46 research outputs found

    Transformation of glycosyltransferase dnrs and auxiliary DNRQ genes into the Streptomyces peucetius MH9.2 for the enhance of doxorubicin production

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    Doxorubicin antibiotic produced by Streptomyces peucetius is a very crucial antibiotic with a large spectrum used as an anticancer drug and in clinical treatment. Production of doxorubicin from wild type strain by microbiological fermentation process is nomally very low yield and limited. The enhancement of doxorubicin production (DXR) by the genetically engineering of the auxiliary genes involved in the pathway of doxorubicin biosynthesis from Streptomyces peucetius has being focused by many research groups. The gene cluster responsible for biosynthesis of doxorubicin had been isolated, sequenced and characterized. Among them, the dnrQ and dnrS genes belong to the gene cluster encoded for the glycosyltransferase and helper enzymes, which are responsible for attachment of sugar moiety to -rhodomycinon intermediate and regulation of doxorubicin production, respectively. In this research, the dnrQ and dnrS genes were isolated and cloned in the p25.1 vector containing the strong promoter (ermE*) to generate the p25.1QS as a recombinant vector. The obtained plasmid was transferred into the host strain Streptomyces peucetius MH9.2 by the protoplast transformation method to generate the S. peucetius MH9.2SQ strain. Doxorubicin production from the recombinant S. peucetius MH9.2SQ and the parent strain were extracted and purified by using chlorofrom and methanol solvents. The products were confirmed by HPLC, LC-mass analysis and antibacterial bioassay. The results showed that the over production of doxorubicin was accumulated by the recombinant strain from the fermentation broth. In the S. peucetius MH9.2SQ, the doxorubicin productivity was 3.1 to 3.6 folds higher than in the parent strain. This recombinant strain could be a potential candidate for further research in enhancement and larger biomass scale of DXR production

    Thói quen phát triển chuyên môn của giáo viên ở các trường phổ thông Việt Nam

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    Nguồn lực và chất lượng giáo viên là một trong những mối quan tâm thiết yếu để phát triển giáo dục bền vững. Thông qua phân tích bộ dữ liệu “Khảo sát thói quen phát triển chuyên môn giáo viên các trường phổ thông ở Việt Nam năm 2019” với 464 quan sát về thói quen học tập của giáo viên phổ thông từ các trường công lập và tư thục trên cả nước, chúng tôi thực hiện nghiên cứu phân tích thói quen phát triển chuyên môn của giáo viên. Nghiên cứu này là một phần kết quả của dự án nghiên cứu về năng lực chuyên môn giáo viên phổ thông Việt Nam giai đoạn 2020 – 2025 của Trung tâm nghiên cứu và Phát triển Giáo dục EdLab Asia. Bằng cách phân tích dữ liệu về số giờ tham gia hoạt động phát triển chuyên môn của giáo viên ở từng loại hình trường, nghiên cứu chỉ ra sự khác biệt về thói quen học tập của giáo viên các cấp phổ thông theo từng loại hình nhà trường. Nghiên cứu cũng chỉ ra rằng hoạt động phát triển chuyên môn giáo viên của trường tư thục tốt hơn trường công lập. Kết quả của nghiên cứu là gợi ý cho các nhà hoạch định chính sách, các nhà quản lý giáo dục tại các cơ sở giáo dục phổ thông, không kể công-tư tham chiếu và điều chỉnh các kế hoạch, chương trình phát triển chuyên môn giáo viên

    Complementary and Alternative Medicine Use among Physicians in Oriental Medicine Hospitals in Vietnam: A Hospital-Based Survey

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    Interest in complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) is growing worldwide, even in Vietnam where traditional medicine is considered mainstream. We conducted a survey of the knowledge, attitudes, and practices of CAM therapies among physicians in oriental medicine (OM) hospitals in Vietnam. A two-stage random selection process selected 337 physicians who were interviewed using a face-to-face method with a standardized structured questionnaire. Data from 312 physicians who completed the questionnaire suggested that oriental herbal medicine and acupuncture (Vietnamese OM version) were the more commonly used CAM modalities compared with Vietnamese folk medicine and other forms of CAM. A broad range of CAM modalities, particularly chiropractice, diet supplements, and dietary therapy, and an excessive proportion of western medication were employed in conjunction with OM in the physicians’ daily practice. Their daily practice was influenced by the source of knowledge, education level, medical specialty, and working environment. These findings suggest that physicians in OM hospitals in Vietnam have interests in various forms of CAM therapies besides traditional modes


