135 research outputs found

    In Silico Generation of Alternative Hypotheses Using Causal Mapping (CMAP)

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    Previously, we introduced causal mapping (CMAP) as an easy to use systems biology tool for studying the behavior of biological processes that occur at the cellular and molecular level. CMAP is a coarse-grained graphical modeling approach in which the system of interest is modeled as an interaction map between functional elements of the system, in a manner similar to portrayals of signaling pathways commonly used by molecular cell biologists. CMAP describes details of the interactions while maintaining the simplicity of other qualitative methods (e.g., Boolean networks)


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    ABSTRACT. The history of the N.V. Sklifosovsky Research Institute for Emergency Medicine has been studied to divide it into periods and characterize them. It was shown that the stages of the Museum existence coincide with the periods of the Institute history. So called “Period of Yudin” can be identified separately. The great contribution of the Institute’s Surgeon-in-chief prof. S. S. Yudin to the foundation of the Museum is emphasized, as well as transformation of the museum of the history of surgery with its concept and collections into the museum of the multidisciplinary medical institution, which represents the background and achievements of the Institute. РЕЗЮМЕ. Изучена история становления музея НИИ скорой помощи им. Н.В. Склифосовского с целью ее периодизации и характеристики каждого периода. Показано, что этапы существования музея совпадают с периодизацией истории института. Отдельно можно выделить Юдинский период. Подчеркнут выдающийся вклад главного хирурга Института профессора С.С. Юдина в создание музея, представлена трансформация его концепции и содержания коллекций от музея истории хирургии к музею Института, конкретного отражающего его специфику и достижения как многопрофильного медицинского учреждения.

    Computer support of interdisciplinary communication of analytic geometry and algebra

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    © 2015 by iSER, International Society of Educational Research. The relevance of the research is due to the modernization of higher mathematical education in Russia, which led to a significant change in the curriculum and the need to establish new relationships of disciplines. The aim of the article is to find ways to solve the problem of the interdisciplinary connections in the teaching of present course “Analytical geometry” and “Algebra” in higher education. The leading method of the study of this problem is the methodical analysis and subsequent synthesis, which allows, having analyzed the didactic content of the "Analytical Geometry" and "Algebra"courses, to identify the necessary interdisciplinary communication between them and find ways to implement them through the use of modern educational technologies. It is proved that one of the instruments for implementing these methods is a computer, in particular systems of computer mathematics (Maple, Mathematica). Article submissions may be useful to teachers of mathematical disciplines of higher education institutions

    Statistics and econometrics from the point of view methodology mathematics

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    The authors consider teaching statistics and econometrics with the use of mathematical methods. The advantages of step-by-step solution of problems and carrying out of laboratory works with the use of computer technologies (EXCEL, Mathematica) are discussed. The example of 2 variants of linear (4-factor) multiple regression in EXCEL and in Mathematica (with the use of single line programs in functional style) is given. Apart from professional program software (EViews, etc.) which give only summary table problem solution performed step-by-step can be used in teaching. © IDOSI Publications, 2014


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    ABSTRACT. Catalogue of Russian State Archive of Film and Photo Documents (RGAKFD) has been studied to identify materials on the history of the Sklifosofsky Research Institute for Emergency Medicine. A source study analysis of revealed film documents has been carried out in order to assess their relevance, completeness and objectivity, a brief summary of their contents has been done. It is shown that despite the small amount of film documents and incompleteness of the information contained, they are of great interest as the source on the history of the Sklifosovsky Research Institute for Emergency Medicine and domestic emergency medicine in general. Documentary filming of outstanding Russian scientists – surgeon academician S.S. Yudin and transplantologist V.P. Demikhov, is unique. РЕЗЮМЕ. Изучен каталог Российского государственного архива кинофотодокументов (РГАКФД) с целью выявления материалов по истории НИИ скорой помощи им. Н.В. Склифосовского. Произведен источниковедческий анализ выявленных кинодокументов с целью оценки их важности, полноты и объективности, дана краткая аннотация их содержания. Показано, что, несмотря на небольшой объем этих кинодокументов и неполноту имеющихся в них сведений, они представляют несомненный интерес как источник по истории НИИ скорой помощи им. Н.В. Склифосовского и отечественной неотложной медицины в целом. Уникальными являются документальные съемки выдающихся отечественных ученых — хирурга академика С.С. Юдина и трансплантолога В.П. Демихова.

