18 research outputs found

    Kingdom Elizabeth, What's wrong with Righis ? Problems for Feminist Politics of Law, 1991

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    Tabak Fanny. Kingdom Elizabeth, What's wrong with Righis ? Problems for Feminist Politics of Law, 1991. In: Droit et société, n°20-21, 1992. Une science sociale pour la pratique juridique ? pp. 316-317

    Impacto de la urbanización sobre la participación de la mujer de bajos ingresos

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    Identifica las formas de participacion comunitaria adoptadas por la mujer inmigrante de la favela do Vidigal, en el proceso de su educacion politica, socializacion y movilizacion dentro de un medio social totalmente diferente al de su lugar de origen

    Kingdom Elizabeth, What's wrong with Righis ? Problems for Feminist Politics of Law, 1991

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    Tabak Fanny. Kingdom Elizabeth, What's wrong with Righis ? Problems for Feminist Politics of Law, 1991. In: Droit et société, n°20-21, 1992. Une science sociale pour la pratique juridique ? pp. 316-317

    New alternatives for old challenges Women's rights

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    Centro de Informacion y Documentacion Cientifica (CINDOC). C/Joaquin Costa, 22. 28002 Madrid. SPAIN / CINDOC - Centro de Informaciòn y Documentaciòn CientìficaSIGLEESSpai

    Narrativas fundadoras do feminismo: poderes e conflitos (1970-1978)

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    A forma como foram definidas as datas do ressurgimento do feminismo de 'Segunda Onda', na década de 1970, no Brasil, reflete interpretações oriundas de diferentes lugares. A narrativa de 'origem' desse feminismo foi resultado de disputas de poder entre diversos grupos feministas e entre estes e os diversos personagens envolvidos na luta contra a ditadura militar, instalada no país entre 1964 e 1985. As dicotomias entre 'lutas gerais e lutas específicas', de um lado, e entre 'verdadeiramente feministas e não-feministas', de outro, presentes nessas disputas, falam de poderes e de conflitos.<br>The way the 'Second Wave' feminism re-emergence was defined in the seventies, in Brazil, reflects interpretations that come from different places. The narrative of 'origin' of this feminism was result of contests of power among diverse feminists groups and among these and the diverse characters involved in the fight against the military dictatorship, present in the country between 1964 and 1985. The dichotomy between "general fights versus specific fights", in one side, and "true feminists versus not-feminists" in the other side, present in these contests, talks about powers and conflicts. I intend to discuss, in this article, the invention of these origins and their contests for power