10 research outputs found

    Poor supplementary motor area activation differentiates auditory verbal hallucination from imagining the hallucination

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    Neuronal underpinnings of auditory verbal hallucination remain poorly understood. One suggested mechanism is brain activation that is similar to verbal imagery but occurs without the proper activation of the neuronal systems that are required to tag the origins of verbal imagery in one's mind. Such neuronal systems involve the supplementary motor area. The supplementary motor area has been associated with awareness of intention to make a hand movement, but whether this region is related to the sense of ownership of one's verbal thought remains poorly known. We hypothesized that the supplementary motor area is related to the distinction between one's own mental processing (auditory verbal imagery) and similar processing that is attributed to non-self author (auditory verbal hallucination). To test this hypothesis, we asked patients to signal the onset and offset of their auditory verbal hallucinations during functional magnetic resonance imaging. During non-hallucination periods, we asked the same patients to imagine the hallucination they had previously experienced. In addition, healthy control subjects signaled the onset and offset of self-paced imagery of similar voices. Both hallucinations and the imagery of hallucinations were associated with similar activation strengths of the fronto-temporal language-related circuitries, but the supplementary motor area was activated more strongly during the imagery than during hallucination. These findings suggest that auditory verbal hallucination resembles verbal imagery in language processing, but without the involvement of the supplementary motor area, which may subserve the sense of ownership of one's own verbal imagery.Peer reviewe

    Resposta de arroz de terras altas, feijão, milho e soja à saturação por base em solo de cerrado Response of upland rice, dry bean, corn and soybean to base saturation in cerrado soil

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    Foi conduzido um experimento de campo, quatro anos consecutivos (1995/96 a 1998/99) para avaliar a resposta das culturas de arroz de terras altas, feijão, milho e soja à saturação por base em Latossolo Vermelho-Escuro distrófico (LEd) (Oxissolo) cultivados em sistema de sucessão. Os valores de saturação por base criados pela aplicação de calcário, foram: 40, 44, 51, 53, 56 e 66%. Ocorreu aumento significativo na produção de grãos de feijão, milho e soja com a saturação por base; entretanto, a produção de arroz não foi influenciada significativamente pelos tratamentos. Mas, com base de equação de regressão, as saturações por base adequadas para a produção dos três, foram estabelecidas em 53, 60 e 63% respectivamente, e, para a cultura de arroz, o nível adequado de saturação por base encontrado foi de 40%. A acumulação de nutrientes na parte aérea e nos grãos foi influenciada significativamente pelos tratamentos e pela idade da planta nas quatro culturas estudadas. Os níveis adequados das propriedades químicas do solo, como pH, teor de Ca, teor de Mg, relações Ca/Mg, Ca/K, Mg/K, saturações por Ca, Mg e K, foram estabelecidos para as culturas de arroz, feijão, milho e soja, cultivados em solo de cerrado.<br>A field experiments was conducted during four consecutive years (1995/96 to 1998/99) to evaluate responses of upland rice, dry bean, corn, and soybean grown in sequence to base saturation on a Dark Red Latosol (Oxisol). Mean base saturation levels determined after harvest of each crop were: 40, 44, 51, 53, 56, and 66%. Grain yield of dry bean, corn, and soybean were significantly affected with base saturation. Upland rice yield, however, was not influenced with base saturation treatments. Based on the quadratic response, optimum base saturation for maximum grain yield of dry bean was 53%, for corn 60% and for soybean 63%. For upland rice the base saturation under no lime treatment was 40%, which is considered adequate. Nutrient accumulation was significantly influenced by different base saturation treatments as well as by the age of the four crops. Adequate levels of soil chemical properties, such as pH, contents of Ca and Mg, ratio of Ca/Mg, ratio of Ca/K, ratio of Mg/K, Ca saturation, Mg saturation and K saturation were established for upland rice, dry bean, corn and soybean grown in cerrado soil

    Frações de zinco em solo arenoso e suas relações com disponibilidade para Cynodon spp cv. Tifton-85 Zinc fractions in a sandy soil and its relations with availability to Cynodon spp cv. Tifton-85

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    Para avaliar um esquema de fracionamento de zinco em Argissolo arenoso e suas relações com a disponibilidade de Zn para Cynodon spp cv. Tifton-85, realizou-se um experimento em casa de vegetação, em esquema fatorial 5 x 2 x 2 (5 doses de Zn, 2 doses de calcário e 2 épocas de amostragem), em delineamento inteiramente casualizado, com três repetições. As doses de Zn foram de 0; 2,5; 5,0; 7,5 e 10 mg dm-3; metade dos vasos não recebeu calagem (V = 42 %) e metade recebeu a calagem com vistas em elevar o índice de saturação por bases a 70 %. As épocas de amostragem foram 30 e 150 dias após aplicação de Zn, respectivamente, antes do plantio e depois do 3º corte de Tifton-85. A aplicação de Zn resultou em aumento significativo do elemento nas frações: trocável, óxidos de Mn, matéria orgânica e óxidos de Fe. O Zn ligado aos óxidos de Mn aumentou significativamente com a calagem. Após 150 dias de experimentação, houve diminuição do Zn trocável, ligado aos óxidos de Mn, à matéria orgânica e aos óxidos de Fe, e aumento na fração residual. A distribuição de Zn nas frações do solo foi: residual > óxidos de Fe > óxidos de Mn > trocável > matéria orgânica. As relações entre as características estudadas mostraram que tanto o Zn-DTPA quanto o Zn trocável, ligado à M.O. e aos óxidos de Mn, foram eficientes para representar o Zn absorvido pela planta.<br>To evaluate a fractionation scheme for Zn in a sandy soil (Ultisol) and its relation with Zn availability for Cynodon spp cv. Tifton-85, an experiment was carried out in greenhouse, with a factorial scheme (5 doses of zinc, 2 doses of lime and 2 times of sampling), in a completely randomized block design, with three replications. The doses of Zn were: 0; 2.5; 5.0; 7.5 and 10 mg dm-3; half of the pots did not received liming (V = 42%) and, in the other half, liming was done to increase the base saturation index to 70%. The sampling times were 30 and 150 days after Zn application, before planting and after cut of Tifton-85, respectively. Zinc application increased Zn in the exchangeable, associated to manganese oxides, associated to organic matter and associated to iron oxide fractions. Zinc associated with manganese oxides increased with liming. After 150 days of experimentation exchangeable zinc, Zn associated with manganese oxides, with organic matter and with iron oxides decreased, while residual Zn increased with the time. Zinc distribution was: residual > iron oxides > manganese oxides > exchangeable > organic matter. The relations among the characteristics showed that DTPA-Zn and exchangeable zinc, Zn associated with organic matter, and Zn associated with manganese oxides were efficient to represent the zinc uptake by plants