15,174 research outputs found

    Bacillary angiomatosis in HIV-infected patients - An epidemiological and clinical study

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    Background: No data were available on the epidemiological and clinical characteristics of bacillary angiomatosis (BA) in Germany. Objective:To determine epidemiological and clinical data on HIV-associated BA. Methods: A chart review of all BA cases between 1990 and 1998 was performed in 23 German AIDS treatment units. Results: A total of 21 cases of BA was diagnosed. During th is period, the participating HIV centers treated about 17,000 HIV-infected patients. As a result, a BA prevalence of 1.2 cases/1,000 patients can be assumed. 19 BA were localized in the skin; in 5 cases bones and in 4 cases the liver were involved. Out of 20 patients who received antibiotic therapy, 13 had complete remission. The median time of duration up to complete remission was 32 days (9-82), During the follow-up of the 20 patients, 7 relapses were observed, Conclusion: BA is a rare HIV-associated disease with a prevalence of 1,2 cases/1,000 patients in the presented study. Copyright (C) 2000 S. Karger AG, Basel

    A Closed-Form Expression for the Gravitational Radiation Rate from Cosmic Strings

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    We present a new formula for the rate at which cosmic strings lose energy into gravitational radiation, valid for all piecewise-linear cosmic string loops. At any time, such a loop is composed of NN straight segments, each of which has constant velocity. Any cosmic string loop can be arbitrarily-well approximated by a piecewise-linear loop with NN sufficiently large. The formula is a sum of O(N4)O(N^4) polynomial and log terms, and is exact when the effects of gravitational back-reaction are neglected. For a given loop, the large number of terms makes evaluation ``by hand" impractical, but a computer or symbolic manipulator yields accurate results. The formula is more accurate and convenient than previous methods for finding the gravitational radiation rate, which require numerical evaluation of a four-dimensional integral for each term in an infinite sum. It also avoids the need to estimate the contribution from the tail of the infinite sum. The formula has been tested against all previously published radiation rates for different loop configurations. In the cases where discrepancies were found, they were due to errors in the published work. We have isolated and corrected both the analytic and numerical errors in these cases. To assist future work in this area, a small catalog of results for some simple loop shapes is provided.Comment: 29 pages TeX, 16 figures and computer C-code available via anonymous ftp from directory pub/pcasper at alpha1.csd.uwm.edu, WISC-MILW-94-TH-10, (section 7 has been expanded, two figures added, and minor grammatical changes made.

    Doppler peaks from active perturbations

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    We examine how the qualitative structure of the Doppler peaks in the angular power spectrum of the cosmic microwave anisotropy depends on the fundamental nature of the perturbations which produced them. The formalism of Hu and Sugiyama is extended to treat models with cosmic defects. We discuss how perturbations can be ``active'' or ``passive'' and ``incoherent'' or ``coherent'', and show how causality and scale invariance play rather different roles in these various cases. We find that the existence of secondary Doppler peaks and the rough placing of the primary peak unambiguously reflect these basic properties.Comment: uufile, 8pages, 3 figures. Now available at http://euclid.tp.ph/Papers/index.html; Changes: URL added, Eqn. (8) expanded, grant numbers include

    Varying c cosmology and Planck value constraints

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    It has been suggested that by increasing the speed of light during the early universe various cosmological problems of standard big bang cosmology can be overcome, without requiring an inflationary phase. However, we find that as the Planck length and Planck time are then made correspondingly smaller, and together with the need that the universe should not re-enter a Planck epoch, the higher cc models have very limited ability to resolve such problems. For a constantly decreasing cc the universe will quickly becomes quantum gravitationally dominated as time increases: the opposite to standard cosmology where quantum behaviour is only ascribed to early times.Comment: extended versio

    QCD-based description of one-particle inclusive B decays

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    We discuss one-particle inclusive B decays in the limit of heavy b and c quarks. Using the large-N_C limit we factorize the non-leptonic matrix elements, and we employ a short distance expansion. Modeling the remaining nonperturbative matrix elements we obtain predictions for various decay channels and compare them with existing data.Comment: LaTeX, 22 pages, 6 figures (eps); analytical and numerical results unchanged, misrepresentation of experimental data in Fig. 5 corrected, final published versio

    A Comparison of the Ovulation Method With the CUE Ovulation Predictor in Determining the Fertile Period

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    The purpose of this study was to compare the CUE Ovulation Predictor with the ovulation method in determining the fertile period. Eleven regularly ovulating women measured their salivary and vaginal electrical resistance (ER) with the CUE, observed their cervical-vaginal mucus, and measured their urine for a luteinizing hormone (LH) surge on a daily basis. Data from 21 menstrual cycles showed no statistical difference (T= 0.33, p= 0.63) between the CUE fertile period, which ranged from 5 to 10 days (mean = 6.7 days, SD = 1.6), and the fertile period of the ovulation method, which ranged from 4 to 9 days (mean = 6.5 days, SD = 2.0). The CUE has potential as an adjunctive device in the learning and use of natural family planning methods

    Use of Polymer Casts or Metal Particle Infusion of Ducts to Study Antigen Uptake in the Guinea Pig Mammary Gland

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    Microcorrosion casts were made of the duct system of guinea pig mammary glands by intramammary infusion of Mercox® polyester resin following involution of the glands after the first lactation. The acinar configuration of the involuted gland was apparent on examination of the casts by scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Surface features, which were readily identified as those of imprints of duct al epithelium, were visible at higher magnifications. The morphology of these casts corresponded to the patterns observed by SEM of ethanol cryofractured specimens of mammary tissue. Cryofractured specimens of guinea pig mammary glands were also examined by SEM following intramammary infusion of tantalum. Tantalum particles were observed within the lumina of many ducts. Large phagocytic cells within the lumina were shown to contain tantalum by using back scatter imaging in conjunction with secondary imaging

    Cosmic Strings in an Open Universe with Baryonic and Non-Baryonic Dark Matter

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    We study the effects of cosmic strings on structure formation in open universes. We calculate the power spectrum of density perturbations for two class of models: one in which all the dark matter is non baryonic (CDM) and one in which it is all baryonic (BDM). Our results are compared to the 1 in 6 IRAS QDOT power spectrum. The best candidates are then used to estimate ÎĽ\mu, the energy per unit length of the string network. Some comments are made on mechanisms by which structures are formed in the two theories.Comment: uu-encoded compressed tar of postscript files, Imperial/TP/94-95/0
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