100 research outputs found

    The Potential Role of Metalloproteinases in Neurogenesis in the Gerbil Hippocampus Following Global Forebrain Ischemia

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    BACKGROUND: Matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) have recently been considered to be involved in the neurogenic response of adult neural stem/progenitor cells. However, there is a lack of information showing direct association between the activation of MMPs and the development of neuronal progenitor cells involving proliferation and/or further differentiation in vulnerable (Cornus Ammoni-CA1) and resistant (dentate gyrus-DG) to ischemic injury areas of the brain hippocampus. PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: We showed that dynamics of MMPs activation in the dentate gyrus correlated closely with the rate of proliferation and differentiation of progenitor cells into mature neurons. In contrast, in the damaged CA1 pyramidal cells layer, despite the fact that some proliferating cells exhibited antigen specific characteristic of newborn neuronal cells, these did not attain maturity. This coincides with the low, near control-level, activity of MMPs. The above results are supported by our in vitro study showing that MMP inhibitors interfered with both the proliferation and differentiation of the human neural stem cell line derived from umbilical cord blood (HUCB-NSCs) toward the neuronal lineage. CONCLUSION: Taken together, the spatial and temporal profiles of MMPs activity suggest that these proteinases could be an important component in neurogenesis-associated processes in post-ischemic brain hippocampus

    Characterizing the scent and chemical composition of Panthera leo marking fluid using solid-phase microextraction and multidimensional gas chromatography–mass spectrometry-olfactometry

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    Lions (Panthera leo) use chemical signaling to indicate health, reproductive status, and territorial ownership. To date, no study has reported on both scent and composition of marking fluid (MF) from P. leo. The objectives of this study were to: 1) develop a novel method for simultaneous chemical and scent identification of lion MF in its totality (urine + MF), 2) identify characteristic odorants responsible for the overall scent of MF as perceived by human panelists, and 3) compare the existing library of known odorous compounds characterized as eliciting behaviors in animals in order to understand potential functionality in lion behavior. Solid-phase microextraction and simultaneous chemical-sensory analyses with multidimensional gas-chromatography-mass spectrometry-olfactometry improved separating, isolating, and identifying mixed (MF, urine) compounds versus solvent-based extraction and chemical analyses. 2,5-Dimethylpyrazine, 4-methylphenol, and 3-methylcyclopentanone were isolated and identified as the compounds responsible for the characteristic odor of lion MF. Twenty-eight volatile organic compounds (VOCs) emitted from MF were identified, adding a new list of compounds previously unidentified in lion urine. New chemicals were identified in nine compound groups: ketones, aldehydes, amines, alcohols, aromatics, sulfur-containing compounds, phenyls, phenols, and volatile fatty acids. Twenty-three VOCs are known semiochemicals that are implicated in attraction, reproduction, and alarm-signaling behaviors in other species

    Detection Thresholds for Phenyl Ethyl Alcohol Using Serial Dilutions in Different Solvents

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    An economic review of the national screening policy to prevent thalassemia major in Iran

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    This Paper is to describe the economic burden of thalassemia as a major health problem in thalassemia belt countries like Iran. Great emphasis is placed on prenatal diagnosis to prevent the disease, as the "economic" solution from a health care policy viewpoint. The alternative method of the current screening program in Iran is outlined and discussed especially with respect to the "cost-effectiveness" issue, along with some pitfalls of the general plan and the techniques under use. Further follow-up of program after such refinement is advised, and especially the provision of a working option of prenatal diagnosis to carrier couples is recommended

    New Approaches for Biosaline Agriculture Development, Management and Conservation of Central Asian Degraded Drylands

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    This paper is an attempt to contribute to a better understanding of the very difficult arid environments in Uzbekistan, and for the conservation and rational use of halophytic rangelands resources. The survey was within a framework of Joint Research Project: supported by a Grant in Aid for Scientific Research, Japan Ministry of Education and Culture, 2003 (No. 15252002) represented by professor Dr. Tsuneo Tsukatani, Division of Economic Information Analysis, Kyoto Institute of Economic Research, Kyoto University, Japan. The field expedition was carried out from April to November 2006. The target area was Kyzylkum Desert of Central Uzbekistan

    Poppy Fields in Afghanistan: Implications for the Development of a Healthy Agriculture

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    This chapter is to describe the problem of growing, processing and traffic of illicit drugs in Afghanistan with a realistic look at its social causes and effects along with a brief history of opium and cannabis production in Afghanistan. With such a background, the implications of opium problem on any plan to help rebuild and restructure Afghanistan's economy can be better understood as the general view of the authors is to redirect the agricultural potentials in north Afghanistan towards a healthy stage that can lead to near self-sufficiency in provision of food for the area's residents. We believe that the problem of growing, processing and traffic of illicit drugs in Afghanistan should be discussed with reference to its role in the household economy of farmers, the resultant social and political anarchy, and hindrance to the development of a healthy agriculture and economy. The causes of this phenomenon can be delved into, with a view to the history of the events and the current situation especially in north of Afghanistan. The prospective picture for Afghanistan could be portrayed by looking at the real data and statistics available through the work of international organizations (most notably UNDCP) and the solutions to opium problems should be sought considering the deep changes that are needed to empower the farmers with the necessary tools to grow other crops, while remembering the immediate needs of a society that has few alternatives to earn a minimum living. With a short discussion on all the social, economical, political, and humane perspectives of the opium issue, the importance of providing a competent system of irrigation for the farmers living in north Afghanistan could not be overemphasized, considering the potentials of Amu-Darya river to support a healthy and strong agriculture on its left bank