3,242 research outputs found

    One loop corrections to quantum hadrodynamics with vector mesons

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    The renormalized elastic ππ\pi\pi scattering amplitude to one loop is calculated in the chiral limit in the σ\sigma model and in a Quantum Hadrodynamic model (QHD-III) with vector mesons. It is argued that QHD-III reduces to the linear σ\sigma model in the limit that the vector meson masses become large. The pion decay constant is also calculated to 1-loop in the σ\sigma model, and at tree level in QHD-III; it is shown that the coefficient of the tree level term in the scattering amplitude equals Fπ2F_\pi^{-2}. The 1-loop correction of FπF_\pi in QHD-III violates strong isospin current conservation. Thus,it is concluded that QHD-III can, at best, only describe the strongly interacting nuclear sector.Comment: 6 page

    Long distance contribution to K+π+ννˉK^+ \to \pi^+ \nu {\bar \nu} decay and O(p4)O(p^4) terms in CHPT

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    The long distance contribution to K+π+ννˉK^+ \to \pi^+ \nu {\bar \nu} is calculated using chiral perturbation theory. The leading contribution comes from O(p4)O(p^4) tree terms. The branching ratio of the O(p4)O(p^4) long distance contribution is found to be of order 10310_{-3} smaller than the short distance contributions.Comment: 12 pages, 1 figure (available upon request

    Rationales for the Bernese approaches in acetabular surgery

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    Purpose: To present two new approaches to acetabular surgery that were established in Berne, and which aim at enhanced visualization and anatomical reconstruction of acetabular fractures. Method: The trochanteric flip osteotomy allows for surgical hip dislocation, and was introduced as a posterior approach for acetabular fracture management involving the posterior column and wall. For acetabular fractures predominantly involving the anterior column and the quadrilateral plate, the Pararectus approach is described. Results: Full exposure of the hip joint, as provided by the trochanteric flip osteotomy, facilitates anatomical reduction of acetabular or femoral head fractures and safe positioning of the anterior column screw in transverse or T-shaped fractures. Additionally, the approach enables osteochondral transplantation as a salvage procedure for severe chondral femoral head damage and osteoplasty of an associated inadequate offset at the femoral head-neck junction. The Pararectus approach allows anatomical restoration with minimal access morbidity, and combines advantages of the ilioinguinal and modified Stoppa approaches. Conclusions: Utilization of the trochanteric flip osteotomy eases visualization of the superior aspect of the acetabulum, and enables the evaluation and treatment of chondral lesions of the femoral head or acetabulum and labral tears. Displaced fractures of the anterior column with a medialized quadrilateral plate can be addressed successfully through the Pararectus approach, in which surgical access is associated with minimal morbidity. However, long-term results following the two presented Bernese approaches are needed to confirm that in the treatment of complex acetabular fractures the rate of poor results in almost one-third of all cases (as currently yielded using traditional approaches) might be reduced by the utilization of the presented novel approache

    Role of Scalar Meson Resonances in $K_{L}^{0} \rightarrow \pi^{0} \gamma \gamma Decay

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    Corrections to KL0π0γγK_{L}^{0}\rightarrow \pi^{0} \gamma \gamma decay induced by scalar meson exchange are studied within chiral perturbation theory. In spite of bad knowledge of scalar-mesons parameters, the calculated branching ratio can be changed by a few percent.Comment: 18 pages of text, 2 figures (available upon request); preprint IJS-TP-16-94 , TUM-T31-63-94

    Tensor meson exchange at low energies

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    We complete the analysis of meson resonance contributions to chiral low-energy constants of O(p^4) by including all quark-antiquark bound states with orbital angular momentum less or equal to one. Different tensor meson Lagrangians used in previous work are shown to produce the same final results for the low-energy constants once QCD short-distance constraints are properly implemented. We also discuss the possible relevance of axial-vector mesons with odd C-parity.Comment: 20 pages, comparison with previous work updated, typos removed, results unchanged, version to appear in EPJ

