174 research outputs found

    Produtividade e características agronômicas de sete genótipos de milho na região do Sub-Médio do Vale do São Francisco.

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    Este trabalho objetivou avaliar a produtividade de matéria verde (PMV) e matéria seca (PMS), altura de espiga (AE), números de espiga por planta (NE) e altura das plantas (AP) de seis genótipos de milho indicados para a região Semi-Árida (BRS Caati ngueiro, BRS Assum Preto, Asa Branca BR 5033, São Francisco BR 5028, Gurutuba e BRS 4103) e do cultivar de Grão Branco (BRS 451) visando a produção de silagem. O delineamento experimental foi o de blocos ao acaso, com quatro repetições. Os cultivares Gurutuba, São Francisco BR 5028 e BRS 4103 obtiveram as maiores produções de matéria verde (38,7; 35,1; 40,0 t/ha) e seca (16,0; 15,8; 16,5 t/ha), respectivamente. Já os cultivares BRS Caatingueiro e o BRS 4103 apresentaram números de espigas/planta (1,6 e 1,3, respectivamente) superiores aos demais. Os cultivares Gurutuba, São Francisco BR 5028 e BRS 4103 apresentaram melhores resultados para produção de matéria seca ( t/ha), destacando-se como alternativas para a produção de silagem na região do Sub-médio do Vale do São Francisco

    Relação espiga, colmo e folha de sete genótipos de milho na região do Sub-médio do Vale do São Francisco.

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    Este trabalho objetivou avaliar a relação espiga, colmo e folha de seis genótipos de milho indicados para a região Semi-Árida (BRS Caatingueiro, BRS Assum Preto, Asa Branca BR 5033, São Francisco BR 5028, Gurutuba e BRS 4103) e do cultivar de Grão Branco (BRS 451) visando a produção de silagens. Foi utilizado o delineamento experimental de blocos ao acaso, com quatro repetições. A colheita foi efetuada quando a planta atingia o estádio de grão farináceo. As porcentagens de espiga com base na massa seca variaram de 43,0 a 64,9% (BRS 451 e Assum Preto, respectivamente). Foram observadas porcentagens de 22,6 a 33,9% para colmo (Assum Preto e Asa Branca, respectivamente) e de 12,5 a 29,9% para folhas (Assum Preto e BRS 4103, respectivamente). O genótipo Assum Preto apresentou a maior porcentagem de espiga e a menor de colmo. A representatividade dos componentes espigas, colmos e folhas dos sete genótipos são indicativos da possibilidade de produção de silagens de boa qualidade

    Manejo nutricional de ovinos e caprinos em regiões semi-áridas.

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    Que animal alimentar?; Qual a exigência nutricional dos animais a serem alimentados?; Quais alimentos estão disponíveis?; Quanto colocar de alimentos e como alimentar os animais?; Quanto custa e quanto de lucro a alimentação gera?

    Utility of pace-matching mapping in the ablation of idiopathic ventricular tachyarrhythmias

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    Published on behalf of the European Society of Cardiology. All rights reserved. © The Author 2017.Introduction: The electroanatomical mapping of idiopathic ventricular tachyarrhythmias (iVT) - premature ventricular contractions (PVC) and idiopathic ventricular tachycardia (VT) - is dependent on the recording of spontaneous PVC or induction of the clinical VT during the procedure to obtain the iVT activation map. The presence of infrequent and non-inducible iVT may preclude ablation. Pace-matching (PM) mapping of the anatomical region on interest, using the PaSo™ algorithm, may allow to circumvent this limitation. Purpose: Determination of the utility of the PaSo™pace-matching mapping for iVT ablation Methods: A single-center retrospective study was made, with inclusion of consecutive patients undergoing iVT ablation between October 2013 and October 2016. It was collected electroanatomical data, including the highest correlation obtained by PM (PaSo™). Success of the procedure was assessed (defined as the elimination of spontaneous PVC during the electrophysiological study and non-inducible iVT at the end) and the ability of the PaSo™ pace-matching mapping to guide effective ablation was determined. Results: 29 patients were studied (62.1% women, mean age 52.8±14.7 years). 65.5% presented symptomatic frequent PVC and 34.5% VT. The most frequent anatomic origin was the right ventricular outflow tract (58.6%), followed by the left coronary cusp (20.7%), mitro-aortic continuity (13.8%) and papillary muscles (6.9%). The ablation was successful (PVC elimination during the procedure) in 75.9% of the cases. In 79.3% of the cases it was possible to obtain an activation map; in 20.7% (6 cases) it was only possible to obtain a pace-matching map, because ocurred suppression of PVC during the procedure, and success was achieved in 5 of these cases. There was no relationship between success and anatomical region of origin of the iVT. The mean value of the better pace-matching correlation was 94.45% ± 3.95%, being significantly higher when the zone of interest was located in the right ventricle (95.71±3.23 vs. 92.68±4.3, p=0.04). There was a positive and significant association between the PaSo™ correlation value and success (r=0.554; p=0.007). Significantly higher correlations were observed in successful ablations [95.9% vs 92%; p=0.006), and the PaSo™ correlation value was a good predictor of success (AUC: 0.874, 95% CI 0.74–1.0, p=0.003). The pace-matching threshold of 93.55% predicted ablation success with 86.4% sensitivity and 85.7% specificity. Conclusion: In patients with iVT, pace-matching mapping provides a suitable method for performing ablation procedure, and it is essential in patients where spontaneous suppression of PVC occurs during the procedure. The achievement of a pace-matching correlation>93.55% conveniently identifies the dysrhythmic focus, allowing increasing of ablation success.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Forage mass, tillering, nutritive value and root system of ruzigrass inoculated with plant growth promoting bacteria associated with doses of N-fertilizer

