17 research outputs found


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    The need for identification  testing of active substances or excipients in multi-component medicinal products,  including the use of qualitative tests, calls for research substantiating the choice of tests and test conditions  with due regard to interference  effects caused by other components  of medicinal products and the amount of the sample used. The aim of the study was to develop a methodological approach to designing experiments while selecting qualitative reactions for identification testing of a medicinal product component based on the results of studies investigating the possibility of using known qualitative tests (as illustrated by ascorbic acid in a multi-component product — 0.4 mg of ascorbic acid per 100 mg of the vial contents)  with due regard to interference on the part of other medicinal product components and the amount of the sample used. Material and methods: the study focused on a multi-component medicinal product — lyophilisate for solution for intravenous and intramuscular  injections containing an antiinflammatory active substance and ascorbic acid as a stabilizing agent (antioxidant). The analysis of literature sources helped to determine qualitative tests that were assessed for potential use for identification testing of ascorbic acid as a component of the analysed medicinal product. The study involved experimental testing of the qualitative reactions based on acidic and reducing properties of ascorbic acid. Results: it was demonstrated that several well-known qualitative tests could be used for identification  testing of ascorbic acid as a component of the analysed medicinal product,  namely, the reaction of ferrous ascorbate formation  and the reaction of silver nitrate reduction to metallic silver after preliminary separation of ascorbic acid from the other medicinal product components, as well as the reaction of Prussian blue formation,  iodine test and reaction with a potassium permanganate solution, which do not require additional sample preparation.  It is not practicable to use the reaction with a methylene blue solution and the Fehling’s reagent reaction for this particular medicinal product,  since their results are feeble. Conclusions: the analysis of the multi-component medicinal product helped to develop a methodological  approach to choosing qualitative reactions for identification testing of one of the medicinal product’s components  (e.g., ascorbic acid). The suggested algorithm includes the choice of reactions, determination of their sensitivity and applicability for a particular medicinal product, analysis of the other components’ effects on the results of the chemical reaction,  and the need for additional sample preparation.  The whole complex of the studies performed helped to determine qualitative reactions and optimal conditions for identification testing of the analysed substance.Необходимость подтверждения подлинности  действующих  или  вспомогательных веществ  многокомпонентных лекарственных средств,  в том числе с использованием качественных  реакций, влечет за собой  необходимость  проведения исследований по выбору реакций  и условий их проведения с учетом мешающего  влияния других компонентов лекарственного средства  и количества  используемого образца.  Цель работы: разработка  методологического подхода к планированию эксперимента при выборе  качественных  реакций  для подтверждения подлинности определяемого компонента лекарственного средства на основании результатов исследований возможности использования известных качественных  реакций  (на примере  аскорбиновой кислоты  в многокомпонентном лекарственном средстве — 0,4 мг аскорбиновой кислоты / 100 мг содержимого  флакона) с учетом мешающего влияния других компонентов лекарственного средства и количества  используемого образца.  Материалы и методы: в качестве  объекта исследования было выбрано  многокомпонентное лекарственное средство  — лиофилизат для приготовления раствора  для внутривенного и внутримышечного введения  с лекарственным веществом,  обладающим  противовоспалительным действием,  в состав которого  входит аскорбиновая кислота  в качестве  стабилизатора (антиоксиданта). В результате анализа  данных литературы  выбраны  качественные реакции  для проведения исследований возможности их использования для подтверждения  подлинности аскорбиновой кислоты  в изучаемом  лекарственном средстве.  Проведена  экспериментальная проверка  реакций, основанных на кислотных  и восстановительных свойствах аскорбиновой кислоты.  Результаты: установлено, что в изучаемом многокомпонентном лекарственном средстве для подтверждения подлинности аскорбиновой кислоты могут быть применимы несколько известных качественных реакций: реакции образования аскорбината железа и восстановления нитрата серебра до металлического серебра после предварительного отделения аскорбиновой кислоты  от других компонентов лекарственного средства,  а также реакция  образования берлинской лазури,  йодная проба и реакция  с раствором  перманганата калия,  не требующие  дополнительной пробоподготовки. Использование реакций  с раствором  метиленового  синего и реактивом  Фелинга  применительно к данному лекарственному средству нецелесообразно, так как результат указанных реакций  слабо выражен. Выводы: на примере многокомпонентного лекарственного средства разработан  методологический подход к выбору качественных  реакций  для подтверждения подлинности одного  из компонентов лекарственного средства  (например, аскорбиновой кислоты).  Алгоритм действий включает в себя выбор реакций, определение их чувствительности и целесообразности применения для конкретного лекарственного средства,  изучение  влияния других его компонентов на результат химической реакции, а также необходимость  или отсутствие дополнительной пробоподготовки. Совокупность проведенных  исследований позволяет сделать выбор качественных  реакций  и оптимальных  условий  их проведения для достижения поставленной цели — подтверждения подлинности определяемого вещества

