10 research outputs found

    Raynaud’s phenomenon in the endocrinologist’s practice

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    Raynaud’s phenomenon or syndrome (RS) is an episodic attacks of transient digital ischemia resulting from vasospasm of the digital artery, precapillary arterioles, and skin arteriovenous shunts in response to exposure to cold temperature or emotional stress. Prevalence averages 3–5%. The high prevalence of RS in the population, as well as the frequent association with other, often life-threatening, diseases and conditions, determines its clinical significance. In 80–90% of cases, RS is idiopathic. It is assumed that the spasmodic reactivity of the vessels is caused by a violation of the central and local dysregulation of vascular tone. The most important role is played by vascular endothelial, intravascular and neuronal disorders. In at least 10% of cases, this is a secondary phenomenon. Most often, RS is associated with systemic rheumatic diseases. Along with this, endocrine diseases can develop, including those affected by the pituitary, thyroid and parathyroid glands, adrenal glands, and diabetes mellitus. In some cases, RS may be the only symptom of endocrine pathology. In general, SR is a condition with a favorable outlook and a stable course. The most informative instrumental method for the differential diagnosis of primary and secondary syndrome is the capillaroscopy of the nail bed

    Assessment of the risk of developing type 2 diabetes mellitus in patients with gout based on the FINDRISС scale

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    BACKGROUND: Gout is associated with a high incidence of type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM).AIM: To calculate the risk of T2DM on the FINDRISС scale, to assess the sensitivity and specificity of the scale in patients with gout based on the results of prospective follow-up.MATERIALS AND METHODS: A prospective single-center study included 444 patients with gout over 18 years of age (49 women, 395 men) without diabetes. The duration of follow-up ranged from 2 to 8 years. Initially, the risk of developing diabetes mellitus 2 was calculated according to the Russian version of the FINDRISС scale. The risk of developing T2DM was assessed as «low» with a total score (CC) <7 points, slightly increased — from 7 to 11 points, moderate — from 12 to 14 points, high — from 15 to 20 points, and very high — ≥20 points. To assess the validity of using the FINDRISС scale, an analysis of sensitivity, specificity, construction of the ROC curve with the determination of the area under the curve was carried out. The presence and number of subcutaneous tophi, the number of arthritis attacks over the last year, the number of affected joints during the illness, serum levels of creatinine, uric acid, hs-CRP, glycated hemoglobin were determined.RESULTS: Over 5.66 [2.69; 7.64] years of follow-up, T2DM developed in 108 patients (24.3%). On the FINDRISС scale, low risk was found in 16 (4%), slightly increased in 187 (42%), moderate in 98 (22%), high in 80 (18%), very high in 63 (14%). The most common risk factors (RF) for T2DM included in FINDRISС were BMI> 25 kg / m2  — 85.6% of patients, taking antihypertensive drugs — 81.3% of patients, age over 45 years in 70.5% of patients. The sensitivity and specificity of the FINDRISС scale were 52.8% and 66.3%, respectively. According to these data, the quality of the model was assessed as moderate. 9% vs 31.1% (p = 0.014)), serum MK level ≤300 μmol / L. Developed type 2 diabetes 33.3% of patients with moderate / high / very high risk 18.1% of patients with low or slightly increased risk (p = 0.0002).CONCLUSION: The FINDRISС scale can have sufficient sensitivity (52.8%) and specificity (66.3%) and can be used to calculate the risk of T2DM in patients with gout

    Факторы риска развития сахарного диабета 2-го типа у пациентов с подагрой: результаты проспективного исследования

