12 research outputs found

    Mastite subclínica por Staphylococcus coagulase negativa em ovinos de corte

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    Microorganisms that cause mastitis were isolated in a herd of sheep and their sensitivity to antimicrobials was tested. Twenty-one sheep had their mammary glands monitored during lactation. Eighty-eight milk sample from CMT-positive sheep were analyzed in order to isolate the etiologic agent of mastitis. Coagulase negative Staphylococcus were isolated from 29.5% of samples. Ampicillin and penicillin were the antimicrobials with higher number of resistant strains. The importance of coagulase negative staphylococci has been demonstrated, especially S. lentus and S. sciuri as a cause of ovine mastitis

    Ocorrência de Campylobacter em carne de frango, fezes de frango e humanas e pesquisa dos genes cdt

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    Foram coletadas 100 amostras de conteúdo fecal de aves de corte, 100 de produtos de frango (coxa, sobrecoxa, asa, dorso, carne moída e fígado) e 100 de fezes de humanos, e analisadas para pesquisa de Campylobacter. Realizou-se a determinação da espécie e da presença dos genes cdt, responsáveis pela codificação da toxina citoletal distensiva (CDT), através da técnica da PCR. A bactéria foi isolada de 61% das amostras de fezes de frango, 20% de produtos de frango e 3% de fezes de humanos. A maioria dos isolados foi determinada como C. jejuni . Destes, 93,5% apresentaram os genes para a toxina CDT. Apesar de a ocorrência de Campylobacter em fezes de humanos ter sido baixa, a prevalência em frangos de corte e produtos de frango foi elevada, fato que, aliado à presença dos genes cdt na maioria dos isolados, representa risco potencial para os consumidores. Esses resultados são indicativos da necessidade de medidas preventivas no sistema de produção e de boas práticas de fabricação na indústria, de forma a minimizar a contaminação dos produtos e diminuir o risco para os consumidores

    A 3D transcriptomics atlas of the mouse nose sheds light on the anatomical logic of smell.

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    The sense of smell helps us navigate the environment, but its molecular architecture and underlying logic remain understudied. The spatial location of odorant receptor genes (Olfrs) in the nose is thought to be independent of the structural diversity of the odorants they detect. Using spatial transcriptomics, we create a genome-wide 3D atlas of the mouse olfactory mucosa (OM). Topographic maps of genes differentially expressed in space reveal that both Olfrs and non-Olfrs are distributed in a continuous and overlapping fashion over at least five broad zones in the OM. The spatial locations of Olfrs correlate with the mucus solubility of the odorants they recognize, providing direct evidence for the chromatographic theory of olfaction. This resource resolves the molecular architecture of the mouse OM and will inform future studies on mechanisms underlying Olfr gene choice, axonal pathfinding, patterning of the nervous system, and basic logic for the peripheral representation of smell