21 research outputs found
Comparison of measured and Monte Carlo-calculated electron depth dose distributions in aluminium
Depth dose profiles in aluminium have been measured using the cellulose triacetate dosimeter against different electron energies (4, 4.5 and 5 MeV) at a recently upgraded 15 kW industrial electron beam accelerator facility. The study also includes comparison of these profiles against Monte Carlo calculations. The measured and simulated depth dose profiles are similar in shape. For all electron energies, at initial depths, the measured doses are higher than the simulated ones. The simulated and measured normalized surface dose values are 0.58 and 0.66, respectively, independent of electron energy. The difference in the surface dose between Monte Carlo and experiment could be attributed to possible presence of low energy electrons in the measurements whereas the Monte Carlo calculations are based on monoenergetic electrons. Between the region of dose maximum and the tail portion of the depth dose curve, the measured dose is smaller than the simulated values (about 17% to 40% at 5 MeV). Using the depth dose profiles, electron beam parameters such as depth at which maximum dose occurs, dmax, practical range, Rp and half-value depth, R50 have been determined. Using the measured parameters Rp and R50, the incident kinetic energy of the electron beam has been determined. The estimated electron energies while using Rp are 4.02, 4.41 and 4.75 MeV. When using R50, the corresponding values are 3.83, 4.21 and 4.64 MeV. The measured RP/R50 ratios are slightly larger than the Monte Carlo-calculated values, which suggest that the electron beam may not be monoenergetic
Comparison of measured and Monte Carlo-calculated electron depth dose distributions in aluminium
48-52Depth dose profiles in aluminium have been measured using the cellulose triacetate dosimeter against different electron energies (4, 4.5 and 5 MeV) at a recently upgraded 15 kW industrial electron beam accelerator facility. The study also includes comparison of these profiles against Monte Carlo calculations. The measured and simulated depth dose profiles are similar in shape. For all electron energies, at initial depths, the measured doses are higher than the simulated ones. The simulated and measured normalized surface dose values are 0.58 and 0.66, respectively, independent of electron energy. The difference in the surface dose between Monte Carlo and experiment could be attributed to possible presence of low energy electrons in the measurements whereas the Monte Carlo calculations are based on monoenergetic electrons. Between the region of dose maximum and the tail portion of the depth dose curve, the measured dose is smaller than the simulated values (about 17% to 40% at 5 MeV). Using the depth dose profiles, electron beam parameters such as depth at which maximum dose occurs, dmax, practical range, Rp and half-value depth, R50 have been determined. Using the measured parameters Rp and R50, the incident kinetic energy of the electron beam has been determined. The estimated electron energies while using Rp are 4.02, 4.41 and 4.75 MeV. When using R50, the corresponding values are 3.83, 4.21 and 4.64 MeV. The measured RP/R50 ratios are slightly larger than the Monte Carlo-calculated values, which suggest that the electron beam may not be monoenergetic
TH‐C‐T‐617‐08: Monte Carlo Modelling of the Response of NRC's 90Sr/90Y Primary Beta Standard
Purpose: To benchmark an EGSnrc Monte Carlo calculated response against the high quality measured response of an extrapolation chamber used as NRC's primary standard of absorbed dose to tissue in a [formula omitted] beta field. Method and Materials: The BEAMnrc code was used to model the NRC's beta source and indigenously developed extrapolation chamber. The calculated response was compared to the measured response in 3 different series of measurements. An overall scale factor was determined by a global fit. It was used to scale the calculated values to the measured values and was compared to the known activity of the source. A single measurement configuration (30 cm distance, 0.2015 cm chamber depth) was common to all 3 sets of experimental data. Results: The scale factor led to an estimated source activity of 1.237±0.08% GBq which is consistent with the nominal value of 1.2±0.1 GBq. As the source‐detector distance was varied from 11 cm to 60 cm, values of calculated and measured responses agreed within 0.37% for a variation in response by a factor of 29. As chamber depth was varied from 0.05 cm to 0.25 cm the values agreed within 0.4%. As Mylar thicknesses up to 11 mg/cm2 were added to the face of the chamber, the values agreed within 0.2%, and agreed within 1.2% up to 150 mg/cm2. Conclusion: This project demonstrates EGSnrc's ability to calculate the response of extrapolation chamber with a remarkable degree of accuracy. Such high precision comparisons with experimental data are rare. This benchmarking of the Monte Carlo model will allow it to be used to calculate correction factors needed for the NRC's primary standard
Monte Carlo-based revised values of dose rate constants at discrete photon energies