    Organization of medical aid with for the population with diseases of upper respiratory tract associated with chlamydia infection

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    At the same time optima organization and. measures of treatment of extra-urogenital forms of chlamydiosis aren't developed yet and. this problem is needed to be solved. The article presents scientific basis of necessity of developement of complex of measures and. main directions that contribute to the organization of medical aid. for the people with infections of upper respiratory tract associated with chlamydiosis. 1827 people were examineds. First group included. l8—60 years old. employees of several enterprises (846 people) and. 3—17 years old. children attending kindergarten and school (483 childern). Second group included patients of ENT-ward of institute's clinics with, inflammatory pathology of upper respiratory tract (498 people) of 3—60 years old. including 246 childern and. 252 adults. Programme of optimization of medical aid. for people with chlamydia infection of upper respiratory tract that included complex of measures with directions divided into 4 main parts (organization and. performing, information. and. analytics, treatment, diagnostics and. prophylactics, study and. methodology). This programme can be the basis of development of system of medical aid for people with respiratory chlamydiosis by public health service agencie of Russian Federation subjects that contributed to the increase of effectiveness of treatment, diagnostic and. preventive measured. Algrorhythms of diagnostics developed by the authors are offered to use as diagnostic standards of chlamydia infection of upper respiratory tract for phycisians of different duties (otolaryngologists, therapeutists, pediatritians, phycisians of common duty, infectionists etc.)

    Sustainable development of the Russian market of organic agro-industrial complex

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    Organic agriculture is a dynamically developing area of the global agro-industrial complex. Global climate problems and the depletion of natural resources across the planet dictate the need to review the food production technologies used. Excessive intensification of agricultural production through soil mineralization and fertilization, hormonal stimulation of animal and plant growth has led to the deterioration of water, soil, air quality and overall health. Therefore, the problem of reducing the anthropogenic impact on the environment is the main trend of implementing the principles of organic production. The paper developed recommendations for the strategic development of the Russian market of organic production within the framework of the current EAEU agreement. Conclusions were made on the expansion of instruments of state incentives for the development of organic agricultural production in a changing world economic relations and integration. © The Authors, published by EDP Sciences, 2023


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    The paper presents the results of studying of 44 families of patients with diseases of upper segment of respiratory tract, associated with Chlamydia infection. Control group included. 43 families of ENT-patients without Chlamydia infection. Diagnostics of Chlamydia infection was provided by using the complex of laboratory methods (direct fluorescence immunoassay and immune-enzyme analysis, polymerase-chain reaction). The presence of a patient with respiratory chlamydiosis in a family promotes infecting of other members of the family with Chlamydia

    Features of economic costs of trading enterprise: Theory and practice

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    © Serials Publications Pvt. Ltd. Under the conditions of commodity-money relations and economic isolation of the enterprise, there are inevitable differences between public expenses and production expenses of the company. Public production expenses are a combination of live and embodied labor which finds expression in the cost of production. Expenses of the enterprise consist of the sum of all expenses of the enterprise for production and its sale. These expenses, expressed in monetary terms, are called costs and are part of the product value. The largest share of the expenses for industrial production consists of raw materials and basic materials, followed by salaries and depreciation. Getting the maximum effect with the least costs, saving manpower, material and financial resources depend on how the company solves the problems of reducing the cost of production. The process of improving the organization of production and labor, in addition to cost saving by reducing the losses, more often than not provides for increased productivity of labor, i.e. saving the cost of human labor. At the current stage of economic development, the economy of human labor in comparison with the economy of social labor gives more significant results, as evidenced by the study of economic growth through the use of a production function

    Pathogenic characteristics of intracellular infection in chlamydiosis

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    This review analyzes scientific data and systematized information regarding microbiological aspects and pathogenesis of chlamydia infection. Chlamydia are obligate intracellular microorganisms that are sensitive to any human cells where energy parasitism is possible: various types of epithelium, fibrocytes, histiocytes, glial and muscle cells, squamous epithelium of the meninges and eyeball, neurons, monocytes, macrophages. Structure, chemical composition and enzymatic activity of Chlamydia closely resemble those in Gram-negative bacteria, as they retain their morphological identity throughout the life cycle, possess cell wall, ribosomes, DNA, RNA, biochemical elements of glycolysis, tissue respiration, peptose production being sensitive to some broad-spectrum antibiotics, and are able to vegetative form division. In recent decades, the pathogenesis and clinical symptoms of chlamydial lesions in the urogenital tract, nervous, cardiovascular, musculoskeletal and bronchopulmonary systems have been actively studied, and new approaches and treatment schemes for chlamydia-infected patients are still developing. Over many decades, Chlamydia infection has been an important and urgent problem, not only due to its high prevalence, but also because of high rate of complications negatively affecting populational health and related demographic parameters. Chlamydia causes multiple diseases resulting in chronization of inflammatory process in all human organs and systems, and affects reproduction of population. Mandatory statistical recording of chlamydiosis cases introduced as early as in 1994 in the Russian Federation does not reflect the actual incidence rate. A rise in number of inflammatory diseases of the upper respiratory tract caused by Chlamydia undoubtedly increases its etiological importance, but data regarding etiopathogenetic role of Chlamydia in ENT pathology are ambiguous and contradictory. Available publications describe a large range of variation in rate of detected Chlamydia due to poor awareness of doctors about the microbiological properties of chlamydia, pathogenetic and clinical features of clinical signs of this infection, and lack of common and clear understanding on the algorithms for identifying and treating chlamydiosis. Since the majority of chlamydia-associated nosological forms are asymptomatic, knowing pathogenetic features of related will allow to prevent the spread of the infection and reduce subsequent socio-economic consequences