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    RAVE (Regulator of the H+-ATPase of the Vacuolar and Endosomal membranes) is an            essential factor of assembly and reversible disassembly of V-ATPase. RAVE complex has three subunits, which are Rav1p, Rav2p and Skp1p. There are few studies on RAVE so it is very             important to study structure of RAVE complex to understand more about the regulation of the assembly and reassembly at V-ATPase. In this study the RAVE complex was purified by affinity purification by fussing FLAG tag to subunit Rav1p or Rav2p. Experimental process: yeast cells were incubated in 8 L YEPD medium at 30 oC, 200 rpm (OD600nm around of 3). Furthermore                   harvested cells were broken by a French pressure cell disruptor at 25,000 p.s.i in TBSE (50 mM Tris/Cl, 150 mM NaCl, 1 mM EDTA, pH 7.4) with 1 mm PMSF. The cell lysate was centrifuged at 20,000 xg for 20 minutes at 4 oC. Then, the supernatant, was achieved by centrifugation, and loaded onto a small column contained 1 ml of anti-FLAG M2 gel. After washing anti-FLAG column with TBSE, RAVE complex was eluted with TBSE containing 100 µg/ml FLAG               peptides. The results showed RAVE complex purification from strain with FLAG tag fused in                 C-terminus of Rav2 is better than RAVE complex purification from the yeast strain S. cerevisiae with FLAG tag fused in N-terminus of Rav1 or C-terminus of Rav1

    An Ultra-high Quality Factor Terahertz Photonic Crystal Cavity

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    oai:ojs.rev-jec.org:article/345High quality factor Terahertz (THz) cavities are highly desired for many THz applications. This paper presents an ultra-high quality factor terahertz planar photonic crystal cavity at 300 GHz range. Two approaches are employed to reduce the losses in the cavity increasing the quality factor of the cavity. Firstly, short embedded photonic crystal waveguides are employed to reduce the in – plane loss. Secondly, a novel way of hole displacement is adopted for four edged holes of the L3 – type photonic crystal cavity to decrease the radiation loss. An ultra – high quality factor of 65000 at a resonant frequency of 315.3 GHz was achieved for the designed cavity. This result could enable promising applications such as THz sensing

    Comparative study on vision based rice seed varieties identification

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    Abstract-This paper presents a system for automated classification of rice variety for rice seed production using computer vision and image processing techniques. Rice seeds of different varieties are visually very similar in color, shape and texture that make the classification of rice seed varieties at high accuracy challenging. We investigated various feature extraction techniques for efficient rice seed image representation. We analyzed the performance of powerful classifiers on the extracted features for finding the robust one. Images of six different rice seed varieties in northern Vietnam were acquired and analyzed. Our experiments have demonstrated that the average accuracy of our classification system can reach 90.54% using Random Forest method with a simple feature extraction technique. This result can be used for developing a computer-aided machine vision system for automated assessment of rice seeds purity

    A Multicentre Molecular Analysis of Hepatitis B and Blood-Borne Virus Coinfections in Viet Nam

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    Hepatitis B (HBV) infection is endemic in Viet Nam, with up to 8.4 million individuals estimated to be chronically infected. We describe results of a large, multicentre seroepidemiological and molecular study of the prevalence of HBV infection and blood-borne viral coinfections in Viet Nam. Individuals with varying risk factors for infection (n = 8654) were recruited from five centres; Ha Noi, Hai Phong, Da Nang, Khanh Hoa and Can Tho. A mean prevalence rate of 10.7% was observed and levels of HBsAg were significantly higher in injecting drug users (IDUs) (17.4%, n = 174/1000) and dialysis patients (14.3%, n = 82/575) than in lower-risk groups (9.4%; p<0.001). Coinfection with HIV was seen in 28% of HBV-infected IDUs (n = 49/174) and 15.2% of commercial sex workers (CSWs; n = 15/99). HCV infection was present in 89.8% of the HBV-HIV coinfected IDUs (n = 44/49) and 40% of HBV-HIV coinfected CSWs (n = 16/40). Anti-HDV was detected in 10.7% (n = 34/318) of HBsAg positive individuals. Phylogenetic analysis of HBV S gene (n = 187) showed a predominance of genotype B4 (82.6%); genotypes C1 (14.6%), B2 (2.7%) and C5 (0.5%) were also identified. The precore mutation G1896A was identified in 35% of all specimens, and was more frequently observed in genotype B (41%) than genotype C (3%; p<0.0001). In the immunodominant ‘a’ region of the surface gene, point mutations were identified in 31% (n = 58/187) of sequences, and 2.2% (n = 4/187) and 5.3% (n = 10/187) specimens contained the major vaccine escape mutations G145A/R and P120L/Q/S/T, respectively. 368 HBsAg positive individuals were genotyped for the IL28B SNP rs12979860 and no significant association between the IL28B SNP and clearance of HBsAg, HBV viral load or HBeAg was observed. This study confirms the high prevalence of HBV infection in Viet Nam and also highlights the significant levels of blood-borne virus coinfections, which have important implications for hepatitis-related morbidity and development of effective management strategies

