25,187 research outputs found

    On the spectrum of S=1/2 XXX Heisenberg chain with elliptic exchange

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    It is found that the Hamiltonian of S=1/2 isotropic Heisenberg chain with NN sites and elliptic non-nearest-neighbor exchange is diagonalized in each sector of the Hilbert space with magnetization N/2MN/2-M, 1<M[N/2]1<M\leq[N/2], by means of double quasiperiodic meromorphic solutions to the MM-particle quantum Calogero-Moser problem on a line. The spectrum and highest-weight states are determined by the solutions of the systems of transcendental equations of the Bethe-ansatz type which arise as restrictions to particle pseudomomenta.Comment: 9 pages, Late

    Nonlinear integral equations for thermodynamics of the sl(r+1) Uimin-Sutherland model

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    We derive traditional thermodynamic Bethe ansatz (TBA) equations for the sl(r+1) Uimin-Sutherland model from the T-system of the quantum transfer matrix. These TBA equations are identical to the ones from the string hypothesis. Next we derive a new family of nonlinear integral equations (NLIE). In particular, a subset of these NLIE forms a system of NLIE which contains only a finite number of unknown functions. For r=1, this subset of NLIE reduces to Takahashi's NLIE for the XXX spin chain. A relation between the traditional TBA equations and our new NLIE is clarified. Based on our new NLIE, we also calculate the high temperature expansion of the free energy.Comment: 24 pages, 4 figures, to appear in J. Phys. A: Math. Ge

    An Unfolded Quantization for Twisted Hopf Algebras

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    In this talk I discuss a recently developed "Unfolded Quantization Framework". It allows to introduce a Hamiltonian Second Quantization based on a Hopf algebra endowed with a coproduct satisfying, for the Hamiltonian, the physical requirement of being a primitive element. The scheme can be applied to theories deformed via a Drinfeld twist. I discuss in particular two cases: the abelian twist deformation of a rotationally invariant nonrelativistic Quantum Mechanics (the twist induces a standard noncommutativity) and the Jordanian twist of the harmonic oscillator. In the latter case the twist induces a Snyder non-commutativity for the space-coordinates, with a pseudo-Hermitian deformed Hamiltonian. The "Unfolded Quantization Framework" unambiguously fixes the non-additive effective interactions in the multi-particle sector of the deformed quantum theory. The statistics of the particles is preserved even in the presence of a deformation.Comment: 9 pages. Talk given at QTS7 (7th Int. Conf. on Quantum Theory and Symmetries, Prague, August 2011

    From the quantum Jacobi-Trudi and Giambelli formula to a nonlinear integral equation for thermodynamics of the higher spin Heisenberg model

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    We propose a nonlinear integral equation (NLIE) with only one unknown function, which gives the free energy of the integrable one dimensional Heisenberg model with arbitrary spin. In deriving the NLIE, the quantum Jacobi-Trudi and Giambelli formula (Bazhanov-Reshetikhin formula), which gives the solution of the T-system, plays an important role. In addition, we also calculate the high temperature expansion of the specific heat and the magnetic susceptibility.Comment: 18 pages, LaTeX; some explanations, 2 figures, one reference added; typos corrected; to appear in J. Phys. A: Math. Ge

    Yang-Yang thermodynamics on an atom chip

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    We investigate the behavior of a weakly interacting nearly one-dimensional (1D) trapped Bose gas at finite temperature. We perform in situ measurements of spatial density profiles and show that they are very well described by a model based on exact solutions obtained using the Yang-Yang thermodynamic formalism, in a regime where other, approximate theoretical approaches fail. We use Bose-gas focusing [Shvarchuck etal., Phys. Rev. Lett. 89, 270404 (2002)] to probe the axial momentum distribution of the gas, and find good agreement with the in situ results.Comment: extended introduction and conclusions, and minor changes throughout; accepted for publication in Phys. Rev. Let

    Nonperturbative QED Effective Action at Finite Temperature

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    We advance a novel method for the finite-temperature effective action for nonequilibrium quantum fields and find the QED effective action in time-dependent electric fields, where charged pairs evolve out of equilibrium. The imaginary part of the effective action consists of thermal loops of the Fermi-Dirac or Bose-Einstein distribution for the initial thermal ensemble weighted with factors for vacuum fluctuations. And the real part of the effective action is determined by the mean number of produced pairs, vacuum polarization, and thermal distribution. The mean number of produced pairs is equal to twice the imaginary part. We explicitly find the finite-temperature effective action in a constant electric field.Comment: RevTex4, 6pages, no figure; replaced by the version to be published in Phys. Rev.

    Strong short-range magnetic order in a frustrated FCC lattice and its possible role in the iron structural transformation

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    We investigate magnetic properties of a frustrated Heisenberg antiferromagnet with a face-centered cubic (FCC) lattice and exchange interactions between the nearest- and next-nearest neighbours, J1 and J2. In a collinear phase with the wave vector Q = (pi,pi,pi) the equations of the self-consistent spin-wave theory for the sublattice magnetization and the average short range order parameter are obtained and numerically solved. The dependence of the Neel temperature T_N on the ratio J2/J1 is obtained. It is shown, that at strong enough frustration there is a wide temperature region above T_N with strong short range magnetic order. Application of this result to description of structural phase transition between alpha and gamma-phase of Fe is considered

    Crystal properties of eigenstates for quantum cat maps

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    Using the Bargmann-Husimi representation of quantum mechanics on a torus phase space, we study analytically eigenstates of quantized cat maps. The linearity of these maps implies a close relationship between classically invariant sublattices on the one hand, and the patterns (or `constellations') of Husimi zeros of certain quantum eigenstates on the other hand. For these states, the zero patterns are crystals on the torus. As a consequence, we can compute explicit families of eigenstates for which the zero patterns become uniformly distributed on the torus phase space in the limit 0\hbar\to 0. This result constitutes a first rigorous example of semi-classical equidistribution for Husimi zeros of eigenstates in quantized one-dimensional chaotic systems.Comment: 43 pages, LaTeX, including 7 eps figures Some amendments were made in order to clarify the text, mainly in the 4 first sections. Figures are unchanged. To be published in: Nonlinearit

    First order transition from correlated electron semiconductor to ferromagnetic metal in single crystalline FeSi1-xGex

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    The phase diagram of FeSi1-xGex, obtained from magnetic, thermal and transport measurements on single crystals, shows a first-order transition from a correlated electron semiconductor to a ferromagnetic metal at a critical concentration, x ~ 0.25. The gap of the insulating phase strongly decreases with x. The specific heat coefficient appears to track the density of states of a Kondo insulator. The phase diagram is consistent with a correlation induced insulator-metal transition in conjunction with disorder on the Si/Ge ligand site