69 research outputs found

    The prediction of preference for unfamiliar urban places

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    Preferences for unfamiliar urban environments were studied as a function of urban categories, viewing time, and four predictor variables: complexity, coherence, identifiability, and mystery. A nonmetric factor analysis of the preference ratings for the longest viewing-time condition yielded five dimensions: Contemporary Life, Alley/Factory, Urban Nature, Unusual Architecture, and Older Buildings. The five categories differed significantly in preference, with Urban Nature by far the most preferred and Alley/Factory distinctly disliked. The combination of low coherence and high complexity characterizes the least liked Alley/Factory category, while the role of mystery in the urban setting is highlighted by the most preferred Urban Nature category. The results point to various ways in which the urban environment could be more responsive to people's preferences.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/43513/1/11111_2005_Article_BF01359051.pd

    Subthalamic nucleus stimulation influences expression and suppression of impulsive behavior in Parkinson's disease

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    Past studies show beneficial as well as detrimental effects of subthalamic nucleus deep-brain stimulation on impulsive behaviour. We address this paradox by investigating individuals with Parkinson’s disease treated with subthalamic nucleus stimulation (n = 17) and healthy controls without Parkinson’s disease (n = 17) on performance in a Simon task. In this reaction time task, conflict between premature response impulses and goal-directed action selection is manipulated. We applied distributional analytic methods to separate the strength of the initial response impulse from the proficiency of inhibitory control engaged subsequently to suppress the impulse. Patients with Parkinson’s disease were tested when stimulation was either turned on or off. Mean conflict interference effects did not differ between controls and patients, or within patients when stimulation was on versus off. In contrast, distributional analyses revealed two dissociable effects of subthalamic nucleus stimulation. Fast response errors indicated that stimulation increased impulsive, premature responding in high conflict situations. Later in the reaction process, however, stimulation improved the proficiency with which inhibitory control was engaged to suppress these impulses selectively, thereby facilitating selection of the correct action. This temporal dissociation supports a conceptual framework for resolving past paradoxical findings and further highlights that dynamic aspects of impulse and inhibitory control underlying goal-directed behaviour rely in part on neural circuitry inclusive of the subthalamic nucleus

    Development of neuroepithelial tumors of the adrenal medulla in transgenic mice expressing a mouse hypothalamic growth hormone-releasing hormone promoter-simian virus-40 T-antigen fusion gene

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    Expression of the mouse GH-releasing hormone (GRH) gene is restricted to neurons within the hypothalamus and to placenta. In an attempt to generate immortalized mouse hypothalamic neurons expressing GRH, the proximal 872-nucleotide segment of the 5'-flanking region of the hypothalamic mouse GRH gene was cloned by polymerase chain reaction and ligated to a 2.7-kilobase DNA sequence encoding the simian virus-40 (SV40) T-antigen, so that regulation of SV40 T-antigen expression was dependent on sequences within the mGRH 5'-flanking region. This region contains both TATA and CAAT boxes. The mouse GRH/SV40 T-antigen fusion gene was injected into 1-cell mouse embryos, and SV40 T-antigen incorporation in the mouse genome was found in 11 of 77 live births (3 males and 8 females). Although no evidence of hypothalamic tumors was found, all mice that expressed the transgene also developed tumors originating in the adrenal medulla. Gene copy number varied from 1-20 and was inversely proportional to survival, which ranged from 7-16 weeks. Corticosterone levels were normal. The male transgenic mice were fertile, and their progeny expressed the transgene and developed similar tumors. Microscopic examination of the tumors revealed a primitive neuroectodermal neoplasm that exhibited hematogenous and lymph node metastases and contained 100 ng norepinephrine, 2.85 ng epinephrine, and 1.1 ng dopamine/mg tumor tissue. Primary culture of dispersed tumor cells released norepinephrine into the medium (180 pg/ml.24 h). Cell lines from 2 tumors were established and exhibited characteristics similar to those of mixed neuroblastoma or primitive neuroectodermal tumors. In conclusion, the proximal 872 nucleotides of the hypothalamic mouse GRH promoter contain elements directing tissue-specific expression limited to early adrenal neuroectodermal cells. Other GRH DNA sequences appear to be required for restricted expression of mouse GRH within the hypothalamus

    Abstention in Daylight: Strategic Calculus of Voting in the European Parliament

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    As in large elections, substantialabstention is frequently observed inlegislative assemblies. This paper analyzesroll call votes from the third and fourthlegislatures (1989–1999) of the EuropeanParliament to test predictions from threetypes of theories of abstention: (1)decision-theoretic approach of RationalChoice theory, (2) game-theoretic approachof Rational Choice theory, and (3) theSwing Voter’s Curse theory. The resultsindicate that closeness significantlydecreases the rate of abstention. Thefindings also show that an increase in theprobability of being in the majorityincreases turnout. Overall, findings aresupportive of the decision-theoreticapproach of Rational Choice theory butnot of the game-theoretic approach toabstention or the Swing Voter’s Cursetheory. Copyright Kluwer Academic Publishers 2004
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