114 research outputs found

    Examining the Geometrical Model with Inverted Mass Hierarchy for Neutrinos

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    The comprehensive analyses are presented in the model with the inverted mass hierarchy for neutrinos, which follows from a geometrical structure of a (1+5) dimensional space-time where two extra dimensions are compactified on the T^2/Z_3 orbifold. The model gives two large lepton flavor mixings due to the S3 structure in the (1+5) dimensional space-time. It also predicts the lightest neutrino mass as m_3=(1-50)\times 10^{-5}eV and the effective neutrino mass responsible for neutrinoless double beta decays as _{ee}\simeq 50 meV. The low energy CP violation, J_{CP} could be 0.02. On the other hand, the observed baryon asymmetry in the present universe is produced by the non-thermal leptogenesis, which works even at the reheating temperature TR=10^{4}-10^{6}GeV. The correlation between the baryon asymmetry and the low energy CP violation is examined in this model.Comment: 17 pages, 10 figures, a reference is added, minor change in introductio

    Experimental Study on Reduction of the Horizontal Subgrade Reaction due to Liquefaction

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    It is important to evaluate resistance strength of foundation and the subgrade reaction of soil surrounding the foundation during an earthquake when a bridge is constructed on liquefiable ground. In this study, we evaluated reduction coefficient of the horizontal subgrade reaction during liquefaction DE based on shaking table tests. We examined the influence of liquefaction resistance factor FL, subgrade shear strain amplitude and velocity of the ground on the reduction coefficient DE from the test results. We made model grounds varying relative soil density in a container, which was placed on a shaking table. A piston was installed on the side wall of the container, and penetration force was measured as horizontal subgrade reaction when the piston was penetrated into the liquefied soil

    Is CP Violation Observable in Long Baseline Neutrino Oscillation Experiments ?

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    We have studied CP violation originated by the phase of the neutrino mixing matrix in the long baseline neutrino oscillation experiments. The direct measurements of CP violation is the difference of the transition probabilities between CP-conjugate channels. In those experiments, the CP violating effect is not suppressed if the highest neutrino mass scale is taken to be 1\sim 5 \eV, which is appropriate for the cosmological hot dark matter. Assuming the hierarchy for the neutrino masses, the upper bounds of CP violation have been caluculated for three cases, in which mixings are constrained by the recent short baseline ones. The calculated upper bounds are larger than 10−210^{-2}, which will be observable in the long baseline accelerator experiments. The matter effect, which is not CP invariant, has been also estimated in those experiments.Comment: 28 pages, LaTex file, 6 figures included using epsfig Matter effect is estimated(Figs.3(a) (b)). Physical parameters are change

    CP Violation in Bilarge Lepton Mixing

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    We propose a scheme of lepton mixing in which the unitary matrix that diagonalizes the neutrino mass matrix is bimaximal and the deviation from bimaximal of the lepton mixing matrix is due to the unitary matrix that diagonalizes the charged-lepton mass matrix. This matrix is assumed to be hierarchical, like the quark mixing matrix. It is shown that in general it is possible to have a sizable value for |U_{e3}| together with an effective two-neutrino maximal mixing in solar neutrino experiments. If the effective mixing in solar neutrino experiments is less than maximal, as indicated by current data, |U_{e3}| is bounded from below. Furthermore, in general the violation of CP could be relatively large.Comment: 11 pages. Final version to be published in PR

    Deviation of Neutrino Mixing from Bi-maximal

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    We have studied how observables of the neutrino mixing matrix can link up with the ones in the quark sector. The deviation from the bi-maximal flavor mixing is parameterized using a 3 x 3 unitary matrix. The neutrino mixings are investigated supposing this unitary matrix to be hierarchical like the quark mixing matrix. We obtain the remarkable prediction |U_{e3}| >= 0.03 from the experimentally allowed range tan^2 theta_{sol} = 0.24 ~ 0.89. The CP violation in neutrino oscillations is expected to be very small.Comment: Some references are adde

    Natural Neutrino Mass Matrix

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    Naturalness of the neutrino mass hierarchy and mixing is studied. First we select among 12 neutrino mixing patterns a few patterns, which could form the natural neutrino mass matrix. Further we show that if the Dirac neutrino mass matrix is taken as the natural one in the quark sector, then only two mixing patterns without the large mixing lead to the natural right-handed Majorana mass matrix. The rest of the chosen patterns with three degenerate mass solution lead to the unnatural right-handed Majorana mass matrix in the see-saw mechanism. Notice however, that for the chosen two natural patterns there could be a huge mass hierarchy such as O(104∌6){\cal O}(10^{4\sim 6}) in order to reproduce the inverse mass hierarchy of the light neutrinos.Comment: 31 pages, LaTex file, no figures, arguments made more clear, main conclusions unchanged, version accepted for publication in PRD Reort-no: Lund-Mph-97/14 Revise

    Mu-tau antisymmetry and neutrino mass matrices

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    Using the seesaw mechanism and a discrete symmetry, we construct a class of models for the neutrino mass matrix where the inverse of that matrix is the sum of a mu-tau antisymmetric background and a perturbation. We consider various possibilities for that perturbation. The simplest possible perturbations lead to four-parameter neutrino mass matrices which are unable to fit the experimental data. More complicated perturbations give rise to viable six-parameter mass matrices; we present detailed predictions of each of them.Comment: 15 pages of text, 7 figure

    Lepton Flavor Model from Delta(54) Symmetry

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    We present the lepton flavor model with Δ(54)\Delta (54), which appears typically in heterotic string models on the T2/Z3T^2/Z_3 orbifold. Our model reproduces the tri-bimaximal mixing in the parameter region around degenerate neutrino masses or two massless neutrinos. We predict the deviation from the tri-bimaximal mixing by putting the experimental data of neutrino masses in the normal hierarchy of neutrino masses. The upper bound of sin⁡2ξ13\sin^2\theta_{13} is 0.01. There is the strong correlation between ξ23\theta_{23} and ξ13\theta_{13}. Unless ξ23\theta_{23} is deviated from the maximal mixing considerably, ξ13\theta_{13} remains to be tiny.Comment: 19 pages, 7 figures; some discussions are modifie
