6 research outputs found


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    Purpose of the Study was to identify the morphological and morphometric changes in the sciatic nerve after amputation and prosthetics of the leg with an original implant experimentally. Six dogs had underwent the tibia osteotomy at the border of the upper and middle thirds, and an implant of PressFit type was driven in. The stump was modeled. The fixation of the bone and compression load on the bone (Fl=20N) was performed with a special device. The sciatic nerves were studied 180 days after prosthetics. Sciatic nerves of 5 intact dogs were control. About 6.39 % of myelin fibers demonstrated signs of myelin and axon damage. The number of myelin fibers increased 1.81-fold with 2.05-fold decrease in axon diameter, 3.52-fold decrease – in myelin thickness (p=0.000) and with loss of large myelin fibers with a diameter of more than 10 microns. The number of non-myelinated fibers increased 4.23-fold (p=0.000). The retrograde changes revealed in the sciatic nerve in the form of neuropraxia and axonotmesis, loss of large myelin fibers and regenerative processes may be one of the causes of post-amputation pain syndrome. © 2023 Stavropol State Medical University. All rights reserved

    Pathomorphological and pathochemical characteristic of the osteomyelitis focus in patients with diabetic osteoarthropathy (Charcot foot)

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    BACKGROUND: Osteomyelitis in diabetic osteoarthropathy occurs in 65 % of cases, and it is the main cause of non-traumatic amputations. The choice of optimal treatment technologies should be based on understanding the pathogenetic characteristics of this disease.AIM: To study the pathomorphological and pathochemical picture of osteomyelitic focus in patients with diabetic neuroosteoarthropathy.MATERIALS AND METHODS: Object — 20 patients (55.3±9.33 years) with Type 2 diabetes mellitus, diabetic neuroosteoarthropathy, chronic osteomyelitis of the foot bones. The treatment consisted in surgical debridement of the purulent focus with the material collection for pathomorphological and biochemical studies, and in reposition and alignment of bone fragments with the leg and foot fixation using the Ilizarov fixator in order to form bone ankylosis of the compromised joint.RESULTS: Subacute and acute course of chronic osteomyelitis was registered in 80 % of cases. As for the pathohistological changes in bone tissue, the following ones were the most significant: necrosis and the presence of an inflammatory infiltrate of varying severity depending on the phase of the inflammatory process. The articular cartilage structure was broken in all the cases. Activation of osteoclasts was observed in the osteomyelitis focus, especially in the subchondral zone. There was no subchondral bone plate in most cases, or only its fragments remained. Pathohistological examination of the soft tissues associated with the osteomyelitis focus indicated the presence of mirocirculatory and denervation disorders due to necrosis and hyalinosis of a significant part of microvessels against the background of compensatory hypervascularisation and chronic inflammation, narrowing and obliteration of the lumens of feeding arteries, almost complete absence of nerve elements in the tissues or their destructive changes. An increase in the activity of lytic enzymes was revealed in the interstitial environment of the tissues surrounding the osteomyelitis focus (138-fold increase in the activity of acid phosphatase, interstitial osteolytic index was 7.2-fold higher than blood serum index).CONCLUSION: The pathomorphological signs of chronic osteomyelitis subacute and acute processing were observed in most patients. Breaking the articular cartilage structure was accompanied by invasion of vessels, inflammatory infiltrate, and by activation of osteoclasts in the subchondral zone. Destructive changes of vessels and nerves in the soft tissues associated with the osteomyelitis focus can be etiopathogenetic factors of this disease development. The technologies for stopping this process should be based on obligatory debridement of the focus with sequestrnecrectomy, with regular monitoring of the operated segment condition

    Problems of Cooperation between Credit Institutions and Insurance Companies for Managing the Loan Consumers’ Matters, Affected by Flood in the Territory of Khabarovsk Region

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    Developed by the Rospotrebnadzor Administration in the Khabarovsk Territory was the algorithm for establishing cooperation between bank institutions, insurance companies, and other organizations on the basis of debt restructuring and payment adjourning. Compiled was the handbook for loan borrowers as regards their rights fixed in the current normative regulations. Displayed was the information on the preventive procedures for consumer financial and insurance protection that were being carried out by the Rospotrebnadzor Administration in cooperation with other agencies and services, allowing for relief of social tensions on the part of the population affected by flood

    Some Morphological and Functional Aspects of Chronic Osteomyelitis in Patients with Neurogenic Foot Deformities

