62 research outputs found

    Membrane techniques for removal detergents and petroleum products from carwash effluents: a review

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    One of the most significant urban services is the carwash, which generates large amounts of wastewater containing a variety of pollutants, including sand, gravel, suspended solids, surfactants, oil products, diesel cleaners, etc., that may cause environmental pollution when transferred to the sewage system without any treatment. The effective treatment is crucial to prevent environmental pollution as well as to recycle the water source. Contaminants are removed from carwash effluent using a variety of treatment technologies. This review focuses on identifying and comparing efficiency of using advanced commercial and modified membrane filtration techniques, meeting discharge standard regulations, to treat carwash impurities, especially detergents/surfactants (anionic surfactant) and petroleum products (oil/grease). The results of this review indicate that ultrafiltration membrane (UF) is the most common membrane filtration technology for carwash wastewater treatment. Additionally, the adoption of traditional pre-treatment processes may be advantageous before utilization of membrane process for treating carwash wastewater; although conventional treatment processes can produce a high quality of effluent, they are less effective than membrane systems

    Effect of the regulation system of metabolic nitrogen exchange on biosynthesis of serine proteinases from Bacillus intermedius

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    The regulatory link between biosynthesis of Bacillus intermedius subtilisin-like serine proteinase and nitrogen metabolism in B. intermedius cells was determined. The level of the enzyme biosynthesis by the recombinant strain of Bacillus subtilis in the medium containing ammonium ions was three- to fivefold less than that in the medium with poorly utilized sodium nitrate. Accumulation of glutamyl endopeptidase in a culture liquid of this microorganism did not depend on the source of nitrogen present in the medium. During cultivation in the rich medium, the productivity of subtilisin-like proteinase in the recombinant B. subtilis strain carrying a mutation in the NrgB sensor protein was demonstrated to increase threefold compared to that of the control strain. In the minimal culture medium, mutation in the nrgB gene abolished the effect of a nitrogen source on the level of the subtilisin-like proteinase gene expression. At the same time, this mutation did not affect glutamyl endopeptidase biosynthesis. Thus, expression of the gene coding for subtilisin-like proteinase from B. intermedius is suggested to be positively regulated by the regulatory system of nitrogen metabolism. © Pleiades Publishing, Ltd., 2009

    STEAM-Education as Innovative Technology for Industry 4.0

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    The article is devoted to the development of STEAM-education design model, which is based on project training in the so-called “creative spaces.” “Creative spaces” are integration platforms for schoolchildren, students and postgraduates working in the format of joint work on projects initiated by various structures of society and business. The relevance of the study is due to the fact that among the skills necessary for successful professional activity in the era of the digital industry, according to experts, the ability to artistic creativity takes a special place. The analysis of the experience of various countries in the implementation of STEM and STEAM-education is made and effective ways of structuring technical disciplines, art and creative activity in a single integration program are identified. The article presents the results of experimental work on determining the level of formation of such competencies as the ability to manage projects and processes, system thinking, the ability to artistic creativity, the ability to work with teams, groups and individuals, the ability to work in a mode of high uncertainty and rapid change of conditions of tasks. It is shown that the use of “creative spaces” for the implementation of project activities of schoolchildren and students, the inclusion of the category “art” in its content allows students to form skills and competencies necessary for industry 4.0, that is, the proposed model can be considered as a universal tool for high-quality training of schoolchildren and students for professional activities in modern conditions


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    The possibility of obtaining a bacterial culture for the destruction of ferrocyanides on the basis of activated sludge from the plant of biochemical wastewater treatment of coke production (CCP) has been studied. It is shown that adaptation and growth of ferrocyanide-destroying culture is promoted by creation of the conditions inhibiting development of other competitive cultures of bacteria.Установлена возможность получения бактериальной накопительной культуры для деструкции растворимых ферроцианидов на основе активного ила с установки биохимической очистки сточных вод коксохимического производства (КХП). Показано, что адаптации и росту ферроцианидразрушающей культуры способствует создание условий, ингибирующих развитие других конкурентных культур бактерий

    On the effect of dihydroquercetin (DHQ) on the physiological activity of autotrophic bacteria

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    The paper outlines the prospects for the use of bioflavonoids in the purification of sewage from CCP. Several optimal doses of dihydroquercetin have been analyzed for further use in wastewater. The results obtained showed that DHQ increases the physiological activity of the culture 1,7 times.В работе изложены перспективы использования биофлаваноидов в очистке сточных вод КХП. Были проанализированы несколько оптимальных доз дигидрокверцитина для дальнейшего использования на сточных водах. Полученные результаты показали, что ДГК повышает физиологическую активность культуры в 1,7 раз