    L'alternatif en assainissement urbain

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    Alternative Abwasserbeseitigung. Die Kanalisationsnetze unserer städtischen Ballungsgebiete sind in großen Zeiträumen errichtet worden ; angesichts ihrer Kosten können sie in den Verstädterungszonen oder agrarischen Gebieten der Dritten Welt nicht in kurzer Zeit aufgebaut werden. Die vorgeschlagenen technischen Alternativen können nur erfolgreich sein, wenn sie an den kulturellen Traditionen der jeweiligen Bevölkerung anknüpfen und sich in den Rahmen der Institutionen einfügen, die ihren Alltag regeln.Alternatives in urban water supplies and sanitation. The network of sanitation and water supplies gradually built up over the years by the large urban conglomerations cannot be constructed quickly in rural zones and the urban centres of the third world owing to their high cost. But to make technical alternatives operational they must combine local knowledge with tradition and be firmly anchored in the lives of the population using the local institutions which govern everyday life.Les réseaux d'assainissement patiemment constitués par les grandes concentrations urbaines ne peuvent être construits rapidement, vu leurs coûts, dans les régions d'urbanisation nouvelle du tiers monde ou des zones rurales. Les alternatives techniques proposées ne réussiront qu'en renouant avec les traditions culturelles propres aux populations concernées et en s'inscrivant dans les institutions qui régissent leur vie quotidienne.La alternativa en saneamiento urbano. Las redes de saneamiento realizadas pacientemente por las grandes concentraciones urbanas, no pueden ser construídas rapidamente, debido a los costos, en las regiones recientemente urbanizadas del Tercer Mundo o en las zonas rurales. Las alternativas técnicas tendrán éxito si se unen a las tradiciones culturales propias de la población y se inscriben en las instituciones que conducen su vida cotidiana.Thuy Ta Thu. L'alternatif en assainissement urbain. In: Les Annales de la recherche urbaine, N°30, 1986. L'eau dans la ville. pp. 53-63

    Rapport III.3 PoLuPA : outil de planification par simulation numérique des moyens de lutte contre l’eutrophisation dans le bassin de la Loire

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    In order to set up the eutrophication control policy initiated on the river Loire catchment area, a comprehensive plan, consisting of computerized simulation and specific data collection and interpretation has been developed and ran. The setting up of this plan has pointed out the special features of running waters eutrophication. The most important result obtained, besides the main goals of the plan, are a better understanding of these features which improves the eutrophication control methodology.La mise en oeuvre de la politique de lutte contre l’eutrophisation engagée dans le bassin de la Loire a nécessité le développement d'un outil de planification par simulation numérique. La mise au point de cet outil, qui consiste en modèle et interprétation de données, a permis la mise en évidence des caractéristiques de l’eutrophisation des cours d'eau. Hormis les résultats attendus, l'apport le plus intéressant de la démarche est d'avoir amené à un mode de réflexion particulier qui enrichit la méthodologie de lutte contre l’eutrophisation.Crouzet Philippe, Ta Thu Thuy. Rapport III.3 PoLuPA : outil de planification par simulation numérique des moyens de lutte contre l’eutrophisation dans le bassin de la Loire. In: L'impact des activités humaines sur les eaux continentales. Dix neuvièmes journées de l'hydraulique - Question I, II, III, IV, V et Compte rendu des séances. Tome 3, 1986