1,797 research outputs found

    A Method of Preparing Studies of Trichinella spiralis Owen

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    This work was first attempted with the idea in mind of securing an adequate supply of laboratory material of Trichinella spiralis for classes in invertebrate Zoology at the State University of Iowa

    Some New Endoparasites of the Snake

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    In the fall of 19l6 a large, live specimen of Black Snake, Zamenis constrictor (Linn.), was sent from Garrison-on-Hudsen, New York, to Miss G. Van Wagenen of the State University of Iowa. In December the snake was killed and dissected. At that time three different endoparasites were found which were classified according to the present inadequate and chaotic literature on these groups, as Porocephalus globicephalus Hett, a new Renifer und a larval Gigantorhynchus

    Collecting the Soldier Vote

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    Further Notes on the Venous Connections of the Lymphatic System in the Common Rat

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    As long ago as 1825 the Italian anatomist, R. Lippi, published a paper on “Illustrazioni fisiologiche e patologiche del sistems linfalico-chilifero mediante la scoperta di un gran numbero di comunicazioni de esso col venoso” in which he brought out the fact that the lymphatics not only connect with the veins at the Jugulo-subclavian juncture but also join the Inferior Vena Cava and Portal vein. 49. Mites affecting-According to the plan of nature animals are compelled either directly or indirectly to lay under tribute the plant world in order to obtain food; and so completely have they done so that it is doubtful if any, among the many thousands of species of the latter, are exempt from attack. 50. Odonata of Iowa-Iowa Odonata have not been given their due consideration in entomological records of the state. The few articles that have been written dealing with these insects as they occur within the state have been very local in nature. It is the purpose of this paper to list those species that have been recorded in the past and to give new records that have been obtained during the writer\u27s recent collecting trips. In each case the locality, date, and collector\u27s name are given, where those are known. It was during the summer of 1916, while acting as insect collector for the Department of Zoology at Iowa State College, that the writer did most of his collecting, and it was then that he had many opportunities to notice species of this order in their natural habitats

    On the Lymphatic System of the Common Rat

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    From fifty injected specimens, the gross anatomy of the Common Rat has been studied and outlined. The results of the work have further proven the studies of McClure and Silvester on the Lymphatico-venous communications in the Jugulo-subclavian district, and of Silvester on the renal vein communications, and have established two additional communications, the portal vein connection and the ilio-lumbar vein connection. The main circulation and disposition of the lymphatic system has been determined and the need of further knowledge concerning the histology of the lymph nodes, of which there appear to be two types, is pointed out


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    Salinité - gypse

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    Soufre - sulfates

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