498 research outputs found

    Estimating the First-year Corrosion Losses of Structural Metals for Continental Regions of the World

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    The knowledge of the first-year corrosion losses of metals (K1) in various regions of the world is of great importance in engineering applications. The K1 values are used to determine the categories of atmospheric corrosivity, and K1 is also the main parameter in models for the prediction of long-term corrosion losses of metals. In the absence of experimental values of K1, their values can be predicted on the basis of meteorological and aerochemical parameters of the atmosphere using the dose-response functions (DRF). Currently, the DRFs presented in ISO 9223:2012(E) /1/ standard are used for predicting K1 in any region of the world, along with the unified DRFs /2/ and the new DRFs /3/. The predicted values of corrosion losses (K1pr) of carbon steel, zinc, copper and aluminum obtained by various DRFs for various continental regions of the world are presented. In this work we used the atmosphere corrosivity parameters and experimental data on the corrosion losses of metals for the first year of exposure (K1exp) for the locations of the tests performed under the international UN/ECE program, the MICAT project, and the Russian program. For the first time, a comparative assessment of the reliability of various DRFs is given by comparing the values of K1pr and K1ex using graphical and statistical methods. The statistical indicators of reliability of predicting the corrosion losses of metals are calculated for various categories of atmosphere corrosivity. It is shown that the new dose-response functions offer the highest reliability for all categories of atmosphere corrosivity

    Thermoelectric prospects of nanomaterials with spin-orbit surface bands

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    Nanostructured composites and nanowire arrays of traditional thermoelectrics like Bi, Bi(1-x)Sb(x) and Bi(2)Te(3) have metallic Rashba surface spin-orbit bands featuring high mobilities rivaling that of the bulk for which topological insulator behavior has been proposed. Nearly pure surface electronic transport has been observed at low temperatures in Bi nanowires with diameter around the critical diameter, 50 nm, for the semimetal-to semiconductor transition. The surface contributes strongly to the thermopower, actually dominating for temperatures T < 100 K in these nanowires. The surface thermopower was found to be -1 T microvolt/(K^2), a value that is consistent with theory. We show that surface electronic transport together with boundary phonon scattering leads to enhanced thermoelectric performance at low temperatures of Bi nanowire arrays. We compare with bulk n-BiSb alloys, optimized CsBi(4)Te(6) and optimized Bi(2)Te(3). Surface dominated electronic transport can be expected in nanomaterials of the other traditional thermoelectrics.Comment: 18 pages, 3 figure

    Surface state band mobility and thermopower in semiconducting bismuth nanowires

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    Many thermoelectrics like Bi exhibit Rashba spin-orbit surface bands for which topological insulator behavior consisting of ultrahigh mobilities and enhanced thermopower has been predicted. Bi nanowires realize surface-only electronic transport since they become bulk insulators when they undergo the bulk semimetal-semiconductor transition as a result of quantum confinement for diameters close to 50 nm. We studied 20-, 30-, 50- and 200-nm trigonal Bi wires. Shubnikov-de Haas magnetoresistance oscillations caused by surface electrons and bulklike holes enable the determination of their densities and mobilities. Surface electrons have high mobilities exceeding 2(m^2)/(Vsec) and contribute strongly to the thermopower, dominating for temperatures T< 100 K. The surface thermopower is - 1.2 T microvolt/(K^2), a value that is consistent with theory, raising the prospect of developing nanoscale thermoelectrics based on surface bands.Comment: 19 pages. 3 figure

    Observation of three-dimensional behavior in surface states of bismuth nanowires and the evidence for bulk Bi charge fractionalization

