46 research outputs found

    L-Glutamine peptides as a means of accelerated rehydration under intense physical activity in athletes

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    This review is devoted to the theory and practice of the use of glutamine dipeptides in sports. The pathway of L-Glutamine dipeptides is described from the moment of oral intake and entering the intestine to inclusion in intracellular metabolic processes of organs and tissues. The physico-chemical properties of L-Glutamine dipeptides are considered. Urgent effects of L-Glutamine dipeptides under conditions of physical stress and hydration stress, influence on motor and cognitive functions of athletes, positive influence on physical readiness of athletes for prolonged debilitating exercises, reduction of weight loss (rehydration) are described. Positive results of the study of the effect of oral administration of AH and electrolytes on the concentration of plasma electrolytes, physiological indices and neuromuscular fatigue in the process of endurance training, as well as neuroprotective and analgesic properties of L-Glutamine dipeptides are presented

    Features of compiling metabolic correction programs for professional athletes and the possibility of their optimization using digital technologies

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    To compile a personalized program for correcting the metabolism of a professional athlete, it is necessary to take into account many factors, including age, gender, sports specialization, individual characteristics, the pathologies in the anamnesis, the stage of the athlete’s training cycle, etc. When drawing up such programs for athletes of sports national teams of the Russian Federation, a scheme for assessing the characteristics of the athlete’s body is used, the basis for which is information obtained during in-depth medical examinations of athletes conducted on the basis of clinics of the FMBA Russia. To improve the quality of personalized programs of metabolic correction in the future, it is possible to use professionally oriented reference intervals of laboratory blood parameters, as well as the results of genetic screening based on the strategy of complete exomic sequencing of the athlete’s genome. One of the ways to increase the efficiency of metabolic correction of professional athletes is the introduction of modern information technologies and the development of a modern information system based on them. The introduction of such an information system will increase the speed of primary processing of initial information about the health status of the athlete and the peculiarities of his metabolic processes, as well as partially automate the formation of individualized recommendations regarding the diet and hydratation, and the choice of metabolic correction at various stages of the sports season

    Clinical evaluation of effectiveness of new product of specialized sports nutrition for correction of psychophysiological state and neuromuscular transmission in highly qualified athletes

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    The purpose of the study is to determine the effectiveness of the specialized product Fit Tonus for correcting the psychophysiological state and neuromuscular transmission in highly qualified athletes.Materials and methods: the objects of research were: specialized product of sports nutrition for correcting the psychophysiological state and neuromuscular transmission Fit Tonus; 21 male martial arts athletes aged 14 to 25 years. The researches were carried out in accordance with official and conventional techniques. Body temperature, breathing rate, blood pressure level, heart rate was determined, heart rate variability, ECG, external breathing, O2 intake, total urine test, clinical blood test, biochemical blood indices were evaluated, water sectors of the body, body skinny weight, body fat weight were determined. Full-function cardiopulmonary analysis was performed using the Meta Lyzer 3B inpatient cardio-respiratory loading diagnostic system (Cortex Medical, Germany). Maximum oxygen consumption was determined by a Cosomed metabolograph (Italy). Biochemical parameters (bilirubin, ACT, ALT, urea, uric acid, glucose, cholesterol, HGT, amylase, alkaline phosphatase, creatinine) were examined on a Humalyzer biochemical analyzer. Water sectors of the body, the value of skinny body weight and fat body weight were determined on an analyzer for assessing the balance of water sectors of the body (Medass, Russia).Results: in the analysis of biochemical blood values, the blood levels of indicator enzymes and their isoforms were normalized in a short time, despite high training loads. This fact reflects the adaptation of the athlete’s body to high-intensity physical activity when taking the Fit Tone product. The obtained results of the increase in GUS, FFV and Tiffno test indicate an increase in both functional capabilities and functional abilities of the external breathing system, as well as an increase in the efficiency of the respiratory center in athletes who received the tested product. The effectiveness of the test product is confirmed by the results of dynamic and stress samples in a stabilometric study. Results of examination of psychophysical status of single wrestlers showed that during usage of developed product such indicators as performance, vegetative coefficient, dynamism, speed of movement, accuracy of actions, stability of actions are significantly increased. At the same time, the level of fatigue and anxiety is reliably reduced.Conclusions: the results of the researches performed showed that the product developed demonstrated efficacy for most of the parameters under research in the main group compared to the control (placebo)

    Development and preclinical research of a product «Fit Tonus» for correction of a psychophysiological state and neuromuscular transfer in highly skilled athletes

