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    Proizvodnja nekastriranih u odnosu na kastrirane nerastove je unosnija i profitabilnija, jer nekastrirani nerastovi očituju bolja svojstva kvalitete mesa s većim udjelom mišićnog tkiva i većim sadržajem proteina u odnosu na kastrate. No, jedan od ključnih problema u proizvodnji nekastriranih nerastova je neodgovarajuća senzorska kvaliteta mesa, odnosno neugodan i oštar miris te okus koji je većini potrašača neprihvatljiv. Steroidni hormoni testisa, androstenon i razloženi L-triptofan skatol, glavni su spojevi odgovorni za takav miris i okus svinjskog mesa. Razina androstenona u tkivu nerastova povezuje se sa spolnom zrelošću dok razina skatola ovisi o uvjetima okruženja i hranidbe. Pritom je ustanovljeno da nerastovi za klanje uzgojeni na organski način ne osiguravaju pouzdano smanjenje neugodnih mirisa i okusa mesa. Jedan od predloženih načina smanjenja neugodnih mirisa i okusa mesa nerastova je hranidba čistim žitricama, cikorijom i hidrolizirajućim taninom. Nadalje, postupci kod transporta prije klanja doprinose povećanju razine stresa, a time i povećanju androstenona i skatola u adipoznom tkivu nerastova. Kod genetskih utjecaja postoje oprečna mišljenja, gdje se s jedne strane ne može dokazati i potvrditi učinak genotipa na neugodne mirise i okus mesa nerasta, a s druge strane se vjeruje kako će rezultati selekcije doprinijeti smanjenju rizika glede ovog važnog senzorskog svojstva mesa nekastriranih nerastova. U mnogim zemljama imunokastracijom nerastova izbjegla se visoka razina androstenona i skatola te se neugodan okus i miris mesa sveo na najmanju razinu. Zbog dobrobiti životinja očekuje se ukidanje kastracije od 1. siječnja 2018. godine u zemljama EU. Zbog toga je od velike važnosti pronaći druga rješenja vezana uz navedene probleme.Production of entire male pigs in comparison with castrate boars is more lucrative and profitable because entire male pigs reflect better meat quality traits with a higher amount of muscle tissue and protein content compared to castrate pigs. One of the key problems in the meat sensory quality of the entire boars is the unpleasant and pungent smell and taste that is unacceptable to most of the consumers. Testicular steroid hormones, androstenone and exploded L-tryptophan, skatole, are the main compounds responsible for such smell and taste of pork. The level of androstenone in boars’ tissue is associated with sexual maturity while the level of skatole depends on environmental conditions and diet. Reduction of unpleasant smell and taste of the meat is possible to achieve by feeding the animals with cereals, chicory and hydrolyzing tannin. Boars for the slaughter farmed in the organic way do not provide a reliable reduction of the unpleasant smell and taste of the meat. Stress during the transport contributes to the increase of the androstenone and skatole in the adipose tissue. There are diverse opinions in the case of genetic influences, where on the one hand it is not possible to prove and demonstrate the effect of genotype on unpleasant smells and taste of the meat, and on the other hand it is likely that the selection results contribute to the reduction of this important meat sensory trait of the entire male pigs. In many countries castration of the boars has decreased high levels of androstenone and skatole and also unpleasant taste and odor of meat has been reduced to the lowest levels. Due to the animal welfare it is expected castration in the countries of European Union will be repealed from January, 1. 2018. It is therefore of great importance to find other solutions related to these problems

    Broj somatskih ćelija u mleku od krava simentalske rase sa porodičnih farmi prema laktaciji po redu i stadijumu

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    Simmental breed cows although being dominant breed at the family farms in Croatia are not yet sufficiently adapted to the machine milking due to their improper udder index. The aim of this study was to determine the somatic cells count in Simmental cows milk according to the order of lactation and lactation stages. Survey has been conducted at four family farms and a total of 61 cow of Simmental breed from first to third lactation were enrolled in a study. The study results have shown that the maximum somatic cell count is in milk (LSCC=3.59) from the stables with have a downward floor, but not significantly higher in comparison to other ways of keeping the cows. However, the lowest udder hygiene was in the stables where the milking was performing by putting the milk into the cans and where cows were kept on the embroidery. The significant increase in LSCC (P lt 0.05) was determined in the third lactation in comparison to the second lactation. Given the stage of lactation largest LBSS was found in the second stage, which was significantly higher when compared to the first. Farms with a free way of keeping cows and milking cows in parlours are becoming more and more like guidelines in current milk production, and animals that reside in those farms have healthier udders and less micro-organisms in milk.Krave simentalske rase, iako su dominantne na porodičnim farmama u Hrvatskoj, nisu u dovoljnoj meri adaptirane na mašinsku mužu zbog svog nepovoljnog indeksa vimena. Cilj ove studije je bio određivanje broja somatskih ćelija u mleku simentalskih krava prema broju laktacije po redu i stadijumu. Istraživanje je izvedeno na četiri porodične farme i ukupno 61 krava simentalske rase od prve do treće zaključene laktacije je bila uključena. Rezultati istraživanja su pokazali da je maksimalni broj somatskih ćelija u mleku (LSCC=3.59) utvrđen na farmama sa podom pod nagibom, ali ne signifikantno viši u odnosu na ostale načine držanja krava. Međutim, najlošija higijena vimena je utvrđena u štalama gde se mleko stavljalo u kante i gde su krave držane na vezu. Signifikantno povećanje broja somatskih ćelija (P lt 0.05) je utvrđeno u trećoj laktaciji u poređenju sa drugom. U odnosu na stadijum laktacije, najveći LBSS je utvrđen u drugoj fazi laktacije, što je bilo signifikatno veće u odnosu na prvu fazu. Farme sa slobodnim držanjem krava i mužom krava u izmuzilištima sve više postaju smernice u sadašnjoj, modernoj proizvodnji mleka, i životinje koje se drže u takvim objektima imaju zdravija vimena i manje mikroorganizama u mleku