164 research outputs found

    Renormalization Effects in a Dilute Bose Gas

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    The low-density expansion for a homogeneous interacting Bose gas at zero temperature can be formulated as an expansion in powers of ρa3\sqrt{\rho a^3}, where ρ\rho is the number density and aa is the S-wave scattering length. Logarithms of ρa3\rho a^3 appear in the coefficients of the expansion. We show that these logarithms are determined by the renormalization properties of the effective field theory that describes the scattering of atoms at zero density. The leading logarithm is determined by the renormalization of the pointlike 333 \to 3 scattering amplitude.Comment: 10 pages, 1 postscript figure, LaTe

    Self-Trapping, Quantum Tunneling and Decay Rates for a Bose Gas with Attractive Nonlocal Interaction

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    We study the Bose-Einstein condensation for a cloud of 7^7Li atoms with attractive nonlocal (finite-range) interaction in a harmonic trap. In addition to the low-density metastable branch, that is present also in the case of local interaction, a new stable branch appears at higher densities. For a large number of atoms, the size of the cloud in the stable high-density branch is independent of the trap size and the atoms are in a macroscopic quantum self-trapped configuration. We analyze the macroscopic quantum tunneling between the low-density metastable branch and the high-density one by using the istanton technique. Moreover we consider the decay rate of the Bose condensate due to inelastic two- and three-body collisions.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Towards manufacture of ultralow loss hollow core photonic bandgap fiber

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    Hollow core photonic bandgap fibers (HC-PBGFs) are a class of optical fibers which guide light in a low index core region surrounded by a triangular lattice of air holes separated by a delicate silica web. The precise nature of this cladding structure requires extremely fine control of the fabrication parameters. While HC-PBGFs have found wide range of exciting research applications the initially anticipated potential for ultralow loss below that of single mode fiber (SMF) has yet to be realized. To date loss figures as low as 1.7 dB/km have been reported, however surface roughness at the core cladding interface limited further loss reduction. The loss of HC-PBGFs can potentially be decreased further by increasing the core dimensions and through optimisation of the fabrication process. To date, the manufacture of HC-PBGFs is reliant upon the two stage stack and draw process. To target ultralow loss below what has been reported to date it has become necessary to ensure repeatability and uniformity in the labor intensive stack and draw process. Repeatability is ensured through rigorous cleanliness throughout preform preparation and by precise fabrication control at each stage of manufacture. Figure 1. a) Scanning electron micrograph of a 19 cell core defect HC-PBGF, b) Attenuation scaling of the photonic bandgap (PBG) versus central guidance wavelength of 19 cell core defect HC-PBGF.Greater than 1 km lengths of HC-PBGF (Fig. 1a) can now be drawn with typical attenuations of the order of 2-3 dB/km and with significantly improved optical bandwidth (~ 100 nm) compared with previously reported. These developments open up HC-PBGF for a range of applications such as telecommunications, laser power delivery, gas sensing and strong light matter interactions, for which they have a clear advantage over conventional fibers. The attenuation scaling of the photonic bandgap (PBG) (solid curves) with central operating wavelength has been investigated in 19 cell core defect fibres (Fig. 1b). The expected attenuation proportional to lambda[-3] relationship (dashed red curve) is observed until the infrared absorption edge of silica (black dot dash curve) is breached and the attenuation increases (green curve). Through strategic fabrication improvements we have achieved repeatable low loss manufacture of HC-PBGFs. Future developments in fabrication control and fiber design will allow the realization of ultralow loss HC-PBGF

    Quantum Corrections to Dilute Bose Liquids

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    It was recently shown (A. Bulgac. Phys. Rev. Lett. {\bf 89}, 050402 (2002)) that an entirely new class of quantum liquids with widely tunable properties could be manufactured from bosons (boselets), fermions (fermilets) and their mixtures (ferbolets) by controlling their interaction properties by the means of a Feshbach resonance. We extend the previous mean--field analysis of these quantum liquids by computing the lowest order quantum corrections to the ground state energy and the depletion of the Bose--Einstein condensate and by estimating higher order corrections as well. We show that the quantum corrections are relatively small and controlled by the diluteness parameter na31\sqrt{n|a|^3} \ll 1, even though strictly speaking in this case there is no low density expansion.Comment: final published version, typos corrected, updated references and added one referenc

    Antiresonant hollow core fiber with an octave spanning bandwidth for short haul data communications

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    We report an effectively single mode tubular antiresonant hollow core fiber with minimum loss of ~25 dB/km at ~1200 nm, and an extremely wide low loss transmission window (lower than 30 dB/km loss from 1000 nm to 1400 nm and 6 dB bandwidth exceeding 1000 nm). Despite the relatively large mode field diameter of 32 µm, the fiber can be interfaced to SMF28 to produce fully connectorized samples. Exploiting an excellent modal purity arising from large modal differential loss and low intermodal coupling, we demonstrate penalty-free 10G on-off keying data transmission through 100m of fiber, at wavelengths of 1065, 1565 and 1963nm

