3,787 research outputs found

     BRICS influence on global capitalist economy

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    The paper surveys the BRICS’ performance in the world during the last fifteen years. It analyses the economic environment as well as the possibility of rising of a possible new “global power”. The paper presents the statistical data on economic growth, international trade, population and currency reserves of the BRICS countrie

    Inversionless light amplification and optical switching controlled by state-dependent alignment of molecules

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    We propose a method to achieve amplification without population inversion by anisotropic molecules whose orientation by an external electric field is state-dependent. It is based on decoupling of the lower-state molecules from the resonant light while the excited ones remain emitting. The suitable class of molecules is discussed, the equation for the gain factor is derived, and the magnitude of the inversionless amplification is estimated for the typical experimental conditions. Such switching of the sample from absorbing to amplifying via transparent state is shown to be possible both with the aid of dc and ac control electric fields.Comment: AMS-LaTeX v1.2, 4 pages with 4 figure

    Priority areas of development of resources of hydrocarbons of Hlynskyi and Solokhivskyi oil and gas region of Dnipro and Donetsk basin

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    The resource potential of the Hlynsko-Solokhivskyi oil and gas region, selected area of oil and gas accumulation (OGA) was described. By means of graphical analysis the extent of the area resource potential development and selected areas of OGA was defined. The analysis of non-discovered resources (including localized) in areas, promising and producing complexes and deeps was made. The most promising areas were determined. The appropriate recommendations on further geology exploration for the purpose of improving the efficiency on oil and gas were given

    Electrotransport and magnetic properies of Cr-GaSb spintronic materials synthesized under high pressure

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    Electrotarnsport and magnetic properties of new phases in the system Cr-GaSb were studied. The samples were prepared by high-pressure (P=6-8 GPa) high-temperature treatment and identified by x-ray diffraction and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). One of the CrGa2_2Sb2_2 phases with an orthorhombic structure Iba2Iba2 has a combination of ferromagnetic and semiconductor properties and is potentially promising for spintronic applications. Another high-temperature phase is paramagnetic and identified as tetragonal I4/mcmI4/mcm

    Risk factors for the preservation of morphological changes in the gastric mucosa after eradication therapy for Helicobacter pylori infection in children with chronic gastritis

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    We conducted a clinical, morphofunctional examination and standard treatment of 155 children with chronic gastroduodenitis associated with Helicobacter pylori (HP) infection. It was кevealed that after 6 months lymphoplasmacytic infiltration of the gastric mucosa (GM) preserved in 37% of cases, and unspecified atrophy - in 9%, increased C3 and C4 components of the compliment - in 19% of children, antroduodenal discoordination on the background of postprandial secretin and cholecystokinin level - in 25%, as well as disorders of the intestinal microbiot

    Inversionless gain in a three-level system driven by a strong field and collisions

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    Inversionless gain in a three-level system driven by a strong external field and by collisions with a buffer gas is investigated. The mechanism of populating of the upper laser level contributed by the collision transfer as well as by relaxation caused by a buffer gas is discussed in detail. Explicit formulae for analysis of optimal conditions are derived. The mechanism developed here for the incoherent pump could be generalized to other systems.Comment: RevTeX, 9 pages, 4 eps figure

    Optical spectra, crystal-field parameters, and magnetic susceptibility of the new multiferroic NdFe3(BO3)4

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    We report high-resolution optical absorption spectra for NdFe3(BO3)4 trigonal single crystal which is known to exhibit a giant magnetoelectric effect below the temperature of magnetic ordering TN = 33 K. The analysis of the temperature-dependent polarized spectra reveals the energies and, in some cases, symmetries and exchange splittings of Nd3+ 84 Kramers doublets. We perform crystal-field calculations starting from the exchange-charge model, obtain a set of six real crystal-field parameters, and calculate wave functions and magnetic g-factors. In particular, the values g(perpendicular) = 2.385, g(parallel) = 1.376 were found for the Nd3+ ground-state doublet. We obtain Bloc=7.88 T and |JFN|= 0.48 K for the values of the local effective magnetic field at liquid helium temperatures at the Nd3+ site and the Nd - Fe exchange integral, respectively, using the experimentally measured Nd3+ ground-state splitting of 8.8 cm-1. To check reliability of our set of crystal field parameters we model the magnetic susceptibility data from literature. A dimer containing two nearest-neighbor iron ions in the spiral chain is considered to partly account for quasi-one-dimensional properties of iron borates, and then the mean-field approximation is used. The results of calculations with the exchange parameters for Fe3+ ions Jnn = -6.25 K (intra-chain interactions) and Jnnn = -1.92 K (inter-chain interactions) obtained from fitting agree well with the experimental data.Comment: 13 pages, 8 figures, 2 table

    Composición lipídica de diferentes partes del fruto del aguaymanto (Physalis peruviana L.) y valorización de residuos de semillas y cáscaras

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    The consumption of Cape gooseberry (Physalis peruviana L.) fruit (CG), fresh or processed, is gaining popularity worldwide, due to its nutritional and medicinal benefits. This study was based on the analysis of the lipid fraction of different parts of CG fruit and on further valorization of the resulting CG waste. The content of glyceride oil in CG seeds, peels and seed/peel waste, as well as the individual fatty acid, sterol and tocopherol composition of the oils was determined. CG seeds and seed/peel waste were a rich source of oil (up to 22.93%), which is suitable for nutritional application, due to its high proportions of unsaturated fatty acids (up to 83.77%), sterols (campesterol, Δ5-аvenasterol, β-sitosterol) and tocopherols (β-, δ- and γ-tocopherols). Seed/peel waste and the extracted seed cakes contained macro- and microminerals (K, Mg, Na, Fe, Zn, Mn, Cu) which are important for human and animal nutrition. Seed cakes had relatively high protein (24.32%) and cellulose (42.94%) contents, and an interesting amino acid profile. The results from the study contribute to a deeper understanding of the composition of CG fruit, and might be of practical relevance in the development of functional foods and feeds.El consumo del aguaymanto (Physalis peruviana L.), fresco o procesado, está ganando popularidad en todo el mundo debido a sus beneficios nutricionales y medicinales. Este estudio se basó en el análisis de la fracción lipídica de diferentes partes de la fruta y en una mayor valorización de los desechos resultantes. Se determinó el contenido de la fracción glicerídica en semillas, cáscaras y residuos de semillas/cáscaras, así como la composición individual de ácidos grasos, esteroles y tocoferoles de los aceites. Las semillas de aguaymanto y los residuos de semillas/cáscaras fueron una rica fuente de aceite (hasta 22,93%), adecuados para un uso nutricional, debido a las altas proporciones de ácidos grasos insaturados (hasta 83,77%), esteroles (campesterol, Δ5-avenasterol, β-sitosterol) y tocoferoles (β-, δ- y γ-tocoferol). Los residuos de semillas/cáscaras y los residuos desengrasados de semillas extraídos (tortas) contenían macro y microminerales (K, Mg, Na, Fe, Zn, Mn, Cu) importantes para la nutrición humana y animal. Las tortas de semillas tenían un contenido relativamente alto de proteínas (24,32%) y celulosa (42,94%), y un perfil de aminoácidos interesante. Los resultados del estudio contribuyen a una comprensión más profunda de la composición del aguaymanto y pueden ser de relevancia práctica en el desarrollo de alimentos y alimentos funcionales

    Tips for Programming the Speech Processor

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