368 research outputs found

    Rigid-body fitting to atomic force microscopy images for inferring probe shape and biomolecular structure

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    Atomic force microscopy (AFM) can visualize functional biomolecules near the physiological condition, but the observed data are limited to the surface height of specimens. Since the AFM images highly depend on the probe tip shape, for successful inference of molecular structures from the measurement, the knowledge of the probe shape is required, but is often missing. Here, we developed a method of the rigid-body fitting to AFM images, which simultaneously finds the shape of the probe tip and the placement of the molecular structure via an exhaustive search. First, we examined four similarity scores via twin-experiments for four test proteins, finding that the cosine similarity score generally worked best, whereas the pixel-RMSD and the correlation coefficient were also useful. We then applied the method to two experimental high-speed-AFM images inferring the probe shape and the molecular placement. The results suggest that the appropriate similarity score can differ between target systems. For an actin filament image, the cosine similarity apparently worked best. For an image of the flagellar protein FlhAC, we found the correlation coefficient gave better results. This difference may partly be attributed to the flexibility in the target molecule, ignored in the rigid-body fitting. The inferred tip shape and placement results can be further refined by other methods, such as the flexible fitting molecular dynamics simulations. The developed software is publicly available


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    The influence of pump phase error on phase-sensitive optical amplifier (PSA) repeaters and the waveform degradation due to chromatic dispersion and fiber nonlinearities in the optical multi-relay transmission of quadrature phase-shift keying phase-conjugated twin waves are considered theoretically. First, the influence of noise from the pump phase error, optical local oscillator, receiver, and the amplified spontaneous-emission (ASE) in PSA repeaters is investigated with the assumption that transmission fibers are linear lossy channels. The bit-error rate (BER) is estimated as a function of the signal-to-noise ratio, and the relationship between the number of transmission relays and the fiber launch power is clarified. Waveform degradation due to chromatic dispersion and the optical fiber nonlinearities in transmission fibers are investigated with the noiseless condition, and the maximum repeatable number as a function of the fiber launch power is calculated. Finally, we show the relationship among the maximum repeatable number, standard deviation of pump phase error in PSA repeaters, and the fiber launch power to clarify the optimum transmission condition with consideration of the noise and the waveform degradation


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    This study aimed to build a numerical model of carrier extraction from dual-polarization phase-conjugated twin waves (DP-PCTWs) to investigate polarization dependence on the carrier extraction in a pump phase-locked loop for phase-sensitive optical amplifier repeaters. First, the numerical model was developed, and extracted carrier power of 40-Gbit/s DP-PCTWs with quadrature phase-shift keying format was calculated. Numerical results show the extracted carrier disappears when the PCTWs are circular polarization, and polarization dependence exists on the carrier extraction. Then, carrier extraction of a 10-Gbit/s DP-PCTW with binary phase-shift keying format was experimentally demonstrated. The extracted carrier power was found to be relatively low when the DP-PCTWs are circular polarization, and this trend agrees closely with the numerical results. These results show the reasonability of the numerical model and existence of polarization dependence on the carrier extraction from DP-PCTWs


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    The correlation between the efficacy of 4-weeks administration with pranlukast, leukotriene receptor antagonist, and LTs generation by peripheral leukocytes were evaluated in 18 patients with mild-persistent asthma. The efficacy of pranlukast administration was assessed by symptom, morning PEF and pulmonary function. Pranlukast were effective in 12/18(67%) patients. In those patients, LTC4 generation before pranlukast administration was significantly high, compared with that in pranlukast-ineffective patients. LTC4 generation decreased after 4-weeks administration with pranlukast in effective patients. In ineffective patients, however, LTC4 generation increased after 4-weeks administration. LTB4 had shown no significant difference between effective and ineffective patients before administration, and LTB4 decreased after 4-weeks in both groups. Proport ion of peripheral eosinophi Is in effective patients were higher than that in ineffective patients, however not significant. After 4-weeks, proportion of eosinophi Is was decreased in effective patients and increased in ineffective patients. These findings suggest that pranlukast is effective for patients with high LTC4 generation and has the effect to suppress the accumulation of eosinophils in such patients.軽症気管支喘息18例にロイコトリエン受容体桔抗薬プランルカストを4週間投与し,その効果と末梢血白血球からのLTC4,LTB4産生能の関係を検討した.プランルカストの効果は臨床症状,起床時ピークフロー値,肺機能の変化によって判定し,効果群,非効果群の2群に分類した.18例中12例(67%)の症例がプランルカスト投与により,臨床症状の軽減,ピークフロー値の増加,肺機能の改善が認められた.効果群におけるプランルカスト投与前のLTC4値は,非効果群のLTC4値に比較して有意に高値であった.4週間の投与後には 効果群ではLTC4値は減少し,非効果群では増加した.両群のLTB4値はプランルカスト投与前で有意な差は認められず,投与後には両群で減少した.投与前の好酸球分画は,効果群において非効果群に比べ高値であったが,有意な差は認められなかった.4週間の投与後,効果群においては好酸球は減少し,非効果群においては増加した.以上の結果より,プランルカストは末梢血白血球のLTC4産生能が高い症例において効果的であり,好酸球集積を抑制する作用を有すると考えられる

