8 research outputs found

    Intermolecular interactions of decamethoxinum and acetylsalicylic acid in systems of various complexity levels

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    Intermolecular interactions between decamethoxinum (DEC) and acetylsalicylic acid (ASА) have been studied in the phospholipid-containing systems of escalating complexity levels. The host media for these substances were solvents, L-α-dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine (DPPC) membranes, and samples of human erythrocytes. Peculiar effects caused by DEC-ASА interaction have been observed in each system using appropriate techniques: (a) DEC-ASА non-covalent complexes formation in DPPC-containing systems were revealed by mass spectrometry with electrospray ionization; (b) joint DEC-ASА action on DPPC model membranes led to increasing of membrane melting temperature Tm, whereas individual drugs caused pronounced Tm decreasing, which was demonstrated by differential scanning calorimetry; (c) deceleration of DEC-induced haemolysis of erythrocytes under joint DEC-ASА application was observed by optical microscopy

    Программная иммуносорбция с регенерацией сорбционных колонок при лечении волчаночного нефрита

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    Programmed immunoadsorption (IA) with regeneration of adsoption columns is a promising and safe technique to treat lupus nephritis (LN) in case of ineffective immunosuppressive therapy and its severe adverse reactions. This technique makes it possible to control disease activity, to maintain kidney function, and to ensure a normal quality of life. Due to the reusability of IA columns, it is possible to remove any required amount of IgG and to reduce the cost of an extracorporeal procedure.The paper describes a clinical case of 3-year prolonged IA in a female patient with systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) and LN with the insufficient efficacy of drug therapy and related complications. Seventy IA sessions were performed during a follow-up period. Combined treatment with glucocorticoids, cytotoxic drugs, and IA resulted in improved clinical and laboratory parameters, lower SLE activity according to SELENA-SLEDAI scores, and better quality of life according to the SF-36 scale. No adverse reactions were recorded during IA sessions.Программная иммуносорбция с регенерацией колонок (ИСр) – перспективный и безопасный метод лечения волчаночного нефрита (ВН) при недостаточной эффективности и выраженных неблагоприятных реакциях иммуносупрессивной терапии. Этот метод позволяет контролировать активность заболевания, сохранять функцию почек, обеспечивать нормальное качество жизни. Благодаря многоразовому использованию иммуносорбционных колонок можно удалить любое необходимое количество IgG и снизить себестоимость экстракорпоральной процедуры.Представлено клиническое наблюдение 3-летней пролонгированной ИСр у больной системной красной волчанкой (СКВ) и ВН с недостаточной эффективностью и осложнениями медикаментозной терапии. За период наблюдения выполнено 70 ИСр. На фоне комбинированного лечения с использованием глюкокортикоидов, цитотоксических препаратов и ИСр наблюдается улучшение клинических и лабораторных показателей, уменьшение активности СКВ по SELENA-SLEDAI, улучшение качества жизни по шкале SF-36. Неблагоприятных реакций при проведении процедур ИСр не зарегистрировано


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    Programmed immunoadsorption with regeneration of adsoption columns in the treatment of lupus nephritis

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    Programmed immunoadsorption (IA) with regeneration of adsoption columns is a promising and safe technique to treat lupus nephritis (LN) in case of ineffective immunosuppressive therapy and its severe adverse reactions. This technique makes it possible to control disease activity, to maintain kidney function, and to ensure a normal quality of life. Due to the reusability of IA columns, it is possible to remove any required amount of IgG and to reduce the cost of an extracorporeal procedure.The paper describes a clinical case of 3-year prolonged IA in a female patient with systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) and LN with the insufficient efficacy of drug therapy and related complications. Seventy IA sessions were performed during a follow-up period. Combined treatment with glucocorticoids, cytotoxic drugs, and IA resulted in improved clinical and laboratory parameters, lower SLE activity according to SELENA-SLEDAI scores, and better quality of life according to the SF-36 scale. No adverse reactions were recorded during IA sessions