10 research outputs found

    Trypanosomiasis cruzi: a follow-up study of tissue reacting immunoglobulins in infected purebred pinscher dogs

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    Antibodies against striated muscle (cardiac and skeletal) were studied in serum samples from 36 purebred prepubertal Pinscher dogs (15 Controls without infection and 21 infected with Trypanosoma cruzi from 7 to 400 days after infection with 1000 trypomastigotes/gram body weight of the Colombiana strain by the intraperitoneal route). Although three different immunohistological pattems of tissue-reacting immunoglobulins were found their presence was not correlated with any peculiar characteristics or with the severity of the disease in each particular dog

    Activity of the New Triazole Derivative Albaconazole against Trypanosoma (Schizotrypanum) cruzi in Dog Hosts

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    Albaconazole is an experimental triazole derivative with potent and broad-spectrum antifungal activity and a remarkably long half-life in dogs, monkeys, and humans. In the present work, we investigated the in vivo activity of this compound against two strains of the protozoan parasite Trypanosoma (Schizotrypanum) cruzi, the causative agent of Chagas' disease, using dogs as hosts. The T. cruzi strains used in the study were previously characterized (murine model) as susceptible (strain Berenice-78) and partially resistant (strain Y) to the drugs currently in clinical use, nifurtimox and benznidazole. Our results demonstrated that albaconazole is very effective in suppressing the proliferation of the parasite and preventing the death of infected animals. Furthermore, the parasitological, PCR, serological, and proliferative assay results indicated parasitological cure indices of 25 and 100% among animals inoculated with T. cruzi strain Y when they were treated with albaconazole at 1.5 mg/kg of body weight/day for 60 and 90 days, respectively. On the other hand, although albaconazole given at 1.5 mg/kg/day was very effective in suppressing the proliferation of the parasite in animals infected with the Berenice-78 T. cruzi strain, no parasitological cure was observed among them, even when a longer treatment period (150 doses) was used. In conclusion, our results demonstrate that albaconazole has trypanocidal activity in vivo and is capable of inducing radical parasitological cure, although natural resistance to this compound was also indicated. Furthermore, the compound can be used in long-term treatment schemes (60 to 150 days) with minimal toxicity and thus represents a potentially useful candidate for the treatment of human Chagas' disease

    A viagem científica de Neiva e Penna: roteiro para os estudos das doenças do sertão The scientific journey taken by Neiva and Penna: a blueprint for studies of diseases from the Brazilian hinterland

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    Analisa o relatório de Arthur Neiva e Belisario Penna , focalizando a contribuição dos autores ao estudo de uma das doenças endêmicas por eles encontrada ao longo de todo o trajeto percorrido, de longa data conhecida popularmente por 'mal de engasgo'. Observaram e descreveram com minúcia os sintomas apresentados pelos doentes e a associação frequente do mal de engasgo com outro mal endêmico conhecido por 'vexame' ou 'vexame do coração', que consistia em crises de palpitações. Os estudos epidemiológicos e clínicos de Neiva e Penna sobre o mal de engasgo muito contribuíram para o conhecimento dessa afecção e representaram um incentivo para todos os pesquisadores que se dedicaram ao seu estudo, especialmente quanto a sua relação com a doença de Chagas.<br>Analyze the report by Neiva and Penna, focusing on the contribution these authors made to the study of one of the endemic diseases encountered throughout their journey, which had been long known under the popular name of mal de engasgo (choking disease). They recorded their observations and detailed descriptions of the patients' symptoms and the association frequently encountered between mal de engasgo and another endemic disease, known as vexame or vexame do coração, characterized by bouts of palpitations. Neiva and Penna's epidemiological and clinical observations of mal de engasgo were crucial for all the researchers interested in the disease, especially its relationship with Chagas disease