7 research outputs found


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    Introduction. A significant component in the system analysis of anti-cancer activities is the assessment of the impact of mortality on life expectancy, which indicates the social and economic situation in the region.Material and methods. The economic damage caused by laryngeal and lung cancer mortality in the Tomsk region for the period 2005–2016 was analyzed using the database of the regional cancer registry and local agency of federal state statistics service of the tomsk region.Results. The loss of the male working population ranged from 106.0 (2012–2013) to 161.5 (2008–2009) person/years of lifetime from larynx cancer and from 1058.5 (2013–2014) to 1576.3 (2006–2007) person/years of lifetime from lung cancer. The female working population lost up to 34.0 (2013–2014) person/years of lifetime due to mortality from larynx cancer and from 1445.3 (2005–2006) to 2553.9 (2015–2016) person/years of lifetime from lung cancer. The average number of undelivered years in working age due to the premature death of one man averaged 6.1 ± 2.0 years from larynx cancer and 11.1 ± 1.3 from lung cancer, one woman averaged 4.6 ± 0.9 years from larynx cancer and 6.2 ± 0.3 years from lung cancer. Economic losses associated with mortality from cancer of the respiratory system amounted to 2.251.97 million rubles: 202.07 million rubles from laryngeal cancer and 2.049.90 million rubles from lung cancer.Conclusion. The quantitative analysis of social and economic losses associated with mortality from cancer of the respiratory system enables the regional health authorities to develop and implement anti-cancer interventions to maximize the use of funds for the prevention, treatment and rehabilitation of cancer patients. Актуальность. Для системного анализа проводимых противораковых мероприятий значимой составляющей  является оценка влияния смертности на среднюю  продолжительность предстоящей жизни, свидетельствующей о социально-экономическом состоянии в регионе. Материал и методы. Проведен анализ социально-экономического ущерба, причиненного смертностью от рака гортани (РГ) и легкого (РЛ) в Томской области с 2005 по 2016 г. на основании базы данных популяционного  областного ракового регистра и территориального органа  Федеральной службы государственной статистики по  Томской области. Результаты. С 2005 по 2016 г. потери мужского трудоспособного населения варьировали от 106,0 (2012–13 гг.) до 161,5 (2008–09 гг.) человеко-лет жизни в связи со смертностью от РГ и от 1058,5 (2013–14 гг.) до 1576,3 (2006–07 г.) человеко-лет – от РЛ. Женская популяция в трудоспособном возрасте теряла до 34,0 (2013–14 гг.) человеко-лет жизни в связи со смертностью от РГ и от 1445,3 (2005–06 гг.) до 2553,9 (2015–16 гг.) человеко-лет – от РЛ. Среднее количество недожитых лет в трудоспособном  возрасте в связи с преждевременной гибелью одного  мужчины составило 6,1 ± 2,0 года от РГ и 6,2 ± 1,3 – от РЛ, одной женщины – 4,6 ± 0,9 года от РГ и 6,2 ± 0,3 года – от РЛ. Экономические потери, связанные со смертностью от рака органов дыхания (РОД), составили 2 251,97 млн руб.: 202,07 млн руб. – от РГ и 2049,9 млн руб. – от РЛ. Заключение. Анализ количественной оценки потерь, в том числе финансовых, связанных со смертностью от РГ и РЛ, позволяет региональным органам здравоохранения  разрабатывать и внедрять противораковые мероприятия с  целью максимально эффективного использования средств на профилактику, лечение и реабилитацию онкологических больных.


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    A 10-year survival of 3482 lung cancer patients residing in Tomsk region was studied. Based on the populationbased cancer registry data, the observed, corrected and relative survival rates were calculated by the actuarial method taking into consideration age, sex, disease stage and place of residence of the patients. Survival rates were lower in males than in females: the difference in the overall observed survival (OS) rate was from 5.1 % (8-year OS) to 7.3 % (2-year OS). An inverse relationship between survival and cancer spread was observed. Survival rates were higher for urban populations than for rural populations. The analysis indicated that most lung cancer cases were diagnosed at an advanced stage. Survival rates demonstrated relatively equal levels of cancer care in different regions of Russia. When comparing survival rates in Tomsk region with those in Europe and the USA, it was shown that one-year survival was lower in Tomsk region than in Europe and the USA, thus indicating more effective cancer screening programs in European countries and the USA

    Drosophila as models to understand the adaptive process during invasion

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