13,121 research outputs found

    Energy-momentum and angular momentum densities in gauge theories of gravity

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    In the \bar{\mbox{\rm Poincar\'{e}}} gauge theory of gravity, which has been formulated on the basis of a principal fiber bundle over the space-time manifold having the covering group of the proper orthochronous Poincar\'{e} group as the structure group, we examine the tensorial properties of the dynamical energy-momentum density GTkÎĽ{}^{G}{\mathbf T}_{k}{}^{\mu} and the ` ` spin" angular momentum density GSklÎĽ{}^{G}{\mathbf S}_{kl}{}^{\mu} of the gravitational field. They are both space-time vector densities, and transform as tensors under {\em global} SL(2,C)SL(2,C)- transformations. Under {\em local} internal translation, GTkÎĽ{}^{G}{\mathbf T}_{k}{}^{\mu} is invariant, while GSklÎĽ{}^{G}{\mathbf S}_{kl}{}^{\mu} transforms inhomogeneously. The dynamical energy-momentum density MTkÎĽ{}^{M}{\mathbf T}_{k}{}^{\mu} and the ` ` spin" angular momentum density MSklÎĽ{}^{M}{\mathbf S}_{kl}{}^{\mu} of the matter field are also examined, and they are known to be space-time vector densities and to obey tensorial transformation rules under internal \bar{\mbox{\rm Poincar\'{e}}} gauge transformations. The corresponding discussions in extended new general relativity which is obtained as a teleparallel limit of \bar{\mbox{\rm Poincar\'{e}}} gauge theory are also given, and energy-momentum and ` ` spin" angular momentum densities are known to be well behaved. Namely, they are all space-time vector densities, etc. In both theories, integrations of these densities on a space-like surface give the total energy-momentum and {\em total} (={\em spin}+{\em orbital}) angular momentum for asymptotically flat space-time. The tensorial properties of canonical energy-momentum and ` ` extended orbital angular momentum" densities are also examined.Comment: 18 page

    Quantum Electrodynamics at Large Distances III: Verification of Pole Factorization and the Correspondence Principle

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    In two companion papers it was shown how to separate out from a scattering function in quantum electrodynamics a distinguished part that meets the correspondence-principle and pole-factorization requirements. The integrals that define the terms of the remainder are here shown to have singularities on the pertinent Landau singularity surface that are weaker than those of the distinguished part. These remainder terms therefore vanish, relative to the distinguished term, in the appropriate macroscopic limits. This shows, in each order of the perturbative expansion, that quantum electrodynamics does indeed satisfy the pole-factorization and correspondence-principle requirements in the case treated here. It also demonstrates the efficacy of the computational techniques developed here to calculate the consequences of the principles of quantum electrodynamics in the macroscopic and mesoscopic regimes.Comment: latex, 39 pages, 2 Figures included as uuencoded, tarred, gzipped, encapsulated postscript files, uses math_macros.te

    First-principles study on field evaporation for silicon atom on Si(001) surface

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    The simulations of field-evaporation processes for silicon atoms on various Si(001) surfaces are implemented using the first-principles calculations based on the real-space finite-difference method. We find that the atoms which locate on atomically flat Si(001) surfaces and at step edges are easily removed by applying external electric field, and the threshold value of the external electric field for evaporation of atoms on atomically flat Si(001) surfaces, which is predicted between 3.0 and 3.5 V/\AA, is in agreement with the experimental data of 3.8 V/\AA. In this situation, the local field around an evaporating atom does not play a crucial role. This result is instead interpreted in terms of the bond strength between an evaporating atom and surface.Comment: 5 pages and 4 figure

    Pseudoparticle Multipole Method: A Simple Method to Implement High-Accuracy Treecode

