9 research outputs found
Resolution in Linguistic Propositional Logic based on Linear Symmetrical Hedge Algebra
- Author
- Publication venue
- Publication date
- 30/07/2013
- Field of study
The paper introduces a propositional linguistic logic that serves as the
basis for automated uncertain reasoning with linguistic information. First, we
build a linguistic logic system with truth value domain based on a linear
symmetrical hedge algebra. Then, we consider G\"{o}del's t-norm and t-conorm to
define the logical connectives for our logic. Next, we present a resolution
inference rule, in which two clauses having contradictory linguistic truth
values can be resolved. We also give the concept of reliability in order to
capture the approximative nature of the resolution inference rule. Finally, we
propose a resolution procedure with the maximal reliability.Comment: KSE 2013 conferenc
Correction: “The 5th edition of The World Health Organization Classification of Haematolymphoid Tumours: Lymphoid Neoplasms” Leukemia. 2022 Jul;36(7):1720–1748
- Author
- Akinola N.O.
- Akkari Y.
- Alaggio R.
- Allende L.M.
- Amador C.
- Anagnostopoulos I.
- Aozasa K.
- Araujo I.
- Arcaini L.
- Ardeshna K.M.
- Asano N.
- Attarbaschi A.
- Attygalle A.D.
- Bacon C.M.
- Barrans S.L.
- Batchelor T.
- Battistella M.
- Baughn L.B.
- Behdad A.
- Berentsen S.
- Berti E.
- Bhagat G.
- Bianchi G.
- Bledsoe J.
- Borchmann P.
- Borges A.M.
- Bower M.
- Boyer D.
- Buldini B.
- Burger J.A.
- Burkhardt B.
- Calaminici M.
- Cassaday R.D.
- Cazzaniga G.
- Cerf-Bensussan N.
- Cesarman E.
- Chadburn A.
- Chan J.K.C.
- Chandy M.
- Chapman J.R.
- Chapuy B.
- Chen X.
- Cheng C.L.
- Cheuk W.
- Chiattone C.
- Chiorazzi N.
- Chng W.-J.
- Choi J.K.
- Chuang S.-S.
- Cook L.B.
- Cooper W.A.
- Corboy G.P.
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- Davies A.J.
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- de Oliveira Araujo I.B.
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- Deshpande V.
- Di Li G.
- Di Napoli A.
- Diepstra A.
- Dierickx D.
- Du M.-Q.
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- d’Amore E.S.G.
- Eichhorst B.
- Elenitoba-Johnson K.S.
- Ennishi D.
- Fajgenbaum D.C.
- Farinha P.
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- Garcia J.F.
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- Gratzinger D.
- Greipp P.T.
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- Gujral S.
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- Hansmann M.-L.
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- Harrison C.J.
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- Hoang-Xuan K.
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- Hodge J.
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- Kataoka K.
- Kato S.
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- Ketterling R.P.
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- Kim J.E.
- Kimura H.
- Klapper W.
- Kovach A.E.
- Kratz C.P.
- Kridel R.
- Kristinsson S.
- Kumar S.
- Kuzu I.
- Kwong Y.-L.
- Küppers R.
- Lacasce A.
- Lamant-Rochaix L.
- Lamy T.
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- Lazar A.J.
- Lazzi S.
- Lenz G.
- Leoncini L.
- Leung N.
- Leventaki V.
- Li S.
- Li X.-Q.
- Lim M.S.
- Lin P.
- Liu W.-P.
- Locatelli F.
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- Lossos I.
- Loughran T.P.
- Louissaint A.
- Macon W.R.
- Maleszewski J.J.
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- Maruyama D.
- Marx A.
- Mbulaiteye S.M.
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- Michal M.
- Michelow P.
- Miettinen M.
- Miles R.R.
- Miranda R.N.
- Mitteldorf C.
- Miyoshi H.
- Molina T.J.
- Mollejo M.
- Momose S.
