76 research outputs found

    Exchangeability and Realizability: De Finetti Theorems on Graphs

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    A classic result in probability theory known as de Finetti\u27s theorem states that exchangeable random variables are equivalent to a mixture of distributions where each distribution is determined by an i.i.d. sequence of random variables (an "i.i.d. mix"). Motivated by a recent application and more generally by the relationship of local vs. global correlation in randomized rounding, we study weaker notions of exchangeability that still imply the conclusion of de Finetti\u27s theorem. We say that a bivariate distribution rho is G-realizable for a graph G if there exists a joint distribution of random variables on the vertices such that the marginal distribution on each edge equals rho. We first characterize completely the G-realizable distributions for all symmetric/arc-transitive graphs G. Our main results are forms of de Finetti\u27s theorem for general graphs, based on spectral properties. Let lambda_1(G) >= ... >= lambda_n(G) denote the eigenvalues of the adjacency matrix of G. 1. We prove that if rho is G_n-realizable for a sequence of graphs such that lambda_n(G_n) / lambda_1(G_n) tends to 0, then rho is described by a probability matrix that is positive-semidefinite. For random variables on domains of size |D| <= 4, this implies that rho must be an i.i.d. mix. 2. If rho is G_n-realizable for a sequence of (n,d,lambda)-graphs G_n (d-regular with all eigenvalues except for one bounded by lambda in absolute value) such that lambda(G_n) / d(G_n) tends to 0, then rho is an i.i.d. mix. 3. If rho is G_n-realizable for a sequence of directed graphs such that each of them is an arbitrary orientation of an (n,d,lambda)-graph G_n, and lambda(G_n) / d(G_n) tends to 0, then rho is an i.i.d. mix

    CREPE: Learnable Prompting With CLIP Improves Visual Relationship Prediction

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    In this paper, we explore the potential of Vision-Language Models (VLMs), specifically CLIP, in predicting visual object relationships, which involves interpreting visual features from images into language-based relations. Current state-of-the-art methods use complex graphical models that utilize language cues and visual features to address this challenge. We hypothesize that the strong language priors in CLIP embeddings can simplify these graphical models paving for a simpler approach. We adopt the UVTransE relation prediction framework, which learns the relation as a translational embedding with subject, object, and union box embeddings from a scene. We systematically explore the design of CLIP-based subject, object, and union-box representations within the UVTransE framework and propose CREPE (CLIP Representation Enhanced Predicate Estimation). CREPE utilizes text-based representations for all three bounding boxes and introduces a novel contrastive training strategy to automatically infer the text prompt for union-box. Our approach achieves state-of-the-art performance in predicate estimation, mR@5 27.79, and mR@20 31.95 on the Visual Genome benchmark, achieving a 15.3\% gain in performance over recent state-of-the-art at mR@20. This work demonstrates CLIP's effectiveness in object relation prediction and encourages further research on VLMs in this challenging domain

    The White-Box Adversarial Data Stream Model

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    We study streaming algorithms in the white-box adversarial model, where the stream is chosen adaptively by an adversary who observes the entire internal state of the algorithm at each time step. We show that nontrivial algorithms are still possible. We first give a randomized algorithm for the L1L_1-heavy hitters problem that outperforms the optimal deterministic Misra-Gries algorithm on long streams. If the white-box adversary is computationally bounded, we use cryptographic techniques to reduce the memory of our L1L_1-heavy hitters algorithm even further and to design a number of additional algorithms for graph, string, and linear algebra problems. The existence of such algorithms is surprising, as the streaming algorithm does not even have a secret key in this model, i.e., its state is entirely known to the adversary. One algorithm we design is for estimating the number of distinct elements in a stream with insertions and deletions achieving a multiplicative approximation and sublinear space; such an algorithm is impossible for deterministic algorithms. We also give a general technique that translates any two-player deterministic communication lower bound to a lower bound for {\it randomized} algorithms robust to a white-box adversary. In particular, our results show that for all p≥0p\ge 0, there exists a constant Cp>1C_p>1 such that any CpC_p-approximation algorithm for FpF_p moment estimation in insertion-only streams with a white-box adversary requires Ω(n)\Omega(n) space for a universe of size nn. Similarly, there is a constant C>1C>1 such that any CC-approximation algorithm in an insertion-only stream for matrix rank requires Ω(n)\Omega(n) space with a white-box adversary. Our algorithmic results based on cryptography thus show a separation between computationally bounded and unbounded adversaries. (Abstract shortened to meet arXiv limits.)Comment: PODS 202
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