Absorbed dose rate to water at 0.2 cm and 1 cm due to a point isotropic photon source as a function of photon energy is calculated using the EDKnrc user-code of the EGSnrc Monte Carlo system. This code system utilized widely used XCOM photon cross-section dataset for the calculation of absorbed dose to water. Using the above dose rates, dose rate constants are calculated. Air-kerma strength S k needed for deriving dose rate constant is based on the mass-energy absorption coefficient compilations of Hubbell and Seltzer published in the year 1995. A comparison of absorbed dose rates in water at the above distances to the published values reflects the differences in photon cross-section dataset in the low-energy region (difference is up to 2% in dose rate values at 1 cm in the energy range 30-50 keV and up to 4% at 0.2 cm at 30 keV). A maximum difference of about 8% is observed in the dose rate value at 0.2 cm at 1.75 MeV when compared to the published value. S k calculations based on the compilation of Hubbell and Seltzer show a difference of up to 2.5% in the low-energy region (20-50 keV) when compared to the published values. The deviations observed in the values of dose rate and S k affect the values of dose rate constants up to 3%
Comparison of measured and Monte Carlo calculated dose distributions from indigenously developed 6 MV flattening filter free medical linear accelerator
Purpose: Monte Carlo simulation was carried out for a 6 MV flattening filter-free (FFF) indigenously developed linear accelerator (linac) using the BEAMnrc user-code of the EGSnrc code system. The model was benchmarked against the measurements. A Gaussian distributed electron beam of kinetic energy 6.2 MeV with full-width half maximum of 1 mm was used in this study. Methods: The simulation of indigenously developed linac unit has been carried out by using the Monte Carlo-based BEAMnrc user-code of the EGSnrc code system. Using the simulated model, depth and lateral dose profiles were studied using the DOSXYZnrc user-code. The calculated dose data were compared against the measurements using an RFA dosimertic system made by PTW, Germany (water tank MP3-M and 0.125 cm3 ion chamber). Results: The BEAMDP code was used to analyze photon fluence spectra, mean energy distribution, and electron contamination fluence spectra. Percentage depth dose (PDD) and beam profiles (along both X and Y directions) were calculated for the field sizes 5 cm × 5 cm - 25 cm × 25 cm. The dose difference between the calculated and measured PDD and profile values were under 1%, except for the penumbra region where the maximum deviation was found to be around 3%. Conclusions: A Monte Carlo model of indigenous FFF linac (6 MV) has been developed and benchmarked against the measured data
A multi-stage machine learning algorithm for estimating personal dose equivalent using thermoluminescent dosimeter
In the present age, marked by data-driven advancements in various fields, the importance of machine learning (ML) holds a prominent position. The ability of ML algorithms to resolve complex patterns and extract insights from large datasets has solidified its transformative potential in various scientific domains. This paper introduces an innovative application of ML techniques in the domain of radiation dosimetry. Specifically, it shows the applicability of ML in estimating the radiation dose received by occupational workers. This estimation is expressed in terms of personal dose equivalent, and it involves the utilization of thermoluminescence signals emitted by CaSO _4 :Dy-based personnel monitoring badges. To estimate personal dose equivalent, three-stage algorithm driven by ML models is proposed. This algorithm systematically identifies the photon energy ranges, calculates the average photon energy, and determines personal dose equivalent. By implementing this approach to the conventional three-element dosimeter, the study overcomes existing limitations and enhances accuracy in dose estimation. The algorithm demonstrates 97.8% classification accuracy in discerning photon energy ranges and achieves a coefficient of determination of 0.988 for estimating average photon energy. Importantly, it also reduces the coefficient of variation of relative deviations by up to 6% for estimated personal dose equivalent, compared to existing algorithms. The study improves accuracy and establishes a new methodology for evaluating radiation exposure to occupational workers using conventional thermoluminescent dosimeter badge
Monte carlo investigation of photon beam characteristics and its variation with incident electron beam parameters for indigenous medical linear accelerator
Purpose: A Monte Carlo model of a 6 MV medical linear accelerator (linac) unit built indigenously was developed using the BEAMnrc user code of the EGSnrc code system. The model was benchmarked against the measurements. Monte Carlo simulations were carried out for different incident electron beam parameters in the study. Materials and Methods: Simulation of indigenously developed linac unit has been carried out using the Monte Carlo based BEAMnrc user-code of the EGSnrc code system. Using the model, percentage depth dose (PDD), and lateral dose profiles were studied using the DOSXYZnrc user code. To identify appropriate electron parameters, three different distributions of electron beam intensity were investigated. For each case, the kinetic energy of the incident electron was varied from 6 to 6.5 MeV (0.1 MeV increment). The calculated dose data were compared against the measurements using the PTW, Germany make RFA dosimetric system (water tank MP3-M and 0.125 cm3 ion chamber). Results: The best fit of incident electron beam parameter was found for the combination of beam energy of 6.2 MeV and circular Gaussian distributed source in X and Y with FWHM of 1.0 mm. PDD and beam profiles (along both X and Y directions) were calculated for the field sizes from 5 cm × 5 cm to 25 cm × 25 cm. The dose difference between the calculated and measured PDD and profile values were under 1%, except for the penumbra region where the maximum deviation was found to be around 2%. Conclusions: A Monte Carlo model of indigenous linac (6 MV) has been developed and benchmarked against the measured data