- Montes-Moreno S.
- Mori T.
- Morice W.
- Morice W.G.
- Nadel B.
- Nagai H.
- Nagane M.
- Nair R.
- Nakamura N.
- Nakazawa A.
- Nardi V.
- Naresh K.N.
- Nasr S.
- Natkunam Y.
- Ng S.-B.
- Nicholson A.G.
- Nicolae A.
- Ohgami R.S.
- Oishi N.
- Olson T.S.
- Ortonne N.
- Oschlies I.
- Ott G.
- Paiva B.
- Pan-Hammarström Q.
- Parihar M.
- Parrens M.
- Paulli M.
- Petersen A.
- Picarsic J.
- Pileri A.
- Pimpinelli N.
- Plaza J.A.
- Pulitzer M.
- Rabin K.R.
- Raderer M.
- Rai K.
- Rajkumar S.V.
- Randen U.
- Rao H.
- Rawstron A.C.
- Rech K.
- Robson A.
- Rochford R.
- Rosenquist R.
- Rosenwald A.
- Rossi D.
- Rossi E.D.
- Rule S.
- Rymkiewicz G.
- Sabattini E.
- Saha V.
- Said J.
- Sakata-Yanagimoto M.
- Sander C.A.
- Sangueza J.M.
- Sangüeza O.P.
- Santucci M.
- Sarkozy C.
- Sato Y.
- Satou A.
- Sayed S.
- Saygin C.
- Schafernak K.T.
- Schmitt F.
- Schuh A.
- Semenzato G.
- Sengar M.
- Sewell W.
- Shanafelt T.
- Shimada K.
- Siebert R.
- Slack G.W.
- Slager S.
- Soffietti R.
- Sohani A.R.
- Solomon D.A.
- Stamatopoulos K.
- Steidl C.
- Stilgenbauer S.
- Sukswai N.
- Suzuki R.
- Takeuchi K.
- Tallini G.
- Tamaru J.
- Tan S.-Y.
- Tembhare P.
- Tiacci E.
- Tokura Y.
- Tooze R.
- Tournilhac O.
- Traverse-Glehen A.
- Treon S.
- Truemper L.
- Tsukasaki K.
- van Rhee F.
- Varghese A.
- Vega F.
- Vergier B.
- Vermeer M.H.
- Vielh P.
- Walker B.
- Wang H.-Y.
- Wang M.
- Wang Z.
- Watanabe T.
- Wechalekar A.D.
- Weigert O.
- Weinstock D.
- Whittaker S.J.
- Willemze R.
- Woessmann W.
- Wood B.
- Wu C.J.
- Xerri L.
- Xiao W.
- Yamaguchi M.
- Yamamoto H.
- Yamashita D.
- Yang D.T.
- Yang S.
- Yasuda T.
- Yin W.-H.
- Zen Y.
- Zhao S.
- Zhao W.-L.
- Publication venue
- Springer Nature
- Publication date
- 19/07/2023
- Field of study
Lipid metabolism in human skeletal muscle cells: effects of palmitate and chronic hyperglycaemia
- Author
- Al-Khalili L.
- Allen R.E.
- Bhuiyan A.K.
- Blaak E.E.
- Chen H.C.
- Chicco A.
- Clarke S.D.
- Ellis B.A.
- Gaster M.
- Gaster M.
- Goodpaster B.H.
- Hansen B.F.
- Hawke T.J.
- Henry R.R.
- Houdali B.
- Huang C.
- Hulver M.W.
- Kannan R.
- Kelley D.E.
- Kim J.Y.
- Kubis H.P.
- Kurowski T.G.
- Laybutt D.R.
- Laybutt D.R.
- Luiken J.J.
- Montell E.
- Muoio D.M.
- Oku A.
- Pan D.A.
- Perriott L.M.
- Pessin J.E.
- Randle P.J.
- Richter E.A.
- Rosenblatt J.D.
- Sakamoto K.
