2 research outputs found


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    In teaching Japanese at advanced levels, the aim is to have students acquire sufficient Japanese language skills to enable them to take specialized courses conducted only in Japanese. However, this aim is often difficult to achieve because of the students\u27 diverse backgrounds and levels of Japanese proficiency. If a suitable CAI system can be developed and course were prepared with a text related to each student\u27s major field of study, effective individual teaching will be possible thereby enabling each student to acquire sufficient language skills to take specialized courses. In this paper we will discuss, firstly, the necessity of teaching reading of Japanese with a text which relates to the student\u27s major field of study and second, the development of a CAI system for teaching advanced level Japanese language courses

    Fundamental Studies on Electrokinetic Chromatography with PEGylated Phospholipid Micelles

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    In this study, micelles prepared from distearoylphosphatidylethanolamine with covalently attached poly(ethylene) glycol) (PEG) of molecular weight 2000 (DSPE-PEG-2000) were employed in micellar electrokinetic chromatography (MEKC) as pseudostationary phases. Since DSPE-PEG-2000 contains long hydrophobic alkyl chains, an anionic phosphate group, and hydrophilic PEG chains, the prepared micelles are expected to provide a characteristic retention behavior for both neutral and ionic compounds. As a typical example, a baseline separation of phenol and 2-naphthol was successfully achieved by using the DSPE-PEG-2000 micelles as a background electrolyte for MEKC; such success clearly shows that the micelles can retain electrically neutral compounds. The MEKC separations of anionic and cationic compounds with a DSPE-PEG-2000 micellar solution and the enantioseparation of binaphthyl compounds with mixed micelles containing bile salt are also discussed