    Polymer Light‐Emitting Transistors With Charge‐Carrier Mobilities Exceeding 1 cm2 V−1 s−1

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    The vast majority of conjugated polymer-based light emitting field-effect transistors (LEFETs) are characterized by low charge carrier mobilities typically in the range 10-5 to 10-3 cm2 V-1 s-1 range. Fast carrier transport is a highly desirable characteristic for high frequency LEFET operation and, potentially, for use in electrically-pumped lasers. Unfortunately, high mobility organic semiconductors are often characterised by strong intermolecular π-π interactions that reduce luminescence. Development of new materials and/or device concepts that overcome this hurdle are therefore required. We report single organic semiconductor layer, light-emitting transistors that combine the highest hole mobilities reported to date for any polymer-based LEFET, with encouraging light emission characteristics. We achieve this in a single polymer layer LEFET, which was further enhanced through the use of a small-molecule/conjugated polymer blend system that possesses a film microstructure which supports enhanced charge carrier mobility (3.2 cm2 V-1 s-1) and promising light emission characteristics (1600 cd m-2) as compared to polymer-only based LEFETs. This simple approach represents an attractive strategy to further advance the performance of solution-processed LEFETs

    Number--conserving model for boson pairing

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    An independent pair ansatz is developed for the many body wavefunction of dilute Bose systems. The pair correlation is optimized by minimizing the expectation value of the full hamiltonian (rather than the truncated Bogoliubov one) providing a rigorous energy upper bound. In contrast with the Jastrow model, hypernetted chain theory provides closed-form exactly solvable equations for the optimized pair correlation. The model involves both condensate and coherent pairing with number conservation and kinetic energy sum rules satisfied exactly and the compressibility sum rule obeyed at low density. We compute, for bulk boson matter at a given density and zero temperature, (i) the two--body distribution function, (ii) the energy per particle, (iii) the sound velocity, (iv) the chemical potential, (v) the momentum distribution and its condensate fraction and (vi) the pairing function, which quantifies the ODLRO resulting from the structural properties of the two--particle density matrix. The connections with the low--density expansion and Bogoliubov theory are analyzed at different density values, including the density and scattering length regime of interest of trapped-atoms Bose--Einstein condensates. Comparison with the available Diffusion Monte Carlo results is also made.Comment: 21 pages, 12 figure

    The one-dimensional Bose-Hubbard Model with nearest-neighbor interaction

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    We study the one-dimensional Bose-Hubbard model using the Density-Matrix Renormalization Group (DMRG).For the cases of on-site interactions and additional nearest-neighbor interactions the phase boundaries of the Mott-insulators and charge density wave phases are determined. We find a direct phase transition between the charge density wave phase and the superfluid phase, and no supersolid or normal phases. In the presence of nearest-neighbor interaction the charge density wave phase is completely surrounded by a region in which the effective interactions in the superfluid phase are repulsive. It is known from Luttinger liquid theory that a single impurity causes the system to be insulating if the effective interactions are repulsive, and that an even bigger region of the superfluid phase is driven into a Bose-glass phase by any finite quenched disorder. We determine the boundaries of both regions in the phase diagram. The ac-conductivity in the superfluid phase in the attractive and the repulsive region is calculated, and a big superfluid stiffness is found in the attractive as well as the repulsive region.Comment: 19 pages, 30 figure

    Elementary excitations of trapped Bose gas in the large-gas-parameter regime

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    We study the effect of going beyond the Gross-Pitaevskii theory on the frequencies of collective oscillations of a trapped Bose gas in the large gas parameter regime. We go beyond the Gross-Pitaevskii regime by including a higher-order term in the interatomic correlation energy. To calculate the frequencies we employ the sum-rule approach of many-body response theory coupled with a variational method for the determination of ground-state properties. We show that going beyond the Gross-Pitaevskii approximation introduces significant corrections to the collective frequencies of the compressional mode.Comment: 17 pages with 4 figures. To be published in Phys. Rev.

    A particle-number-conserving Bogoliubov method which demonstrates the validity of the time-dependent Gross-Pitaevskii equation for a highly condensed Bose gas

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    The Bogoliubov method for the excitation spectrum of a Bose-condensed gas is generalized to apply to a gas with an exact large number N N of particles. This generalization yields a description of the Schr\"odinger picture field operators as the product of an annihilation operator AA for the total number of particles and the sum of a ``condensate wavefunction'' ξ(x)\xi(x) and a phonon field operator χ(x)\chi(x) in the form ψ(x)A{ξ(x)+χ(x)/N}\psi(x) \approx A\{\xi(x) + \chi(x)/\sqrt{N}\} when the field operator acts on the N particle subspace. It is then possible to expand the Hamiltonian in decreasing powers of N\sqrt{N}, an thus obtain solutions for eigenvalues and eigenstates as an asymptotic expansion of the same kind. It is also possible to compute all matrix elements of field operators between states of different N.Comment: RevTeX, 11 page