2,093 research outputs found

    A Carbon Nanotube Based Nanorelay

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    We investigate the operational characteristics of a nanorelay based on a conducting carbon nanotube placed on a terrace in a silicon substrate. The nanorelay is a three terminal device that acts as a switch in the GHz regime. Potential applications include logic devices, memory elements, pulse generators, and current or voltage amplifiers.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Effects of surface forces and phonon dissipation in a three-terminal nano relay

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    We have performed a theoretical analysis of the operational characteristics of a carbon-nanotube-based three-terminal nanorelay. We show that short range and van der Waals forces have a significant impact on the characteristics of the relay and introduce design constraints. We also investigate the effects of dissipation due to phonon excitation in the drain contact, which changes the switching time scales of the system, decreasing the longest time scale by two orders of magnitude. We show that the nanorelay can be used as a memory element and investigate the dynamics and properties of such a device

    Structural phases driven by oxygen vacancies at the La0.7Sr0.3MnO3/SrTiO3 hetero-interface

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    An oxygen vacancy driven structural response at the epitaxial interface between La0.7Sr0.3MnO3 films and SrTiO3 substrates is reported. A combined scanning transmission electron microscopy and electron energy loss spectroscopy study reveal the presence of an elongated out-of-plane lattice parameter, coupled to oxygen vacancies and reduced manganese oxidation state at the La0.7Sr0.3MnO3 side of the interface. Density functional theory calculations support that the measured interface structure is a disordered oxygen deficient brownmillerite structure. The effect of oxygen vacancy mobility is assessed, revealing an ordering of the vacancies with time

    Patient experience and challenges in group concept mapping for clinical research.

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    BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVE: Group concept mapping (GCM) is a research method that engages stakeholders in generating, structuring and representing ideas around a specific topic or question. GCM has been used with patients to answer questions related to health and disease but little is known about the patient experience as a participant in the process. This paper explores the patient experience participating in GCM as assessed with direct observation and surveys of participants. METHODS: This is a secondary analysis performed within a larger study in which 3 GCM iterations were performed to engage patients in identifying patient-important outcomes for diabetes care. Researchers tracked the frequency and type of assistance required by each participant to complete the sorting and rating steps of GCM. In addition, a 17-question patient experience survey was administered over the telephone to the participants after they had completed the GCM process. Survey questions asked about the personal impact of participating in GCM and the ease of various steps of the GCM process. RESULTS: Researchers helped patients 92 times during the 3 GCM iterations, most commonly to address software and computer literacy issues, but also with the sorting phase itself. Of the 52 GCM participants, 40 completed the post-GCM survey. Respondents averaged 56 years of age, were 50% female and had an average hemoglobin A1c of 9.1%. Ninety-two percent (n = 37) of respondents felt that they had contributed something important to this research project and 90% (n = 36) agreed or strongly agreed that their efforts would help others with diabetes. Respondents reported that the brainstorming session was less difficult when compared with sorting and rating of statements. DISCUSSION: Our results suggest that patients find value in participating in GCM. Patients reported less comfort with the sorting step of GCM when compared with brainstorming, an observation that correlates with our observations from the GCM sessions. Researchers should consider using paper sorting methods and objective measures of sorting quality when using GCM in patient-engaged research to improve the patient experience and concept map quality

    Mismatch detection in homologous strand exchange amplified by hydrophobic effects