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    The aim of this study was evaluating the effect of the inoculation of plant growth promoting bacteria (PGPB) in forage mass, tillering, nutritive value and root system of ruzigrass (Urochloa ruziziensis (R. Germ. & Evrard) Crins (syn. of Brachiaria ruziziensis) associated with doses of N-fertilizer. The bacteria inoculated were Azospirillum brasilense Ab-V5, Pseudomonas fluorescens CCTB03 and Pantoea ananatis AMG 521, plus the control treatment (non-inoculated), associated with doses of N-fertilizer (0, 50 and 100 kg N ha-1). The experiment was performed in a randomized block design, in a 4x3 factorial scheme, with four replicates, totaling 48 plots (12 m2). There were no effects of the PGPB and the use of N-fertilizer on the leaf blade, stem+sheath, forage mass, daily and yearly accumulation of forage mass. The PGPB did not have influence on the density of tillers. The doses of 50 and 100 kg of N ha-1 increased the amount of tillers. The AMG 521 strain associated with N-fertilizer provided heavier tillers. There was no effect of the PGPB on crude protein (CP), neutral detergent fiber (NDF), as well as acid detergent fiber (ADF), and in vitro digestibility of the dry matter (IVDDM).  The use of 100 kg of N ha-1 contributed to an increase in CP and a decrease in NDF. The AMG 521 strain contributed to a smaller diameter of the root. Strains CCTB03 and AMG 521 demonstrated a smaller area, length and root density when associated with the dose of 50kg of N ha-1. In general, the PGPB were not efficient in promoting productive increments in ruzigrass

    Gene expression and interactome analysis of candidate effectors associated with pre- and post-haustorial hemileia vastatrix-coffee interaction.

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    The present study sought to analyze the putative secreted proteins of Hemileia vastatrix, with potential to function as effector proteins. The H. vastatrix secretome was subjected to functional categorization and the greatest similarities were observed between species of the genus Puccinia sp (398), and Melampsora larici-populina (82). Based on the secretome, 415 Gene Ontology terms were extracted. The putative secretome was also compared to the high-throughput transcriptome of coffee-H. vastatrix interactions. By the transcriptome comparison data and the results of functional annotation and characteristics associated with effector proteins, 15 genes were selected and analyzed using RT-qPCR during compatible and incompatible coffee-H. vastatrix interactions. The expression patterns suggested that the EHv33-18 and EHv33-25 candidate effector may be responsible for faster communication between pathogen and the host during incompatible interaction. Other six candidate are involved in the biotrophic stage of infection, which is characterized by an increase in the expression of effectors, and in enzymes involved in secondary metabolism. Phylogenetic analysis suggest that these eight genes follow evolutionary mechanisms exclusive to the coffee-H. vastatrix interaction, making them important targets in studies aimed at obtaining durable resistance to this disease. Interactomic network made between coffee proteins and H. vastatrix proteins was obtained for the first time and revealed a wide network of interactions between effector EHv33-19 and coffee proteins. The obtained results suggest that there may be communication between the pathogen and the host in the early stage of infection during the urediniospores germination phase. This indicated pre-haustorial resistance complementary to post-haustorial resistance