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    Objective: development and tests of a specialized food stuff for correction of a psychophysiological state and neuromuscular transfer in highly skilled athletes. Materials and methods: objects of researches were: 2 prescriptions (in two dosages of 30 mkg/g and 60 mkg/g) of the developed specialized product of sports food for correction of a psychophysiological state and neuromuscular transfer in highly skilled athletes; 200 male rats of males of the Wistar line. Researches were conducted according to the official and standard techniques. Following physiological parameters were measured used during the study: arterial blood pressure, heart rate, body temperature, respiration rate, ECG; specialized tests: «suspension for a tail», the Tredmil racetrack, assessment of working capacity and endurance on indicators of the forced (limit) swimming, registration of coordination by means of the Rota-ROD device, tests according to higher nervous activity: navigation memory, a labyrinth Barnes, testing of forming of a conditioned reflex of passive avoiding, the Open field test, measurement of an animal force by means of the Grip-strength meter device (the test for grasp force). Results: the best result was shown by group of the animals receiving the product in a prescription №2 in a dose of 60 mg/kg (containing a superoxide scavenger). In this group of animals immobilization time at suspension for a tail with increase in duration of the overcome distance on the tredmil decreased, time of the forced (limit) swimming raised and also the locomotory activity and force of a grasp increased that demonstrated increase in physical endurance, working capacity and neuromuscular transfer. Conclusions: it is revealed that «Fit Tonus» moderately reduces the level of situational uneasiness of mice and promotes increase in working capacity and speed of neuromuscular transfer


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    Oxidative stress, developing in many diseases, is an imbalance between pro-oxidants and antioxidant defense mechanisms of the body. Antioxidant enzymes such as superoxide dismutase (SOD) play a key role in reduction of oxidative stress in vivo. Thus, a decrease in formation of reactive oxygen species (ROS), as well as activation of lipid peroxidation (LPO) due to exogenous SOD intake could be an effective method of prevention and treatment of some diseases. In this paper, we provide an overview of the results of experimental and clinical studies on the use of intravenous drugs and dietary supplements, containing SOD, in the treatment of inflammatory, infectious, cardiovascular and neurodegenerative diseases. As a result of SOD administration, the majority of authors observed an increase in the content of endogenous antioxidant enzymes (SOD, catalase, glutathione peroxidase), i.e., stimulation of endogenous antioxidant defence and consequent reduction of oxidative stress, which may explain mechanisms of positive effects observed.Оксидативный стресс, развивающийся при многих заболеваниях, является нарушением баланса между прооксидантами и антиоксидантными защитными механизмами организма. Антиоксидантные ферменты, такие как супероксиддисмутаза (СОД), играют ключевую роль в снижении оксидативного стресса в естественных условиях. Таким образом, уменьшение образования активных форм кислорода, а также активации процессов перекисного окисления липидов за счет экзогенного поступления СОД могло бы стать эффективным методом профилактики и лечения ряда заболеваний. В данной работе мы предлагаем обзор результатов экспериментальных и клинических исследований по использованию внутривенно вводимых препаратов и пищевых добавок, содержащих СОД, при лечении воспалительных, инфекционных, сердечно-сосудистых и нейродегенеративных заболеваний. В результате введения СОД большинство авторов наблюдали увеличение содержания эндогенных антиоксидантных ферментов (СОД, каталазы, глутатионпероксидазы), т.е. стимуляцию эндогенной антиоксидантной защиты, и, следовательно, снижение уровня оксидативного стресса, что может объяснять механизмы положительных наблюдаемых эффектов


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    Oxidative stress, developing in many diseases, is an imbalance between pro-oxidants and antioxidant defense mechanisms of the body. Antioxidant enzymes such as superoxide dismutase (SOD) play a key role in reduction of oxidative stress in vivo. Thus, a decrease in formation of reactive oxygen species (ROS), as well as activation of lipid peroxidation (LPO) due to exogenous SOD intake could be an effective method of prevention and treatment of some diseases. In this paper, we provide an overview of the results of experimental and clinical studies on the use of intravenous drugs and dietary supplements, containing SOD, in the treatment of inflammatory, infectious, cardiovascular and neurodegenerative diseases. As a result of SOD administration, the majority of authors observed an increase in the content of endogenous antioxidant enzymes (SOD, catalase, glutathione peroxidase), i.e., stimulation of endogenous antioxidant defence and consequent reduction of oxidative stress, which may explain mechanisms of positive effects observed

    Case of rhesus antigen weak D type 4.2. (DAR category) detection

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    Serological methods of Rhesus antigens identification in humans cannot identify D-antigen variants. In this article the serological characteristics of Rhesus antigen D weak type 4.2. (Category DAR) are described