    Неспецифические примеси в фармацевтических субстанциях: особенности методик их определения

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    One of the prerequisites of efficacy and safety of finished pharmaceutical products is the quality of pharmaceutical substances used in their production. Criteria of assessment of pharmaceutical substance purity are determined by the substance composition and production technology, as well as by specific aspects of the finished pharmaceutical product production and use. It is necessary to control the content of nonspecific organic and inorganic impurities, impurities of microbial origin, and residual solvents. The aim of the study was to analyse characteristics of test methods used to determine nonspecific impurities in pharmaceutical substances. The State Pharmacopoeia of the Russian Federation describes various chemical, physical, physicochemical and biological tests for the analysis of nonspecific impurities. Determination of inorganic cations and anions usually includes comparison of test solutions with solutions of the corresponding reference standards, or checking the absence of a positive reaction in the test solution. Quantitative analysis of trace impurities largely relies on highly specific and sensitive test methods, such as atomic absorption spectrometry, atomic emission spectrometry and inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry. The content of residual organic solvents is determined by gas chromatography or high-performance liquid chromatography. The purity and safety of pharmaceutical substances are ensured by biological tests: “Microbial quality”, “Sterility”, “Pyrogenicity”, “Bacterial endotoxins”. Specific characteristics of test methods used for determination of the content of nonspecific impurities in various pharmaceutical substances depend on physicochemical properties of the tested substances, toxicity of the analysed impurities, and content limits. The results of the study make it possible to formulate a methodological approach to the development of criteria for assessing the quality of pharmaceutical substances. This approach includes mandatory compliance with the basic principles of substance standardisation, as well as case-by-case selection of quality parameters, specific test conditions and content limits for impurities.Одним из факторов эффективности и безопасности готовых лекарственных средств является качество используемых фармацевтических субстанций, критерии оценки чистоты которых обусловлены их составом и технологией получения, а также особенностями производства и применения лекарственных препаратов. Обязательному нормированию подлежат неспецифические примеси органической и неорганической природы, микробного происхождения, остаточные растворители. Цель работы — анализ особенностей методик определения неспецифических примесей в фармацевтических субстанциях. Для оценки их содержания Государственная фармакопея Российской Федерации предусматривает использование различных химических, физических, физико-химических и биологических методов анализа. При определении неорганических катионов и анионов, как правило, проводится сравнение с растворами соответствующих эталонов или фиксируется отсутствие положительной реакции в испытуемом растворе. Для количественного анализа микропримесей достаточно широко используются высокоспецифичные и чувствительные методы: атомно-абсорбционная спектрометрия, атомно-эмиссионная и масс-спектрометрия с индуктивно связанной плазмой. Содержание остаточных органических растворителей определяется методами газовой или высокоэффективной жидкостной хроматографии. Для оценки чистоты и обеспечения безопасности применения фармацевтических субстанций используются биологические испытания: «Микробиологическая чистота», «Стерильность», «Пирогенность», «Бактериальные эндотоксины». Индивидуальные особенности методик проведения испытаний на содержание неспецифических примесей в различных фармацевтических субстанциях обусловлены физико-химическими свойствами исследуемых соединений, токсичностью анализируемых примесей и допустимыми пределами их содержания. Результаты работы позволяют сформулировать методологический подход к разработке критериев оценки качества фармацевтических субстанций, сочетающий обязательное соблюдение основных принципов стандартизации субстанций, индивидуальный выбор показателей качества, особых условий проведения испытаний и норм содержания примесей


