ«ndom nĂ« edicione lajmesh tĂ« pashoqĂ«ruara me njoftimin se ato janĂ« njoftime tĂ« MP apo tĂ« marketingut. PĂ«rmes kĂ«tij punimi synohet tĂ« analizohen disa prej kĂ«tyre lajmeve, dhe mĂ«nyra se si janĂ« ndĂ«rtuar pikĂ« sĂ« pari nga vetĂ« zyrat e MP dhe transmetuar/publikuar nĂ« media. KĂ«to lajme janĂ« njĂ« produkt i drejtpĂ«rdrejtĂ« i zyrave tĂ« MP pranĂ« kompanive ndĂ«rsa media pĂ«rdoret vetĂ«m si njĂ« kanal komunikimi me publikun. Pra, media nuk ushtron asnjĂ« lloj filtri apo politike redaksionale mbi kĂ«to pĂ«rmbajtje informative

    Fatores de risco para endometrite puerperal.

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    Trabalho de ConclusĂŁo de Curso - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro de CiĂȘncias da SaĂșde, Departamento de Tocoginecologia, Curso de Medicina, FlorianĂłpolis, 199