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    In this letter we describe the pseudoparticle multipole method (P2M2), a new method to express multipole expansion by a distribution of pseudoparticles. We can use this distribution of particles to calculate high order terms in both the Barnes-Hut treecode and FMM. The primary advantage of P2M2 is that it works on GRAPE. GRAPE is a special-purpose hardware for the calculation of gravitational force between particles. Although the treecode has been implemented on GRAPE, we could handle terms only up to dipole, since GRAPE can calculate forces from point-mass particles only. Thus the calculation cost grows quickly when high accuracy is required. With P2M2, the multipole expansion is expressed by particles, and thus GRAPE can calculate high order terms. Using P2M2, we implemented an arbitrary-order treecode on GRAPE-4. Timing result shows GRAPE-4 accelerates the calculation by a factor between 10 (for low accuracy) to 150 (for high accuracy). Even on general-purpose programmable computers, our method offers the advantage that the mathematical formulae and therefore the actual program is much simpler than that of the direct implementation of multipole expansion.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures, latex, submitted to ApJ Letter

    Generalized Equivalence Principle in Extended New General Relativity

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    In extended new general relativity, which is formulated as a reduction of Poincareˊˉ\bar{Poincar\'e} gauge theory of gravity whose gauge group is the covering group of the Poincar\'e group, we study the problem of whether the total energy-momentum, total angular momentum and total charge are equal to the corresponding quantities of the gravitational source. We examine this for charged axi-symmetric solutions of gravitational field equations. Our main concern is the restriction on the asymptotic form of the gravitational field variables imposed by the requirement that physical quantities of the total system are equivalent to the corresponding quantities of the charged rotating source body. This requirement can be regarded as an equivalence principle in a generalized sense.Comment: 35 page

    A Deep Optical Observation for an Enigmatic Unidentified Gamma-Ray Source 3EG J1835+5918

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    We report a deep optical imaging observation by the Subaru telescope for a very soft X-ray source RX J1836.2+5925, which has been suspected to be an isolated neutron star associated with the brightest as-yet unidentified EGRET source outside the Galactic plane, 3EG J1835+5918. An extended source having a complex, bipolar shape is found at B ~ 26, and this might be an extended pulsar nebular whose flux is about 5-6 orders of magnitude lower than gamma-ray flux, although finding a galaxy of this magnitude by chance in the error circle is of order unity. We have found two even fainter, possibly point sources at B ~ 28, although their detections are not firm because of low signal-to-noise. If the extended object of B ~ 26 is a galaxy and not related to 3EG J1835+5918, a lower limit on X-ray/optical flux ratio is set as f_X/f_B >~ 2700, giving a further strong support of the neutron-star identification of 3EG J1835+5918. Interestingly, if either of the two sources at B ~ 28 is the real counterpart of RX J1836.2+5925 and thermal emission from the surface of an isolated neutron star, the temperature and distance to the source become ~ 4 x 10^5K and ~300pc, respectively, showing a striking similarity of its spectral energy distribution to the proto-type radio-quiet gamma-ray pulsar Geminga. No detection of nonthermal hard X-ray emission is consistent with the ASCA upper limit, if the nonthermal flux of 3EG J1835+5918/RX J1836.2+5925 is at a similar level with that of Gemiga.Comment: PASJ Letters in press. (Received March 26; Accepted May 17

    Twisted Elliptic Genera of N=2 SCFTs in Two Dimensions

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    The elliptic genera of two-dimensional N=2 superconformal field theories can be twisted by the action of the integral Heisenberg group if their U(1) charges are fractional. The basic properties of the resulting twisted elliptic genera and the associated twisted Witten indices are investigated with due attention to their behaviors in orbifoldization. Our findings are illustrated by and applied to several concrete examples. We give a better understanding of the duality phenomenon observed long before for certain Landau-Ginzburg models. We revisit and prove an old conjecture of Witten which states that every ADE Landau-Ginzburg model and the corresponding minimal model share the same elliptic genus. Mathematically, we establish ADE generalizations of the quintuple product identity.Comment: 28 pages; v2 refs adde
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