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    The effectiveness of hydration, which is the first stage of refining vegetable oils, depends primarily on the ability of the hydrating agent to convert nonhydratable phospholipids into their hydratable forms. The latter are complex compounds with polyvalent metal ions. Iron and copper ions have a negative effect on the quality of hydrated oils and the resulting lecithins, as their resistance to oxidation reduces. Malic acid solutions can be used as a hydrating agent.The complexation process of malic acid with iron and copper ions was studied by potentiometric titration. It was established that the introduction of iron and copper ions into the malic acid solution led to a decrease in pH values, which indicated the presence of complexation in these systems. It was established that malic acid with iron ions formed more stable complexes compared to copper ions. It was shown that the stability of complexes of malic acid with iron ions of [MeL2] type and copper ions of [MeL] type, formed in the system in the maximum amount, was significantly higher than the stability of the complex compounds of phosphatidylserines, phosphatidylinositols and phosphatidic acids with these ions. Comparison of the stability constants of complexes of iron and copper ions with succinic and malic acids showed that «Me – malic acid complexes» were more stable. Thus, the obtained results allow us to recommend aqueous solutions of malic acid as a hydrating agent for hydration of phospholipids from vegetable oils


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    The need for identification  testing of active substances or excipients in multi-component medicinal products,  including the use of qualitative tests, calls for research substantiating the choice of tests and test conditions  with due regard to interference  effects caused by other components  of medicinal products and the amount of the sample used. The aim of the study was to develop a methodological approach to designing experiments while selecting qualitative reactions for identification testing of a medicinal product component based on the results of studies investigating the possibility of using known qualitative tests (as illustrated by ascorbic acid in a multi-component product — 0.4 mg of ascorbic acid per 100 mg of the vial contents)  with due regard to interference on the part of other medicinal product components and the amount of the sample used. Material and methods: the study focused on a multi-component medicinal product — lyophilisate for solution for intravenous and intramuscular  injections containing an antiinflammatory active substance and ascorbic acid as a stabilizing agent (antioxidant). The analysis of literature sources helped to determine qualitative tests that were assessed for potential use for identification testing of ascorbic acid as a component of the analysed medicinal product. The study involved experimental testing of the qualitative reactions based on acidic and reducing properties of ascorbic acid. Results: it was demonstrated that several well-known qualitative tests could be used for identification  testing of ascorbic acid as a component of the analysed medicinal product,  namely, the reaction of ferrous ascorbate formation  and the reaction of silver nitrate reduction to metallic silver after preliminary separation of ascorbic acid from the other medicinal product components, as well as the reaction of Prussian blue formation,  iodine test and reaction with a potassium permanganate solution, which do not require additional sample preparation.  It is not practicable to use the reaction with a methylene blue solution and the Fehling’s reagent reaction for this particular medicinal product,  since their results are feeble. Conclusions: the analysis of the multi-component medicinal product helped to develop a methodological  approach to choosing qualitative reactions for identification testing of one of the medicinal product’s components  (e.g., ascorbic acid). The suggested algorithm includes the choice of reactions, determination of their sensitivity and applicability for a particular medicinal product, analysis of the other components’ effects on the results of the chemical reaction,  and the need for additional sample preparation.  The whole complex of the studies performed helped to determine qualitative reactions and optimal conditions for identification testing of the analysed substance

    Sampling in modern pharmaceutical analysis

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    Sampling procedure is an integral part of the drug quality control system. Objective science-based sampling is an important operation when only a small amount of a material is taken and it is representative for the analysis of the whole product batch. Reasoned conclusions about drug quality can only be based on the results of tests conducted on representative samples, taken in accordance with certain rules and regulations. For the purpose of harmonization with foreign normative documents, systematization and updating of the requirements for sampling, specifying their conditions, general pharmacopoeia monograph «Sampling» has been developed. It regulates general rules and special aspects of drug sampling procedures for the purpose of drug quality control. The general pharmacopoeia monograph «Sampling» consolidates and classifies the materials of legislative and regulatory documents of the Russian Federation, the WHO, the EU and international pharmacopoeia monographs

    Major challenges in evaluating the quality of pharmaceutical substances (the assay)