- Sarabia V.
- Schwarz J.M.
- Shulman G.I.
- Thompson A.L.
- Thompson A.L.
- Tomas E.
- Turcotte L.P.
- Wada M.R.
- Weigert C.
- Wilmsen H.M.
- Publication venue
- 'Wiley'
- Publication date
- Field of study
A collective model description of the low lying and giant dipole resonant properties of40,42,44,46Ca
- Author
- A.M. Nathan
- A.R. Poletti
- B.H. Flowers
- B.H. Flowers
- C.W. Towsley
- C.W. Towsley
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- D. Brajnik
- E.P. Lippincott
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- W.J. Gerace
- W.J. Gerace
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- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Multiplicity and Dialogue in Social Psychology: An Essay in Metatheorizing
- Author
- Angelou Maya.
- Apfl Karl-Otto.
- Armistead Nigel
- Aronson E.
- Baudriliard JEAN.
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- Bellah Robert N.
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- Mead George H.
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- Morris Aldon D.
- Moscovici S.
- Newcomb T. M.
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- Parker IAN.
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- Pettigrew T. F.
- Piller C.harles
- Radley A.lan
- Reynolds L.arry
- Rheingold Howard
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- Rokeach M.
- Sacks O.liver
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- Sampson Edward E.
- Saxton S. L.
- Schutz A.lfred
- Schwalbe M.ichael
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- Shotter John
- Smith Dorothy E.
- Smith M. B.rewster
- Smith Thomas S.
- Snyder M.ark
- Sperry R. W.
- Stephan Cookie W.
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- Stone Gregory P.
- Strauss Anselm L.
- Stryker S.
- Swann W. B.
- Tannen DEBORAH.
- Taylor C.harles
- Turkle S.herry
- Vonnegut K.urt
- Wasserstein A. G.
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- Wexler Philip.
- White Geoffrey M.
- Whitfield S.arah
- Wilson E. O.
- Woolf V.irginia
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- Publication venue
- 'Wiley'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Synthesis of Isocyanates
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- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- 01/01/1997
- Field of study
Mapping of the mouse ornithine decarboxylase-related sequence family
- Author
- A. Katz
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- A.P. Feinberg
- A.W. Wood
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- C. Blatt
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- C. Kahana
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- C.M. Wilson
- D. Livant
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- V.M. Chapman
- W.M. Clouston
- W.M. Clouston
- W.N. Frankel
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- W.N. Frankel
- Z. Wirschubsky
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- 01/01/1992
- Field of study
Mouse Chromosome 12
- Author
- A. Finnegan
- A. Poland
- A. Rossomando
- A. Shimizu
- A. Tutter
- A.J. Hanzlik
- A.J. Lusis
- A.L. Boyle
- B. Richards-Smith
- B. Subbarao
- B.A. Taylor
- B.A. Taylor
- B.A. Taylor
- B.K. Lee
- B.U. Zabel
- C. Blatt
- C. DePreval
- C. Klett
- C. Legraverend
- C. Wood
- C.A. Pennell
- C.B. Newgard
- C.M. Baum
- C.M. Hearne
- C.S. Birkenmeier
- D. Livant
- D. Owerbach
- D.D. Pravtcheva
- D.J. Schrier
- D.J. Schrier
- D.L. Woodland
- D.M. Radford
- D.R. Cox
- D.S. Pisetsky
- D.Y. Loh
- E. Jouvin-Marche
- E. Lai
- E. Lund
- E. Winter
- E.H. Birkenmeier
- E.M. Eicher
- F. Libert
- F.G. Berger
- F.H. Wilcox
- F.K. Nelson
- F.L. Owen
- F.L. Owen
- F.L. Owen
- F.L. Owen
- G. Opdenakker
- G. Singh
- G.R. Campbell
- H. Czosnek
- H. Hengartner
- H. Ikeda
- H. Sakano
- H. Takahara
- H.F. Oettinger
