24 research outputs found

    Interaction of somatic cell count and quarter milk flow patterns

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    Milk flow parameters at udder and quarter levels were studied in relation to somatic cell count (SCC) and other risk factors for mastitis (bimodality, duration of decline, and duration of overmilking phase). Thirty-eight Holstein cows in their first to sixth lactations were investigated during 10 mo of lactation. Monthly milk samples were collected for SCC during morning milking. Quarter and udder milk flows were recorded daily. A cow was included if one quarter was found to have an SCC higher than 200 x 103 cells/mL. A total of 3,262 quarter milk flow curves and 804 udder milk flow curves from 22 cows (6 primiparous and 16 multiparous) were selected and evaluated. Selected data for milk flow profiles in relation to SCC represented 5 consecutive morning milkings around the time of milk sampling (sampling on d 3). A total of 661 milk samples were analyzed. At both the udder and quarter levels milk yield was reduced in groups with increased SCC. Quarters with high SCC (>500 x 103 cells/mL) had lower peak flow rate and longer overmilking phases compared with quarters with low SCC

    Sources of variation in milk flow characteristics at udder and quarter levels

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    The aim of this study was to describe and analyze effects of parity, stage of lactation, milkability (3 groups of cows with differing peak flow rates), time of milking, and quarter position on milk production and milk flow measures at udder and quarter levels. Particular emphasis was put on changes to the decline phase and in duration of overmilking. More than 75,800 quarter milk flow curves and more than 19,300 udder milk flow curves obtained from 38 cows throughout lactation were analyzed. Stage of lactation significantly influenced all studied variables at both udder and quarter levels. At the quarter level, the duration of decline phase and the decline ratio (decline phase as a percentage of milking time) decreased from mo 1 to 2 and then gradually increased as lactation advanced. In contrast, at the udder level, duration of decline phase decreased throughout lactation but beginning at mo 2, the decline ratio increased as lactation advanced. The duration of the overmilking phase of quarters increased from mo 1 to 3 and then decreased in the course of lactation. Parity did not influence peak and average flow rates, the duration of increase phase, or the decline ratio at either udder or quarter levels. All milk flow measures were higher during morning milking except the duration of increase and decline phases at the quarter level and the duration of increase phase at the udder level. Milk yield and the duration of increase phase were not affected by milkability at either level. Quarters from udders with high milkability had longest duration of decline phase and the shortest overmilking phase. Milkability did not influence duration of the decline phase at the udder level. Quarter position influenced all measured variables of milk yield and milk flow. Rear quarters had significantly higher milk yield, longer time of milking, higher peak, and higher average flow rates than front quarters. Front quarters had shorter duration of increase and decline phases than rear quarters. The duration of the overmilking phase was almost double for front quarters. There were also differences in measured flow rates between left or right quarters on respective front or rear positions. Measured characteristics reported in this study may be important in setting default parameters in automated milking systems

    The importance of increased levels of oxytocin induced by naloxone to milk removal in dairy cows

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    Dose dependent changes in inflammatory parameters in the milk of dairy cows after intramammary infusion of lipopolysaccharide

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    Quarter milk flow patterns in dairy cows: factors involved and repeatability

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    The objectives of our study were to describe the variation of quarter milk flow parameters and to determine the factors that affect these parameters the most. Additionally, repeatabilities (r2) of the quarter milk flow traits (duration of milk flow, time to reach peak flow, peak flow rate, and duration of milk flow in single phases - increase, plateau, decline and blind phase) were calculated. Repeatability of total milk yield and milk yield in single phases was calculated, too. The data from 39 Holstein cows, in their first to third lactation and free of clinical mastitis, were used for statistical analysis. A total of 1 656 curves of quarter milk flows were recorded during six consecutive days. At the last evening and morning milking samples of milk from each quarter were collected for determination of somatic cell count (SCC). Peak flow rate, quarter position, time of milking (morning and evening) and SCC significantly affected most of the measured traits. The highest r2 were for total milk yield and yield of plateau phase 0.53 and 0.50, resp. The lowest r2 were calculated for the duration of increase phase, and milk yield of the increase and blind phase 0.26, 0.12 and 0.21, resp. Peak flow rate, SCC, time of milking and front-rear position influenced the values of r2 of traits to various extent

    Milk flow patterns at the end of milking at the whole udder or quarter levels: relationship to somatic cell counts.

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    On the basis of the milk flow profiles analysed at the level of single quarters and whole udder relationships between the duration of the decline phase of milk flow and somatic cell counts (SCC) were investigated. 39 Holstein cows, free of clinical mastitis and in their first to third lactation, were used. A total of 1760 quarter and 440 whole udder milk flow curves were recorded during 6 consecutive days. At the last evening and morning milking of this period milk samples from all quarters were collected for SCC determination. At the whole udder level no relation between duration of the decline phase and SCC was found. The decline phase increased with increasing milk yield. At the single quarter level the cows with longer duration (over 80s) of quarter decline phase had significantly higher SCC in their milk. Single quarter decline phase increased with peak milk flow rate. The duration of the quarter decline phase was not related to the duration of blind phase (overmilking) and milk production. No correlation was found between duration of blind phase and SCC on a single quarter level