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    Common topical issues of the quality assessment of pharmaceutical substances in terms of «Assay», are related to the compliance of actual test results to assay requirements as well as to the proper elaboration of normative documents (completeness, accuracy of the descriptions of analytical methods) and the appropriate test conditions validation with the materials in the scope of the mentioned regulatory documents. It was shown that an objective assessment of the quantitative content of an active ingredient in pharmaceutical substance of synthetic or mineral origin depends largely on the choice of the analytical method, use of the appropriate techniques considering the materials included in the monographs of the State Pharmacopoeia the Russian Federation and leading foreign pharmacopoeias

    Nonspecific Impurities in Pharmaceutical Substances: Characteristics of Test Methods

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    One of the prerequisites of efficacy and safety of finished pharmaceutical products is the quality of pharmaceutical substances used in their production. Criteria of assessment of pharmaceutical substance purity are determined by the substance composition and production technology, as well as by specific aspects of the finished pharmaceutical product production and use. It is necessary to control the content of nonspecific organic and inorganic impurities, impurities of microbial origin, and residual solvents. The aim of the study was to analyse characteristics of test methods used to determine nonspecific impurities in pharmaceutical substances. The State Pharmacopoeia of the Russian Federation describes various chemical, physical, physicochemical and biological tests for the analysis of nonspecific impurities. Determination of inorganic cations and anions usually includes comparison of test solutions with solutions of the corresponding reference standards, or checking the absence of a positive reaction in the test solution. Quantitative analysis of trace impurities largely relies on highly specific and sensitive test methods, such as atomic absorption spectrometry, atomic emission spectrometry and inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry. The content of residual organic solvents is determined by gas chromatography or high-performance liquid chromatography. The purity and safety of pharmaceutical substances are ensured by biological tests: “Microbial quality”, “Sterility”, “Pyrogenicity”, “Bacterial endotoxins”. Specific characteristics of test methods used for determination of the content of nonspecific impurities in various pharmaceutical substances depend on physicochemical properties of the tested substances, toxicity of the analysed impurities, and content limits. The results of the study make it possible to formulate a methodological approach to the development of criteria for assessing the quality of pharmaceutical substances. This approach includes mandatory compliance with the basic principles of substance standardisation, as well as case-by-case selection of quality parameters, specific test conditions and content limits for impurities

    Determination of visible particles in parenteral dosage forms and ophthalmic dosage forms

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    The present article describes the approaches to the choice of methods for assessing the content of visible particles in parenteral and ophthalmic dosage forms, recognized in general pharmacopoeia monograph «Visible particles in parenteral dosage forms and ophthalmic dosage forms», as well as a special approach to the assessment of visible particles in individual preparations according to the batch volume, package type, the amount of drug in a package, drug nature etc., requiring unusual conditions and evaluation criteria

    Methodological approaches to the choice of identification test methods for medicines

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    The article summarises the main selective and non-selective methods of physical, chemical and physico-chemical analysis which are used in medicines identification testing and which differ in selectivity, sensitivity, informative value, sample preparation, and availability. The article demonstrates that the choice of methods is governed by chemical, physical and physico-chemical properties of medicines and the type of medicine (whether it is a substance or a finished dosage form). The article describes a complex approach based on the use of several analytical methods, the cumulative results of which are used to support medicines identification

    Substantiation of conditions for determination of related substances in bisoprolol fumarate by HPLC

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    The article summarizes the results of information analysis of bisoprolol fumarate synthesis methods which differ in the number of stages and in raw materials used, and are associated with the major identified impurities A, E and G, according to the European Pharmacopoeia (Ph. Eur.). The authors performed a comparative analysis of the test procedures described in manufacturers’ quality standards, Ph. Eur. and United States Pharmacopoeia (USP) and analyzed the results of comparative experimental studies. It was shown that the implementation of the Ph. Eur. test method for related impurities according to «Bisoprolol fumarate» monograph demonstrated a high resolution between the main peak (of bisoprolol) and those of impurities A, E and G. Whereas the performance of the chromatographic system suitability testing according to the USP monograph failed to produce complete resolution between the peaks of bisoprolol and the impurities. The authors investigated the possibility of using a propranolol hydrochloride reference standard to assess the system resolution. The authors identified the conditions for determination of related substances in bisoprolol fumarate, selected chromatographic columns, proposed chromatographic system suitability criteria, including resolution between the peaks of bisoprolol and propranolol, and established limits for impurities