3,373 research outputs found

    Chiral sedimentation of extended objects in viscous media

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    We study theoretically the chirality of a generic rigid object's sedimentation in a fluid under gravity in the low Reynolds number regime. We represent the object as a collection of small Stokes spheres or stokeslets, and the gravitational force as a constant point force applied at an arbitrary point of the object. For a generic configuration of stokeslets and forcing point, the motion takes a simple form in the nearly free draining limit where the stokeslet radius is arbitrarily small. In this case, the internal hydrodynamic interactions between stokeslets are weak, and the object follows a helical path while rotating at a constant angular velocity ω\omega about a fixed axis. This ω\omega is independent of initial orientation, and thus constitutes a chiral response for the object. Even though there can be no such chiral response in the absence of hydrodynamic interactions between the stokeslets, the angular velocity obtains a fixed, nonzero limit as the stokeslet radius approaches zero. We characterize empirically how ω\omega depends on the placement of the stokeslets, concentrating on three-stokeslet objects with the external force applied far from the stokeslets. Objects with the largest ω\omega are aligned along the forcing direction. In this case, the limiting ω\omega varies as the inverse square of the minimum distance between stokeslets. We illustrate the prevalence of this robust chiral motion with experiments on small macroscopic objects of arbitrary shape.Comment: 35 pages, 10 figures; Section VII.A redone and other edits made for clarity. Accepted by Phys. Rev.

    Stress condensation in crushed elastic manifolds

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    We discuss an M-dimensional phantom elastic manifold of linear size L crushed into a small sphere of radius R << L in N-dimensional space. We investigate the low elastic energy states of 2-sheets (M=2) and 3-sheets (M=3) using analytic methods and lattice simulations. When N \geq 2M the curvature energy is uniformly distributed in the sheet and the strain energy is negligible. But when N=M+1 and M>1, both energies appear to be condensed into a network of narrow M-1 dimensional ridges. The ridges appear straight over distances comparable to the confining radius R.Comment: 4 pages, RevTeX + epsf, 4 figures, Submitted to Phys. Rev. Let

    String splitting and strong coupling meson decay

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    We study the decay of high spin mesons using the gauge/string theory correspondence. The rate of the process is calculated by studying the splitting of a macroscopic string intersecting a D-brane. The result is applied to the decay of mesons in N=4 SYM with a small number of flavors and in a gravity dual of large N QCD. In QCD the decay of high spin mesons is found to be heavily suppressed in the regime of validity of the supergravity description.Comment: 17 pages, 2 figures. V2: References added. V3: Minor correction

    Low Energy Skyrmion-Skyrmion Scattering

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    We study the scattering of Skyrmions at low energy and large separation using the method proposed by Manton of truncation to a finite number of degrees freedom. We calculate the induced metric on the manifold of the union of gradient flow curves, which for large separation, to first non-trivial order is parametrized by the variables of the product ansatz. (presented at the Lake Louise Winter Institute, 1994)Comment: 6 page

    The Semiclassical Limit for SU(2)SU(2) and SO(3)SO(3) Gauge Theory on the Torus

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    We prove that for SU(2)SU(2) and SO(3)SO(3) quantum gauge theory on a torus, holonomy expectation values with respect to the Yang-Mills measure d\mu_T(\o) =N_T^{-1}e^{-S_{YM}(\o)/T}[{\cal D}\o] converge, as T0T\downarrow 0, to integrals with respect to a symplectic volume measure μ0\mu_0 on the moduli space of flat connections on the bundle. These moduli spaces and the symplectic structures are described explicitly.Comment: 18 page

    A class of six-dimensional conformal field theories

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    We describe a class of six-dimensional conformal field theories that have some properties in common with and possibly are related to a subsector of the tensionless string theories. The latter theories can for example give rise to four-dimensional N=4N = 4 superconformal Yang-Mills theories upon compactification on a two-torus. Just like the tensionless string theories, our theories have an ADEADE-classification, but no other discrete or continuous parameters. The Hilbert space carries an irreducible representation of the same Heisenberg group that appears in the tensionless string theories, and the `Wilson surface' observables obey the same superselection rules. When compactified on a two-torus, they have the same behaviour under SS-duality as super Yang-Mills theory. Our theories are natural generalizations of the two-form with self-dual field strength that is part of the world-volume theory of a single five-brane in MM-theory, and the AN1A_{N - 1} theory can in fact be seen as arising from NN non-interacting chiral two-forms by factoring out the collective `center of mass' degrees of freedom.Comment: 8 pages. More pedagogical presentation, added section on relationship to d = 4 Yang-Mills theor

    Lineal gravity from planar gravity

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    We show how to obtain the two-dimensional black hole action by dimensional reduction of the three-dimensional Einstein action with a non-zero cosmological constant. Starting from the Chern-Simons formulation of 2+1 gravity, we obtain the 1+1 dimensional gauge formulation given by Verlinde. Remarkably, the proposed reduction shares the relevant features of the formulation of Cangemi and Jackiw, without the need for a central charge in the algebra. We show how the Lagrange multipliersin these formulations appear naturally as the remnants of the three dimensional connection associated to symmetries that have been lostin the dimensional reduction. The proposed dimensional reduction involves a shift in the three dimensional connection whose effect is to make the length of the extra dimension infinite.Comment: 13 pages, plain Te

    A note on M(atrix) theory in seven dimensions with eight supercharges

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    We consider M(atrix) theory compactifications to seven dimensions with eight unbroken supersymmetries. We conjecture that both M(atrix) theory on K3 and Heterotic M(atrix) theory on T^3 are described by the same 5+1 dimensional theory with N=2 supersymmetry which is broken to N=1 by the base space. The emergence of the extra dimension follows from a recent result of Rozali[hep-th/9702136]. We show that the seven dimensional duality between M-theory on K3 and Heterotic string theory on T^3 is realised in M(atrix) theory as the exchange of one of the dimensions with this new dimension.Comment: RevTeX, 8 pages, version to appear in journa

    Non-Renormalization Theorems in Non-Renormalizable Theories

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    A perturbative non-renormalization theorem is presented that applies to general supersymmetric theories, including non-renormalizable theories in which the d2θ\int d^2\theta integrand is an arbitrary gauge-invariant function F(Φ,W)F(\Phi,W) of the chiral superfields Φ\Phi and gauge field-strength superfields WW, and the d4θ\int d^4\theta-integrand is restricted only by gauge invariance. In the Wilsonian Lagrangian, F(Φ,W)F(\Phi,W) is unrenormalized except for the one-loop renormalization of the gauge coupling parameter, and Fayet-Iliopoulos terms can be renormalized only by one-loop graphs, which cancel if the sum of the U(1) charges of the chiral superfields vanishes. One consequence of this theorem is that in non-renormalizable as well as renormalizable theories, in the absence of Fayet-Iliopoulos terms supersymmetry will be unbroken to all orders if the bare superpotential has a stationary point.Comment: 13 pages (including title page), no figures. Vanilla LaTe

    On a Modification of the Boundary State Formalism in Off-shell String Theory

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    We examine the application of boundary states in computing amplitudes in off-shell open string theory. We find a straightforward generalization of boundary state which produces the correct matrix elements with on-shell closed string states.Comment: Latex, 10 pages, refs added, minor typos correcte