12 research outputs found


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    Vide-capsule  endoscopy has been used successfully in treating children to assess the condition of the small intestine in spots that are not available to conventional endoscopy. The article presents the innovative technical characteristics of the new system for videocapsule endoscopy  — Capso Vision Capsule Endoscopy  System: panoramic view, provided  by the side optics, and data storage in the video processor  of the capsule itself. The article presents  the results of the diagnostic system in treatment of 5 children with a description  of the detected pathological changes. Both the positive aspects and disadvantages  of Capso Vision Capsule Endoscopy System in treatment of children are discussed

    Balloon Dilatation of Esophageal Strictures in Children With Bullous Epidermolysis: Description of Case Series

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    Esophageal strictures are the most common complications of bullous epidermolysis in children. Strictures cause the development of dysphagia that prevents oral alimentation and receipt of an adequate amount of nutrients that is accompanied by a violation of nutritional status, weight loss, and delayed physical development of a child. Disturbed swallowing can also cause aspiration syndrome, pneumonia, and airway obstruction. To eliminate dysphagia and reduce the risk of complications, it is necessary to restore esophageal patency. The article describes the results of X-ray with assisted balloon dilatation in 19 children with bullous epidermolysis and dysphagia. It is shown that this method of esophagus recanalization allows to effectively and safely restore oral alimentation of children already in the first day after intervention with a gradual expansion of the diet


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    Vide-capsule  endoscopy has been used successfully in treating children to assess the condition of the small intestine in spots that are not available to conventional endoscopy. The article presents the innovative technical characteristics of the new system for videocapsule endoscopy  — Capso Vision Capsule Endoscopy  System: panoramic view, provided  by the side optics, and data storage in the video processor  of the capsule itself. The article presents  the results of the diagnostic system in treatment of 5 children with a description  of the detected pathological changes. Both the positive aspects and disadvantages  of Capso Vision Capsule Endoscopy System in treatment of children are discussed.Видеокапсульная эндоскопия успешно применяется у детей для оценки состояния тонкой кишки в отделах, не доступных для традиционной эндоскопии. В статье представлены инновационные технические характеристики новой системы для проведения видеокапсульной эндоскопии — CapsoVision Capsule Endoscopy System: панорамный обзор, который обеспечивается боковой оптикой, и сохранение данных на видеопроцессоре самой капсулы. В статье представлены результаты  применения диагностической системы у 5 детей с описанием обнаруженных патологических изменений. Обсуждаются как положительные стороны, так и недостатки применения видеокапсульной системы у детей

    Баллонная дилатация стриктур пищевода у детей с буллезным эпидермолизом: описание серии случаев

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    Esophageal strictures are the most common complications of bullous epidermolysis in children. Strictures cause the development of dysphagia that prevents oral alimentation and receipt of an adequate amount of nutrients that is accompanied by a violation of nutritional status, weight loss, and delayed physical development of a child. Disturbed swallowing can also cause aspiration syndrome, pneumonia, and airway obstruction. To eliminate dysphagia and reduce the risk of complications, it is necessary to restore esophageal patency. The article describes the results of X-ray with assisted balloon dilatation in 19 children with bullous epidermolysis and dysphagia. It is shown that this method of esophagus recanalization allows to effectively and safely restore oral alimentation of children already in the first day after intervention with a gradual expansion of the diet.Стриктуры пищевода — наиболее часто встречающиеся осложнения буллезного эпидермолиза у детей. Стриктуры являются причиной развития дисфагии, препятствующей пероральному питанию и поступлению адекватного количества питательных веществ, что сопровождается нарушением нутритивного статуса, потерей веса и задержкой физического развития ребенка. Нарушенный акт глотания также может стать причиной аспирационного синдрома, пневмонии и обструкции дыхательных путей. Для устранения дисфагии и снижения риска возникновения осложнений требуется восстановление проходимости пищевода. В статье представлено описание результатов рентгенассистированной баллонной дилатации у 19 детей с буллезным эпидермолизом и дисфагией. Показано, что этот метод реканализации пищевода позволяет эффективно и безопасно возобновить пероральное кормление детей уже в первые сутки после вмешательства с постепенным расширением рациона питания

    Peutz-Jeghers Syndrome: Diagnostic and Therapeutic Possibilities of Modern Intraluminal Endoscopy as Shown on Own Clinical Observations

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    Peutz-Jeghers syndrome is a relatively rare autosomal-dominant inheritance type disease characterized by multiple hamartomas in the gastrointestinal tract. Treatment of such patients is traditionally surgical, but nowadays, due to the introduction of new methods of intraluminal endoscopy, it is often possible to avoid open abdominal operations, diagnose and remove the hamartomatous polyps in a minimally invasive way. The aim of this article is to demonstrate the diagnostic and surgical capabilities of modern intraluminal endoscopy for the treatment of patients with multiple hereditary gastrointestinal polyposis as shown on our own clinical observations. The technique of deep single balloon enteroscopy in conjunction with standard routine endoscopic manipulations allows to perform a total examination of the whole gastrointestinal tract and, if necessary, to remove almost all epithelial neoplasia, which certainly has a positive impact on the quality of the patient’s life


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    Abstract. This article presents results of apoptosis detection among blood lymphocytes from the patients with autoimmune thyroid disorders, i.e., autoimmune thyroiditis (AIT) at euthyroid and hypothyroid stages, and in diffuse toxic goiter (DTG). Contents of CD95+, annexin V­ presenting (apoptotic) cells and TNFα in blood were analyzed. It was shown, that altered regulation of programmed lymphocyte death in autoimmune thyroid disorders is demonstrated by increased content of TNFα and CD95+ lymphocytes, being accompanied by decreased numbers of apoptotic cells in blood. Meanwhile, this pathology is expressed mostly in DTG, while being less significant in AIT at euthyroid stage, than in thyroid hypofunction. Possible mechanisms of the revealed disturbances are discussed. (Med. Immunol., 2008, vol. 10, N 2-3, pp 187-192)


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    Evaluation of proliferative and IL-2-producing activity of peripheral blood lymphocytes wasperformed, using cultural methods, in patients with drug-sensitive and drug-resistant infiltrative pulmonary tuberculosis. The cell testing was performed at basal level and following in vitro stimulation with recombinant IL-2 and M. tuberculosis antigens. It was established that clinical course of infiltrative pulmonary tuberculosis, independently on drug sensitivity/resistance of the infectious pathogen, is accompanied by suppression of spontaneous lymphoproliferation. The levels of induced IL-2 production in drug-sensitive tuberculosis proved to be increased, whereas a reserve of IL-2-secreting reactivity of blood lymphocytes was lower than in drugresistant infection. Also, it was revealed that the level of lymphoproliferative response induced by IL-2, does not depend on clinical variant of tuberculosis, whereas stimulation of IL-2 production in blood lymphocytes is attained only in cases of drug-resistant tuberculosis variant