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    Whereas bulk bismuth supports very-high mobility, light, Dirac electrons and holes in its interior, its boundaries support a layer of heavy electrons in surface states formed by spin orbit interaction in the presence of the surface electric field. Small diameter d trigonal Bi nanowires (30 nm < d < 200 nm) were studied via magnetotransport at low temperatures and for fields up to 14 T in order to investigate the role of surfaces in electronic transport. A two-dimensional behavior was expected for surface charges; however we found instead a three-dimensional behavior, with a rich spectrum of Landau levels in a nearly spherical Fermi surface. This is associated with the long penetration length of surface states of trigonal wires. The prospect of the participation of surface transport and surface-induced relaxation of bulk carriers in the electronic properties of macroscopic samples is evaluated. We show that recent observations of magnetoquantum peaks in the Nernst thermopower coefficient, attributed to two-dimensional electron gas charge fractionalization, can be more plausibly interpreted in terms of these surface states.Comment: 14 pages, 3 figure

    Plant regeneration from seeds responds to phylogenetic relatedness and local adaptation in Mediterranean Romulea (Iridaceae) species

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    Seed germination is the most important transitional event between early stages in the life cycle of spermatophytes and understanding it is crucial to understand plant adaptation and evolution. However, so far seed germination of phylogenetically closely related species has been poorly investigated. To test the hypothises that phylogenetically related plant species have similar seed ecophysiological traits thereby reflecting certain habitat conditions as a result of local adaptation, we studied seed dormancy and germination in seven Mediterranean species in the genus Romulea (Iridaceae). Both the across-species model and the model accounting for shared evolutionary history showed that cool temperatures (≤ 15°C) were the main factor that promoted seed germination. The absence of embryo growth before radicle emergence is consistent with a prompt germination response at cool temperatures. The range of temperature conditions for germination became wider after a period of warm stratification, denoting a weak primary dormancy. Altogether these results indicate that the studied species exhibit a Mediterranean germination syndrome, but with species-specific germination requirements clustered in a way that follows the phylogenetic relatedness among those species. In addition, species with heavier seeds from humid habitats showed a wider range of conditions for germination at dispersal time than species from dry habitats possessing lighter seeds. We conclude that while phylogenetically related species showed very similar germination requirements, there are subtle ecologically meaningful differences, confirming the onset of adaptation to local ecological factors mediated by species relatedness

    Twenty-year changes in the clinical and echocardiographic characteristics of patients with early postinfarction remodeling after primary ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction

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    Aim. To compare structural and functional left ventricular (LV) changes in the early period of myocardial infarction (MI) within 20 years on the basis of the Emergency Cardiology Department of the Cardiology Research Institute (Tomsk).Material and methods. The study included two groups of patients who were treated at different periods of time with an interval of 20 years. Group 1 included 83 patients who had ST-segment elevation MI (STEMI) in 1997-1999, while group 2 — 83 patients with STEMI from 2019-2020. Echocardiography was performed during the first 72 hours from hospitalization and on the 7-10th day. Depending on the increase in LV end-diastolic volume (EDV) by &gt;15% by the 7-10th day, the patients were divided into 2 subgroups: with remodeling (LVR+) and without remodeling (LVR-).Results. Patients of the 2nd group were older, with a larger proportion of females and with a high incidence of risk factors for coronary artery disease compared with patients of the 1st group. In the early postinfarction period among patients of the 2nd group, acute LV aneurysm, early postinfarction angina and Dressler syndrome developed less frequently. The proportion of adverse LV remodeling in patients of the 1st group was higher (32,8% vs 17%), and while the percentage of reverse remodeling was lower (10% vs 24%), p&lt;0,05. Comparison of the absolute values of LV EDV, end-systolic volume (ESV) and ejection fraction (EF) at baseline and after 7 days, as well as their increase showed higher intensity of post-infarction remodeling in group 1 patients. In patients of the 1st group, there was a progression of LV remodeling (Me ΔEDV — 12,2%) with a deterioration in LV contractility by the 7th day (Me ΔESV — 14%), while in patients of the 2nd group during the first 7 days of MI, there were more stable LV EDV and ESV (p&gt;0,05) and an increase in LVEF (p=0,03) before discharge.Conclusion. In the present era of primary percutaneous coronary intervention and pharmacological treatment of MI, early adverse LV remodeling develops less frequently and is characterized by less pronounced left heart dilatation