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    In contrast to DNA replication and transcription where nucleotides are added and matched one by one, homologous recombination by DNA strand exchange tests whole sequences for complementarity, which requires elimination of mismatched yet thermodynamically stable intermediates. To understand the remarkable sequence specificity of homologous recombination, we have studied strand exchange between a 20-mer duplex containing one single mismatch (placed at varied positions) with the matching single strand in presence of poly(ethylene glycol) representing a semi-hydrophobic environment. A FRET-based assay shows that rates and yields of strand exchange from mismatched to matched strands rapidly increase with semi-hydrophobic co-solute concentration, contrasting previously observed general strand exchange accelerating effect of ethyl glycol ethers. We argue that this effect is not caused simply by DNA melting or solvent-induced changes of DNA conformation but is more complex involving several mechanisms. The catalytic effects, we propose, involve strand invasion facilitated by reduced duplex stability due to weakened base stacking (“longitudinal breathing”). Secondly, decreased water activity makes base-pair hydrogen bonds stronger, increasing the relative energy penalty per mismatch. Finally, unstacked mismatched bases (gaps) are stabilized through partly intercalated hydrophobic co-solvent molecules, assisting nucleation of strand invasion at the point of mismatch. We speculate that nature long ago discovered, and now exploits in various enzymes, that sequence recognition power of nucleic acids may be modulated in a hydrophobic environment

    The L_X--M relation of Clusters of Galaxies

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    We present a new measurement of the scaling relation between X-ray luminosity and total mass for 17,000 galaxy clusters in the maxBCG cluster sample. Stacking sub-samples within fixed ranges of optical richness, N_200, we measure the mean 0.1-2.4 keV X-ray luminosity, , from the ROSAT All-Sky Survey. The mean mass, , is measured from weak gravitational lensing of SDSS background galaxies (Johnston et al. 2007). For 9 <= N_200 < 200, the data are well fit by a power-law, /10^42 h^-2 erg/s = (12.6+1.4-1.3 (stat) +/- 1.6 (sys)) (/10^14 h^-1 M_sun)^1.65+/-0.13. The slope agrees to within 10% with previous estimates based on X-ray selected catalogs, implying that the covariance in L_X and N_200 at fixed halo mass is not large. The luminosity intercent is 30%, or 2\sigma, lower than determined from the X-ray flux-limited sample of Reiprich & Bohringer (2002), assuming hydrostatic equilibrium. This difference could arise from a combination of Malmquist bias and/or systematic error in hydrostatic mass estimates, both of which are expected. The intercept agrees with that derived by Stanek et al. (2006) using a model for the statistical correspondence between clusters and halos in a WMAP3 cosmology with power spectrum normalization sigma_8 = 0.85. Similar exercises applied to future data sets will allow constraints on the covariance among optical and hot gas properties of clusters at fixed mass.Comment: 5 pages, 1 figure, MNRAS accepte

    An Evolving Entropy Floor in the Intracluster Gas?

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    Non-gravitational processes, such as feedback from galaxies and their active nuclei, are believed to have injected excess entropy into the intracluster gas, and therefore to have modified the density profiles in galaxy clusters during their formation. Here we study a simple model for this so-called preheating scenario, and ask (i) whether it can simultaneously explain both global X-ray scaling relations and number counts of galaxy clusters, and (ii) whether the amount of entropy required evolves with redshift. We adopt a baseline entropy profile that fits recent hydrodynamic simulations, modify the hydrostatic equilibrium condition for the gas by including approx. 20% non-thermal pressure support, and add an entropy floor K_0 that is allowed to vary with redshift. We find that the observed luminosity-temperature (L-T) relations of low-redshift (z=0.05) HIFLUGCS clusters and high-redshift (z=0.8) WARPS clusters are best simultaneously reproduced with an evolving entropy floor of K_0(z)=341(1+z)^{-0.83}h^{-1/3} keV cm^2. If we restrict our analysis to the subset of bright (kT > 3 keV) clusters, we find that the evolving entropy floor can mimic a self-similar evolution in the L-T scaling relation. This degeneracy with self-similar evolution is, however, broken when (0.5 < kT < 3 keV) clusters are also included. The approx. 60% entropy increase we find from z=0.8 to z=0.05 is roughly consistent with that expected if the heating is provided by the evolving global quasar population. Using the cosmological parameters from the WMAP 3-year data with sigma_8=0.76, our best-fit model underpredicts the number counts of the X-ray galaxy clusters compared to those derived from the 158 deg^2 ROSAT PSPC survey. Treating sigma_8 as a free parameter, we find a best-fit value of sigma_8=0.80+/- 0.02.Comment: 14 emulateapj pages with 9 figures, submitted to Ap
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