7 research outputs found

    Гидрологические и гидрохимические исследования в дельте р. Лены весной 2015 и 2016 гг.

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    The results of hydrological and hydrochemical research of on bodies of water: ducts and lakes of the delta of the Lena River are reported here. Studies were performed during the 2015/16 summer (July-August) and winter (April) expeditionary seasons. The present work also introduces the results of field hydrochemical analyzes made immediately after sampling. The values of hydrochemical and hydrophysical indicators of ducts and lakes such as electrical conductivity, pH, permanganate oxidability, concentration of dissolved organic carbon, water color and absorption of colored organic matter were received. This obtained values supplemented significantly the available information on the delta water bodies in winter.Приведены результаты выполненных во время экспедиционных сезонов 2015–2016 гг. в летний (июль–август) и зимний (апрель) гидрологических и гидрохимических исследований на водных объектах — протоках и озерах дельты реки Лены. В работе представлены также результаты гидрохимических анализов, выполненных непосредственно в поле, сразу после отбора проб. Получены величины таких гидрохимических и гидрофизических показателей воды проток и озер, как электропроводность, водородный показатель рН, перманганатная окисляемость, концентрация растворенного органического углерода, цветность воды и абсорбция окрашенного растворенного органического вещества (CDOM), что существенно дополнило имеющиеся сведения о водоемах дельты в зимний период

    Vulnerability of Polar lakes according to investigation of Yamal peninsula, the Lena River delta, and East Antarctica oases water objects

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    During last 10 years investigations on Polar region lakes have been done that allow compare changing in their regimes with previous studying a half century ago. For analysis of lakes vulnerability/stability three mark regions have been chosen: The Lena River delta, Yamal peninsula and East Antarctic oases. Mark parts of Arctic and Antarctic give some very similar information about lacustrine ecosystem but in other processes different. Our investigation of lacustrine sediment cores show quite high self-cleaning of Arctic lakes according to analysis of a cations exchange capacity between near-bottom water and up layer of a core. Intensive natural eutrophication and lake succession stages replacement are available. Against a background stable glacial lakes in Antarctic there are “active” Arctic thermokarst and alas lakes. In Antarctic drying oases areas have been noticed. As a result, reduction of lakes amount as well as increasing of catchments without outflow were observed. In contrast to Antarctic oases deglaciation water system in Arctic become humidity. So, quantity of small lakes rises and lake outflow upwards. Therefore, there are two main reasons of lake ecosystem features non-conformity. One of them is a climate change, in general, and its different evidence, from another side - drying and humidification in Antarctic and Arctic correspondingly, for instance. Sometimes understanding of possibility of lakes features changes is a complicated fact. Furthermore, composition of separate components of ecosystem parts is unequal of a character of a new changed system. Lake vulnerability of both Polar Regions could be the same against the differences of their parts. Using for further ecosystem progress prediction the non-additive parameters like vulnerability/stability is more correct, consequently. The last point of view is Polar lakes is more open to environmental change, mostly to insolation and biogenic elements income, than to anthropogenic impact from Polar stations in these regions

    Особенности гидрохимического режима водных объектов полуострова Файлдс (о. Кинг Джордж, Западная Антарктика)

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    During 58th and the 59th seasons of the Russian Antarctic Expedition to the Fildes Peninsula (King George Island, West Antarctica) hydrochemical investigation of 29 lakes, 3 streams and glacier Bellinghausen have been carried out.Detailed chemical analysis of water, snow and ice samples allows to get modern and qualitatively new information about major ions, trace elements, nutrients content of the objects as well as isotopic composition of Fildes peninsula water bodies. Data analysis provide the most comprehensive hydrochemical characteristic of lake on Fildes Peninsula and identifies individual characteristics of water bodies.В период сезонных работ 58-й и 59-й Российской антарктической экспедиции на полуострове Файлдс (о. Кинг Джордж, Западная Антарктика) проводилось гидрохимическое обследование вод 29 озер, 3 ручьев и ледника Беллинсгаузена, где были отобраны образцы воды, снега и льда. Комплексные аналитические исследования собранного материала позволили получить современную, качественно новую информацию о содержании в водных объектах полуострова главных ионов, микроэлементов, биогенных элементов, а также об особенностях их изотопного состава. На основе полученных данных дается наиболее полная на сегодняшний день гидрохимическая характеристика вод озер полуострова, выявляются особенности отдельных водных объектов