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    The development of type 2 diabetes mellitus (DM) (DM2) in patients with gout can be influenced by both conventional and directly linked to gout risk factors (RFs).Objective: to identify RFs for the development of DM2 in patients with gout, including those directly associated with gout, based on long-term prospective follow-up data.Patients and methods. The study included 444 patients with gout older than 18 years (49 women, 395 men) who did not have DM. The followup period ranged from 2 to 8 years. The studied RFs for DM2 were: gender, age, family history of DM2, obesity, alcohol consumption >20 units per week, insufficient physical activity, unbalanced nutrition, history of hyperglycemia, coronary heart disease (CHD), arterial hypertension (AH), chronic heart failure, antihypertensive drugs, diuretics, glucocorticoids (GCs), urate-lowering therapy, serum levels of cholesterol, triglycerides, CRP, uric acid (UA), glucose, creatinine, glomerular filtration rate <60 ml/min/1.73 m2, the presence of tophi, >4 attacks of gout per year, ≥5 affected joints during the disease.Results and discussion. DM2 developed in 108 (24.3%) patients. These patients were older, had a family history of DM, more often received antihypertensive therapy, diuretics, and glucocorticoids (49.1; 73.1; 27.8 and 47.2%, respectively) than patients who did not develop DM2 (25.6; 50.5; 14.8 and 36.4%, respectively; p<0.05 for all cases). In addition, patients with DM2 were more likely to have subcutaneous tophi (59.3% versus 30.0%; p=0.001), among them there were more individuals (67.6% versus 31.6%; p=0.001) with frequent attacks of arthritis (>4 attacks per year). UA levels >480 and 600 μmol/l were also significantly more frequent (p=0.0002) in patients with DM2 (71.3 and 34.3%, respectively).According to logistic regression data, factors that increase the risk of developing DM2 were: family history of DM, a history of hyperglycemia, CHD, AH, intake of GCs, antihypertensive drugs, the presence of tophi, >4 exacerbations of gout per year. Febuxostat use and UA <300 μmol/L were associated with a lower risk of DM2.Conclusion. The occurrence of DM2 in gout is associated not only with well-known risk factors, but also with hyperuricemia and microcrystalline inflammation. Febuxostat therapy is associated with a lower risk of developing DM2.На развитие сахарного диабета (СД) 2-го типа (СД2) у пациентов с подагрой могут влиять как общепринятые, так и непосредственно связанные с подагрой факторы риска (ФР).Цель исследования – на основании данных многолетнего проспективного наблюдения выявить у пациентов с подагрой ФР развития СД2, в том числе непосредственно связанные с подагрой.Пациенты и методы. В исследование включено 444 пациента c подагрой старше 18 лет (49 женщин, 395 мужчин), не имевших СД. Длительность наблюдения составляла от 2 до 8 лет. В качестве ФР СД2 рассмотрены: пол, возраст, отягощенная наследственность по СД2, ожирение, употребление алкоголя >20 ед. в неделю, недостаточная физическая нагрузка, несбалансированное питание, гипергликемия в анамнезе, ишемическая болезнь сердца (ИБС), артериальная гипертензия (АГ), хроническая сердечная недостаточность, прием гипотензивных препаратов, диуретиков, глюкокортикоидов (ГК), уратснижающая терапия, сывороточные уровни холестерина, триглицеридов, СРБ, мочевой кислоты (МК), глюкозы, креатинина, скорость клубочковой фильтрации <60 мл/мин/1,73м2, наличие тофусов, >4 приступов подагры в год, ≥5 пораженных суставов за время болезни.Результаты и обсуждение. СД2 развился у 108 (24,3%) пациентов. Эти пациенты были старше, имели отягощенную наследственность по СД, чаще получали антигипертензивную терапию, диуретики и ГК (49,1; 73,1; 27,8 и 47,2% соответственно), чем больные, у которых СД2 не возник (25,6; 50,5; 14,8 и 36,4% соответственно; р<0,05 для всех случаев). Кроме того, у пациентов с СД2 чаще выявлялись подкожные тофусы (59,3% против 30,0%; р=0,001), среди них было больше лиц (67,6% против 31,6%; р=0,001) с частыми приступами артрита (>4 приступов в год). Уровни МК >480 и 600 мкмоль/л также значимо чаще (р=0,0002) определялись у больных с СД2 (71,3 и 34,3% соответственно).По данным логистической регрессии, факторами, увеличивающими риск возникновения СД2, были: наследственная отягощенность по СД, наличие гипергликемии в анамнезе, ИБС, АГ, прием ГК, гипотензивных препаратов, наличие тофусов, >4 обострений подагры в год. Прием фебуксостата и уровень МК <300 мкмоль/л ассоциировались с меньшим риском развития СД2.Заключение. Возникновение СД2 при подагре связано не только с общеизвестными ФР, но и с гиперурикемией и микрокристаллическим воспалением. Терапия фебуксостатом ассоциируется с меньшим риском развития СД2

    Impurity breakdown and terahertz luminescence in n-GaN epilayers under external electric field

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    We report on the observation and experimental studies of impurity breakdown and terahertz luminescence in n-GaN epilayers under external electric field. The terahertz electroluminescence is observed in a wide range of doping levels (at noncompensated donor density from 4.5×10[sup 16] to 3.4×10[sup 18] cm[sup −3]). Spectra of terahertz luminescence and photoconductivity are studied by means of Fourier transform spectrometry. Distinctive features of the spectra can be assigned to intracenter electron transitions between excited and ground states of silicon and oxygen donors and to hot electron transitions to the donor states.Peer reviewe

    Riedel's thyroiditis: diagnostic difficulties (clinical case and brief review)

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    Riedel's thyroiditis is a rare disease characterized by chronic fibrosis. Clinical performance of this disease is dense stony goiter, which can poorly be displaced during palpation. The overgrowth of the goiter can lead to the development of compression syndrome. To diagnose we need to made fine needle biopsy and made the final diagnose according to its results or according to the morphological description of the postoperative material. An important step in the diagnosis of Riedel's thyroiditis is the determination of serum IgG and IgG4 to exclude an IgG4-associated disease. Treatment of this disease includes drug therapy, which is based on glucocorticosteroids administration or surgical treatment when develops compression syndrome. This article presents a clinical case of a patient with Riedel's thyroiditis; the main complaints were associated with the growth of goiter and the development of compression syndrome. In this regard, patient underwent surgery on the thyroid gland, and after this we get final diagnose. Due to feeling unwell, drug therapy with glucocorticosteroids was prescribed, against the background of which we noted a positive trend