    Effect of PH on the water-chemical regime of combined-cycle plant

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    The work is devoted to the description of the principle of the peculiarities of the transition of the corrective treatment of heat-energy waters to complex reagents based on film-forming amines. The effect of the concentration of film-forming amines on the pH of the make-up water is analyzed.Работа посвящена описанию особенностей перехода коррекционной обработки теплоэнергических вод на комплексные реагенты на основе пленкообразующих аминов. Проанализировано влияние концентрации пленкообразующих аминов на значение рН подпиточной воды


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    The features of adaptation of bacteria of the first and second phases of nitrification in the conditions of wastewater of coke-chemical plant, which have passed the preliminary two-stage treatment from phenols, rhodanides and cyanides are revealed.Выявлены особенности адаптации бактерий первой и второй фаз нитрификации в условиях сточных вод коксохимического производства, прошедших предварительную двухступенчатую очистку от фенолов, роданидов и цианидов

    A Mini-Review of Enhancing Ultrafiltration Membranes (Uf) for Wastewater Treatment: Performance and Stability

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    The scarcity of freshwater resources in many regions of the world has contributed to the emergence of various technologies for treating and recovering wastewater for reuse in industry, agriculture, and households. Deep wastewater treatment from oils and petroleum products is one of the difficult tasks that must be solved. Among the known technologies, UF membranes have found wide industrial application with high efficiency in removing various pollutants from wastewater. It is shown that the search for and development of highly efficient, durable, and resistant to oil pollution UF membranes for the treatment of oily wastewater is an urgent research task. The key parameters to improve the performance of UF membranes are by enhancing wettability (hydrophilicity) and the antifouling behavior of membranes. In this review, we highlight the using of ultrafiltration (UF) membranes primarily to treat oily wastewater. Various methods of polymer alterations of the UF membrane were studied to improve hydrophilicity, the ability of antifouling the membrane, and oil rejection, including polymer blending, membrane surface modification, and the mixed membrane matrix. The influence of the type and composition of the hydrophilic additives of nanoparticles (e.g., Multiwall carbon nanotubes (MWCNT), graphene oxide (GO), zinc oxide (ZnO), and titanium dioxide (TiO2 ), etc.) was investigated. The review further provides an insight into the removal efficiency percent. © 2021 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland


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    The paper presents results of biochemically treated coke-oven wastewater post-treatment using ultrafiltration and nanofiltration membranes. The possibility of using membrane technologies to obtain make-up water for the recycling cycle of water supply is shown.В работе приведены результаты доочистки биохимочищенных сточных вод коксохимического производства с применением ультрафильтрационных и нанофильтрационных мембран. Показана возможность применения мембранных технологий с целью получения подпиточной воды для чистого оборотного цикла водоснабжения

    Two cases of hydrophobia in the Republic of Tatarstan: In vivo and postmortem laboratory diagnosis

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    The results of rabies in vivo and postmortem laboratory detection in two cases registered in the Republic of Tatarstan are reported: a victim bitten by a wolf in 2002 and another one bitten by a stray dog on Goa Island, India, in 2013. In the patient bitten by a wolf cornea imprints studies using the method of fluorescent antibodies (MFA) showed rabies-positive result 6 days before the patient's death. The results were confirmed by postmortem examination of different parts of the brain and salivary glands using the MFA, enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA), optical microscopy, and bioassay methods. In the patient bitten by a stray dog the rabies virus specific antigen was detected by eye cornea studies using the MFA method and saliva studies using the ELISA. The rabies virus genome was also isolated from saliva and tear fluid using nested reverse-transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) 9 days before the patient's death. The in vivo studies results were consistent with the postmortem study of different parts of the brain using the MFA, enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA), optical microscopy, and bioassay methods. All the infection-positive results of both in vivo and postmortem studies were consistent with the clinical studies, i.e. rabies diagnosis was confirmed. The analysis of the rabies virus gene G fragment nucleotide sequence of 238 nd length showed a slight difference between the studied isolates (2 rabies) and the RABV AY956319 (1.68%), difference by 10.5% from the Vnukovo-32 vaccine strains and by 10.9 % from the SAD B19 rabies strain, respectively (rabies viruses of 1st genotype). It was also significantly different from the lissaviruses of 2,4,5, and 6 genotypes (21.0-32.7%). The obtained results indicate phylogenetic closeness of the studied isolates (2 rabies) with the RABV AY956319 rabies virus strain belonging to the 1st genotype