    Mean Curvature Flow of Spacelike Graphs

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    We prove the mean curvature flow of a spacelike graph in (Σ1×Σ2,g1g2)(\Sigma_1\times \Sigma_2, g_1-g_2) of a map f:Σ1Σ2f:\Sigma_1\to \Sigma_2 from a closed Riemannian manifold (Σ1,g1)(\Sigma_1,g_1) with Ricci1>0Ricci_1> 0 to a complete Riemannian manifold (Σ2,g2)(\Sigma_2,g_2) with bounded curvature tensor and derivatives, and with sectional curvatures satisfying K2K1K_2\leq K_1, remains a spacelike graph, exists for all time, and converges to a slice at infinity. We also show, with no need of the assumption K2K1K_2\leq K_1, that if K1>0K_1>0, or if Ricci1>0Ricci_1>0 and K2cK_2\leq -c, c>0c>0 constant, any map f:Σ1Σ2f:\Sigma_1\to \Sigma_2 is trivially homotopic provided fg2<ρg1f^*g_2<\rho g_1 where ρ=minΣ1K1/supΣ2K2+0\rho=\min_{\Sigma_1}K_1/\sup_{\Sigma_2}K_2^+\geq 0, in case K1>0K_1>0, and ρ=+\rho=+\infty in case K20K_2\leq 0. This largely extends some known results for KiK_i constant and Σ2\Sigma_2 compact, obtained using the Riemannian structure of Σ1×Σ2\Sigma_1\times \Sigma_2, and also shows how regularity theory on the mean curvature flow is simpler and more natural in pseudo-Riemannian setting then in the Riemannian one.Comment: version 5: Math.Z (online first 30 July 2010). version 4: 30 pages: we replace the condition K10K_1\geq 0 by the the weaker one Ricci10Ricci_1\geq 0. The proofs are essentially the same. We change the title to a shorter one. We add an applicatio

    Isospin violation and the proton's neutral weak magnetic form factor

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    The effects of isospin violation on the neutral weak magnetic form factor of the proton are studied using two-flavour chiral perturbation theory. The first nonzero contributions appear at O(p^4) in the small-momentum expansion, and the O(p^5) corrections are also calculated. The leading contributions from an explicit Delta(1232) isomultiplet are included as well. At such a high order in the chiral expansion, one might have expected a large number of unknown parameters to contribute. However, it is found that no unknown parameters can appear within loop diagrams, and a single tree-level counterterm at O(p^4) is sufficient to absorb all divergences. The momentum dependence of the neutral weak magnetic form factor is not affected by this counterterm.Comment: 26 pages including 9 figure

    On the Hadronic Contribution to Light-by-light Scattering in gμ2g_\mu-2

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    We comment on the theoretical uncertainties involved in estimating the hadronic effects on the light-by-light scattering contribution to the anomalous magnetic moment of the muon, especially based on the analysis and results of T. Kinoshita, B. Ni\v zi\'c, and Y. Okamoto, Phys.\ Rev.\ D31, 2108 (1985). From the point of view of an effective field theory and chiral perturbation theory, we suggest that the charged pion contribution may be better determined than has been appreciated. However, the neutral pion contribution needs greater theoretical insight before its magnitude can be reliably estimated.Comment: 9 pages, no figures, U. Michigan UM-TH-93-18. (Input phyzzm to compile.) Revised version has minor changes in text. To be published in Phys. Rev. D, Comments sectio

    Muon capture by a proton in heavy baryon chiral perturbation theory

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    The matrix element for muon capture by a proton is calculated to O(p^3) within heavy baryon chiral perturbation theory using the new O(p^3) Lagrangian of Ecker and Mojzis. External nucleon fields are renormalized using the appropriate definition of the wave function renormalization factor Z_N. Our expression for Z_N differs somewhat from that found in existing literature, but is the one which is consistent with the Lagrangian we use and the one which ensures, within our approach, the nonrenormalization of the vector coupling as required by the conserved vector current. Expressions for the standard muon capture form factors are derived and compared to experimental data and we determine three of the coefficients of the Ecker - Mojzis Lagrangian, namely, b_7, b_{19}, and b_{23}.Comment: 14 pages, LaTeX, using revte

    Vector meson couplings to vector and tensor currents in extended NJL quark model

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    A simple explanation of the dynamic properties of vector mesons is given in the framework of extended Nambu - Jona-Lasinio quark model. New mass relations among the hadron vector resonances are derived. The results of this approach are in good accordance with the QCD sum rules, the lattice calculations and the experimental data.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figure