5 research outputs found


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    In Russia tuberculosis patients are detected during preventive mass screening and by self referral to medical units with clinical signs of the disease.Goal of the study: to compare pulmonary tuberculosis patients detected during mass screening and by self referral to medical units with clinical signs of the disease.Materials and methods: Data about 446 pulmonary tuberculosis patients treated in Republican TB Dispensary of Saransk in 2012-2014 were retrieved from Rosttsat Forms no. 8 and 33 and Russian Ministry of Health Reporting Forms (Edict 50). Statistica software was used for data processing.Results. Among 446 pulmonary tuberculosis patients detected in 2012-2014, the part of those detected during mass screening made ¾ out of total number, and those detected by self-referral made ¼, however the latter group of patients was significantly more dangerous from epidemiological point of view, since among them the part of those with long period of the disease before treatment start was higher, the positive sputum tests were more often observed as well as pulmonary cavities and primary MDR compared to the patients detected during mass screening.The obtained results point out at the need to focus on mass screening in the targeted groups of population concentrated around sources of infection


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    In Russia tuberculosis patients are detected during preventive mass screening and by self referral to medical units with clinical signs of the disease.Goal of the study: to compare pulmonary tuberculosis patients detected during mass screening and by self referral to medical units with clinical signs of the disease.Materials and methods: Data about 446 pulmonary tuberculosis patients treated in Republican TB Dispensary of Saransk in 2012-2014 were retrieved from Rosttsat Forms no. 8 and 33 and Russian Ministry of Health Reporting Forms (Edict 50). Statistica software was used for data processing.Results. Among 446 pulmonary tuberculosis patients detected in 2012-2014, the part of those detected during mass screening made ¾ out of total number, and those detected by self-referral made ¼, however the latter group of patients was significantly more dangerous from epidemiological point of view, since among them the part of those with long period of the disease before treatment start was higher, the positive sputum tests were more often observed as well as pulmonary cavities and primary MDR compared to the patients detected during mass screening.The obtained results point out at the need to focus on mass screening in the targeted groups of population concentrated around sources of infection. В России выявление больных туберкулезом происходит во время массовых периодических осмотров и при самостоятельном обращении лиц в медицинские организации с клиническими проявлениями болезни.Цель исследования: сравнительная характеристика больных туберкулезом легких, выявленных во время периодических осмотров и при обращении в медицинские организации с клиническими проявлениями болезни.Материалы и методы: сведения о 446 больных туберкулезом легких, лечившихся в ГКУЗ «Республиканский противотуберкулезный диспансер» г. Саранска в 2012-2014 гг., получены из отчетных форм Росттата № 8 и 33 и отчетных форм Минздрава России (приказ № 50). Для обработки данных применены стандартные пакеты статистических программ Statistica.Результаты. Среди 446 больных туберкулезом легких, выявленных в 2012-2014 гг., доля выявленных при периодических осмотрах составляла ¾ от их общего числа, а при обращении в медицинские организации с клиническими проявлениями болезни - ¼, однако именно эти пациенты были значительно опаснее в эпидемическом плане, поскольку среди них была достоверно выше доля лиц с длительными периодами заболевания до начала лечения и достоверно чаще обнаруживались бактериовыделение, полости распада в легких и первичная МЛУ МБТ по сравнению с пациентами, выявленными при периодических осмотрах. Полученные результаты свидетельствуют о необходимости фокусирования массовых периодических осмотров на целевых группах населения, сконцентрированных вокруг очагов инфекции


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    The efficiency of using co-trimoxazole for treatment of mice infected with tuberculous mycobacteria with extensive drug resistance and supposed sensitivity to co-trimoxazole have been investigated.The study of 78 clinical cultures of tuberculous mycobacteria has demonstrated that drug resistance to first line drugs (cases with multiple drug resistance – MDR) can be accompanied by the expansion of polymorphism in the part of drug susceptibility to co-trimoxazole, thus this drug can be used as an additional drug in the treatment of M/XDR tuberculosis patients. Using co-trimoxazole as an additional drug to isoniazid in the model of generalized tuberculosis in mice infected with Beijing strain with XDR reduced the bacterial load of the lungs by 10 times.Detail evaluation of drug susceptibility/resistance of tuberculous mycobacteria to the additional drug of co-trimoxazole and investigation of the interaction of this drug with other agents included into treatment regimens IV and V can form the basis for improvement of treatment regimens for M/XDR tuberculosis patients with specification of doses and frequency of drug in-takes for each specific case

    Health in the Value Structure of Young Muscovites Committed to Sports

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    В статье даны результаты социологического опроса, проведенного среди физически активной молодежи города Москвы, занимающейся спортом не менее трех раз в неделю, котороые демонстрируют низкие рейтинги здоровья в структуре ценностей молодых москвичей. Состояние хорошего самочувствия менее важно, чем общественная активность, секс, семья и материальное благополучие. Молодые женщины и мужчины не настроены посещать медицинские организации с целью диспансеризации на фоне хорошего самочувствия и готовы обратиться к врачу в случае болезни или недомогания только в половине случаев, а это резко ухудшает прогноз в случае латентного течения того или иного заболевания.The article presents the results of a sociological survey conducted in Moscow among physically active youth who practice sports and fitness at least three times a week, which demonstrated low health ratings in the structure of values of young Muscovites. Well-being is less important than social activity, sexual life, family and material welfare. Young women and men are not inclined to visit medical organisations for the purpose of medical examinations when feeling healthy. Considering illnesses or other health disorders, they are ready to visit doctors just in half of cases; this situation dramatically worsens the prognosis in the case of a latent disease