14 research outputs found

    Modern trends in the health status of the children's population of Ukraine

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    We have performed statistical analysis of the morbidity and prevalence of childhood illnesses and its significant differences in the regions of Ukraine

    Features of Extraesophageal Manifestations of Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease in Children

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    Стаття присвячена огляду сучасних наукових поглядів на перебіг гастроезофагеальної рефлюкс­ної хвороби (ГЕРХ) у дитячому віці, обговорюються різні патогенетичні механізми формування позастравохідних симптомів. Наведені власні дані про діагностику, частоту та клінічні особливості позастравохідних проявів ГЕРХ у дітей

    Clinical experience of Streptococcus salivarius K12 use for the prevention of pharyngotonsillitis and respiratory infections in children

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    Background. Streptococcus salivarius K12 (SsK12) is an oral colonizing, persistent, antibiotic-sensitive and safe strain that produces two megaplasmid-encoded class I lantibiotics, namely salivaricin A2 and salivaricin B, which expression inhibits the growth of Streptococcus pyogenes involved in the etiopathogenesis of pharyngotonsillar infection, and, to a smal­ler degree, Haemophilus influenzae, Streptococcus pneumoniae, and Moraxella catarrhalis. Our previous work has shown that a ­30-day use of SsK12 in subjects with recurrent upper respiratory tract diseases significantly decrease the degree of colonization of the oropharyngeal mucosa by pathogenic microorganisms. Materials and methods. An open-label clinical trial was conducted, it included 48 children with pharyngotonsillitis and recurrent upper respiratory tract diseases. They took a lantibiotic with Streptococcus salivarius K12 (Bactoblis) according to the instruction. Results. In children who received SsK12 twice for 30 days with an interval of three months, the episodes of pharyngotonsillar infection are associated with group A beta-hemolytic streptococcal and non-streptococcal pharyngotonsillar infections, which was significantly reduced due to prophylaxis of SsK12 (approximately for 80 %) in both cases. The examined group of patients had a significant decrease in the frequency of episodes of viral pharyngitis, rhinitis, tracheitis, laryngitis, stomatitis and acute otitis media after using lantibiotic. Finally, as is was shown, prophylaxis with Bactoblis significantly reduced the use of both antibiotics and antipyretics/anti-inflammatory drugs for more than 80 % and significantly decreased the number of preschool or school days lost by children — for 81 and 77 %, respectively. Conclusions. Taking into consideration that a good compliance and tolerability were excellent in all who took SsK12 except one child, there is a necessity for prolonged use of Bactoblis in order to achieve maximum therapeutic effect. Repeated courses 2–3 times a year are recommended

    Clinical and Genetic Aspects of Chronic Pyelonephritis in Children: the Structure of Addiction and Primary Prognosis

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    Currently studying the mechanisms of recognition of foreign agents, which is implemented by Toll-like receptor of innate immune system, has become one of the main tasks of clinical immunology. The aim of our study was an analysis of the association between Toll-like receptor 4 gene polymorphism (Asp299Gly) and main pathogens of urinary system infections. These results confirm the important role of Toll-like receptors in the realization of an innate immune response and enables to consider Toll-like receptor 4 gene polymorphism as an additional prognostic indicator in genetic researches

    Acute Pharyngitis in Children: Issues of Etiology and Treatment

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    Article is devoted to the issues of rational treatment of acute pharyngitis in children with acute respiratory viral infections. Attention is given to herbal preparations, namely Tonsipret®, which has a pronounced analgesic, immunomodulatory and anti-inflammatory effect. Own research on the efficacy of the drug, the results of which demonstrated high efficacy of Tonsipret® in 80 % of patients, is provided