    Escherichia coli in Tuul River, Mongolia

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    Durability investigation of burner rig of Yb2SiO5 environmental barrier coatings

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    Clinical Management of Pressure Control Ventilation: An Algorithmic Method of Patient Ventilatory Management to Address “Forgotten but Important Variables”

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    Pressure controlled ventilation is a common mode of ventilation used to manage both adult and pediatric populations. However, there is very little evidence that distinguishes the efficacy of pressure controlled ventilation over that of volume controlled ventilation in the adult population. This gap in the literature may be due to the absence of a consistent and systematic algorithm for managing pressure controlled ventilation. This article provides a brief overview of the applications of both pressure controlled ventilation and volume controlled ventilation and proposes an algorithmic approach to the management of patients receiving pressure controlled ventilation. This algorithmic approach highlights the need for clinicians to have a comprehensive conceptual understanding of mechanical ventilation, pulmonary physiology, and interpretation of ventilator graphics in order to best care for patients receiving pressure controlled ventilation. The objective of identifying a systematic approach to managing pressure controlled ventilation is to provide a more generalizable and equitable approach to management of the ICU patient. Ideally, a consistent approach to managing pressure controlled ventilation in the adult population will glean more reliable information regarding actual patient outcomes, as well as the efficacy of pressure controlled ventilation when compared to volume controlled ventilation


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    Dietary supplementation with perilla seed oil, a vegetable oil rich in α -lin- olenic acid, inhibits the generation of leukotrienes(LTs) by leucocytes in patients with bronchial asthma. We examined the factors that affect the suppression of LT generation by leucocytes with perilla seed oil-rich supplementation in patients with asthma, by comparing the clinical features of patients with asthma, whose generation of leukotriene (LT) C4 was suppressed by dietary supplementation with perilla seed oil (n-3 fatty acids) (group A), with those of patients who showed no suppression of LTC4 generation (group B). Group A showed a significant increase in the generation of LTB4 and L TC4 by leucocytes after corn oil-rich supplementation (n-6 fatty acids), and a significant decrease in the generation of LTB4 and LTC4 after perilla seed oil-rich supplementation (n-3 fatty acid). However, this was not observed in group B. The level of serum IgE and peak expiratory flow (PEF) in group A were significantly higher than in group B. Furthermore, the serum levels of LDL-cholesterol, β-lipoprotein and phospholipid were significantly lower in group A than in group B. These results suggest that the clinical features differ between these two asthmatic populations with respect to suppression of LTB4 and LTC4 generation by n-3 fatty acids in perilla seed oil-rich supplementation.a-リノレン酸の豊富なエゴマ油の食事は気管支喘息患者の白血球ロイコトリエン(LT)産生能を抑制する。気管支喘息患者の内,エゴマ油食によりLTC4の産生が抑制された群(A群)と抑制されない群(B群)の臨床データを比較することにより,気管支喘息患者の白血球ロイコトリエン産生能に影響する因子を検討した。A群はコーン油(n-6系脂肪酸)の豊富な食事後,白血LTB4,LTC4の産生能が増加し,エゴマ油(n-3系脂肪酸)の豊富な食事後LTB4,LTC4の産生能が減少した。これらの変化はB群では認められなかった。A群のIgE値,ピークフロー(PEF)値はB群に比し,有意に高値であった。またLDL-コレステロール,β-リポ蛋白,リン脂質はA群ではB群に比し,有意に低値であった。これらの結果はエゴマ油の豊富な食事のn-3系脂肪酸によるLTB4,LTC4の産生能の抑制に関して2群の気管支喘息患者群間に臨床データの相違があることを示唆している

    Direct Observation and Simulation for of Ladle Pouring and Plunger Advancing behaviours in Die Casting Process

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    The ladle pouring and plunger advancing processes are parts of the die casting which has advantages of high speed, good quality and mass production. The molten metal is quickly poured into the sleeve by tilting the ladle, and immediately injected into the die cavity with high speed and high pressure by advancing the plunger. Since the entrapment of air and the generation of solidified layer in the ladle pouring may cause the defects of cast products, it is necessary to simulate the ladle pouring behavior. In the present study, the pouring experiment into the sleeve using die casting aluminum alloy JIS-ADC12 are carried out to observe the flow behavior by tilting the ladle. Further the molten aluminum alloy is injected to the cavity from the sleeve by advancing the injection plunger. Dynamics of the molten aluminum alloy is influenced by the oxide film [1][2]. The flow behaviors in ladle pouring and plunger advancing of molten aluminum alloy are simulated using "COLMINA CAE", which is the casting analysis software by particle method SPH [3]. The experiments and simulation are executed varying with the shot time lag, which is the interval from finish of ladle pouring to start the plunger advancing, and plunger speeds. Wave behavior obtained by simulation is almost agreed with the actual phenomena. Flow and heat transfer simulation using SPH method with a function of the oxide film is effective method that ladle pouring and plunger advancing of molten aluminum alloy with free surface flow can be simulated accurately