- H.O. Sweet
- H.O. Sweet
- J. Dorfman
- J. Erikson
- J. Forman
- J. Hilgers
- J. Silver
- J. Zlotogora
- J.C. Benger
- J.C. Wejman
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- J.D. McNeish
- J.M. Love
- K. Meek
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- M. Green
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- M. Weigert
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- M.B. Gardner
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- M.F. Seldin
- M.M. O'Toole
- M.T. Davisson
- N. Arnheim
- N. Newell
- N. Tada
- N.L. Hawes
- N.L. Hawes
- O. Isozaka
- O.H.v. Deimling
- O.H.v. Deimling
- P. D'Eustachio
- P. D'Eustachio
- P. D'Eustachio
- P. Laurila
- P. O'Connell
- P.E. Barker
- P.E. Neumann
- P.E. Neumann
- P.E. Neumann
- P.E. Thomas
- P.H. Brodeur
- P.H. Brodeur
- P.H. Brodeur
- R. Callahan
- R. Lieberman
- R. Riblet
- R. Riblet
- R. Winqvist
- R.D. Blank
- R.D. Cox
- R.E. Hill
- R.E. Hill
- R.E. Hill
- R.L. Myerowitz
- R.N. Sifers
- R.R. Cobb
- R.R. Hardy
- R.W. Elliott
- R.W. Elliott
- R.W. Elliott
- R.W. Kleinfield
- S. Kimura
- S. Mazan
- S. Ohno
- S.-T. Ju
- S.J. O'Brien
- S.K. Moore
- S.K. Moore
- S.K. Moore
- S.M. Elsevier
- S.P. Staal
- S.R. Bauer
- S.T. Palayoor
- S.W. Law
- T. Akamizu
- T. Blankenstein
- T. Glaser
- T. Meo
- T. Odaka
- T. Pikkarainen
- T.J. Aitman
- T.J. Kipps
- T.L. Yang-Feng
- T.N. Seyfried
- T.N. Seyfried
- T.R. King
- U. Francke
- U. Krawinkel
- V. Villani
- W.G. Beamer
- W.N. Frankel
- W.N. Frankel
- W.N. Frankel
- W.N. Frankel
- W.S. Modi
- Y. Fukushima
- Y. Nakamura
- Y. Suzuki
- Z. Wirschubsky
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Large expert-curated database for benchmarking document similarity detection in biomedical literature search
- Publication venue
- 'Oxford University Press (OUP)'
- Publication date
- 01/01/2019
- Field of study
Document recommendation systems for locating relevant literature have mostly relied on methods developed a decade ago. This is largely due to the lack of a large offline gold-standard benchmark of relevant documents that cover a variety of research fields such that newly developed literature search techniques can be compared, improved and translated into practice. To overcome this bottleneck, we have established the RElevant LIterature SearcH consortium consisting of more than 1500 scientists from 84 countries, who have collectively annotated the relevance of over 180 000 PubMed-listed articles with regard to their respective seed (input) article/s. The majority of annotations were contributed by highly experienced, original authors of the seed articles. The collected data cover 76% of all unique PubMed Medical Subject Headings descriptors. No systematic biases were observed across different experience levels, research fields or time spent on annotations. More importantly, annotations of the same document pairs contributed by different scientists were highly concordant. We further show that the three representative baseline methods used to generate recommended articles for evaluation (Okapi Best Matching 25, Term Frequency-Inverse Document Frequency and PubMed Related Articles) had similar overall performances. Additionally, we found that these methods each tend to produce distinct collections of recommended articles, suggesting that a hybrid method may be required to completely capture all relevant articles. The established database server located at https://relishdb.ict.griffith.edu.au is freely available for the downloading of annotation data and the blind testing of new methods. We expect that this benchmark will be useful for stimulating the development of new powerful techniques for title and title/abstract-based search engines for relevant articles in biomedical science. © The Author(s) 2019. Published by Oxford University Press