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    Relevance. Neurological disorders are one the most frequent cause for developing of chronic foot inflammation. Analysis of pathological picture of chronic osteomyelitis in patients with neurogenic foot deformities, including cases of spina bifida, is not adequately addressed.Purpose of the study — to examine morpho-functional aspects of chronic osteomyelitis in patients with multicomponent foot deformities and with spina bifida.Materials and Methods. The present paper is based on the study of 30 patients with multicomponent neurological foot deformities complicated by chronic osteomyelitis who had medical history of spina bifida (myelomeningocele type). Histology was used to examine resected fragments of affected bone tissue, bone sequestration and skin adjacent to osteomyelitis area. Laser doppler flowmetry was used to study capillary cutaneous blood flow on plantar foot surface. Thermal and pain sensitivity was assessed by electric sensimeter in L4, L5, S1 dermatomas on the right and on the left sides.Results. Biopsy skin specimens harvested at osteomyelitis area demonstrated signs of parakeratosis, absence of stratum lucidum, epidermis acanthosis with 25% thickness increase (р = 0,04), 2,2 times increase of density for microvessels of the dermis (р = 0,73Е-4) and increased rate of capillary blood flow at 81,6±14,2% (р = 0,0004), fibrosis and dermis thinning at 19,1% (р = 0,03), 1,37 times increase in bulk density of perspiratory glands (р= 0,04), loss of adipose tissue and degeneration of nerve fibers in the majority of nerve stems of the dermis. Above factors were accompanied by disorders in thermal and pain sensitivity in 100% of cases and in 29% of those sensitivity was missing. Morphological picture of bone tissue in osteomyelitic area was manifested by multiple destruction cavities with pyogenic membrane, granular tissue of varying maturity, combined chronic and acute stages of the process, and by poor restorative bone formation.Conclusion. Disorders or lack of thermal and pain sensitivity in dermatomas L4, L5, S1, of safety sense and motion control, resulting chronic load on atypical foot segments, as well as patho-histological skin alterations contribute to ulcer formation and osteomyelitis in patients with spina bifida and multicomponent foot deformities. Morphological picture of foot bony tissue at osteomyelitic site indicates typical patho-morphological signs of chronic inflammation with poor restorative bone formation

    Morphological Changes in the Tibial Nerve During the Treatment of Large Tibia Defects Using Ilizarov Apparatus Combining with the Masquelet Technique: Experimental Study

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    Background. The use of Masquelet technology in combination with non-free osteoplasty according to Ilizarov in order to compensate large defects of the lower leg bones provides proper bone union and recurrence-free course of the disease, but the problem of patient rehabilitation remains relevant. The course and duration of the recovery period depend on the morphofunctional state of the tibial nerves. The purpose of this study was to determine morphological changes in the tibia nerve of dogs during the experimental treatment of large tibial defects using Ilizarov apparatus combining with the Masquelet technique. Materials and Methods. A defect of the upper third of the tibia in the form of false joint was created in 10 mongrel dogs. Then this defect was replaced with 25 mm diastasis, into which a cement spacer was placed. After 30 days, the latter was removed. At the level of the lower third, transverse osteotomy was performed, as well as distraction of 1 mm rate for 4 times per day, until complete contact of the fragments in the defect zone. The tibial nerves were studied within the periods of 60 days of fixation (F60) and 30 days after the fixator removal (FR30). Results. There were no mechanical damages of the nerves. During the experiment a part of epineural veins and arteries had obliterated lumens, two-fold decrease in the numerical density of endoneural arterioles, venules and capillaries was observed in FR30 — 97.5±2.5 in 1 mm2 (normally — 182.0±22.0), that evidenced of microcirculatory disorders progressing towards the end of the experiment. Patterns of Wallerian degeneration were found along with typical damages to fibers during distraction osteosynthesis demyelination and axonal degeneration. In F60 the proportion of modified fibers was 7.7±1.5%, which was 4.8 times higher (р = 0.52×10-5) above normal, the numerical densities and dimensional characteristics of fibers decreased. At the end of the experiment, the proportion of modified conductors 2.3-fold exceeded the norm (p = 0.33×10-4) — 3.7±0.4%, the numerical density of fibers remained 10.2% below the norm (p = 0.0362), making up 17436±865, but the average axon diameter and thickness of myelin sheaths were restored. Conclusion. Microcirculatory dysfunction, axonal atrophy, demyelination, Wallerian degeneration of a part of myelin nerve fibers and a decrease in their number revealed in the tibial nerves during the treatment of large tibia defects using the Masquelet technique combining with Ilizarov non-free bone grafting indicated the need for the use of adequate neurometabolic pharmacotherapy and effective rehabilitation