2,027 research outputs found

    Burkholderia pseudomallei traced to water treatment plant in Australia.

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    Burkholderia pseudomallei was isolated from environmental specimens 1 year after an outbreak of acute melioidosis in a remote coastal community in northwestern Australia. B. pseudomallei was isolated from a water storage tank and from spray formed in a pH-raising aerator unit. Pulsed-field gel electrophoresis confirmed the aerator and storage tank isolates were identical to the outbreak strain, WKo97

    A Radio Study of the Seyfert Galaxy IC 5063: Evidence for Fast Gas Outflow

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    New radio continuum (8 GHz and 1.4 GHz) and HI 21 cm line observations of the Seyfert 2 galaxy IC 5063 (PKS 2048-572) were obtained with the Australia Telescope Compact Array (ATCA). The 8 GHz image reveals a linear triple structure (~4'', 1.5 kpc) oriented perpendicular to the optical polarization position angle. It is aligned with the inner dust lane and shows strong morphological association with the narrow emission line region (NLR). At 21 cm, very broad (~700 km/s) HI absorption is observed against the strong continuum source. This absorption is almost entirely blueshifted, indicating a fast net outflow, but a faint and narrow redshifted component is also present. In IC 5063 we see clear evidence for strong shocks resulting from the radio plasma-ISM interaction in the central few kpc. However, the energy flux in the radio plasma is an order of magnitude smaller than the energy emitted in emission lines. Thus, shocks are unlikely to account solely for the global ionization of the emission line region, particularly at large distances. The HI emission outlines a warped disk associated with the system of dust lanes some ~2' (~38 kpc) in radius. The lack of kinematically disturbed gas outside the central few kpc, coupled with the disk warp and close morphological connection of the inner dust lanes and the large-scale ionized gas, support the idea that the gas at large radii is photoionized by the central region, while shadowing effects are important in defining its X-shaped morphology. The kinematics of the ionized and of the neutral gas suggests the existence of a dark halo.Comment: 18 pages, 8 Postscript figures, 3 jpeg figures, Postscript preprint is available from http://jhufos.pha.jhu.edu/~zlatan/papers.htm

    Moments of Inertia of Nuclei in the Rare Earth Region: A Relativistic versus Non-Relativistic Investigation

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    A parameter free investigation of the moments of inertia of ground state rotational bands in well deformed rare-earth nuclei is carried out using Cranked Relativistic Hartree-Bogoliubov (CRHB) and non-relativistic Cranked Hartree-Fock-Bogoliubov (CHFB) theories. In CRHB theory, the relativistic fields are determined by the non-linear Lagrangian with the NL1 force and the pairing interaction by the central part of finite range Gogny D1S force. In CHFB theory, the properties in particle-hole and particle-particle channels are defined solely by Gogny D1S forces. Using an approximate particle number projection before variation by means of the Lipkin Nogami method improves the agreement with the experimental data, especially in CRHB theory. The effect of the particle number projection on the moments of inertia and pairing energies is larger in relativistic than in non-relativistic theory.Comment: 18 pages + 2 PostScript figure

    ASCA observations of type-2 Seyfert Galaxies. III. Orientation and X-ray Absorption

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    We discuss the spectral properties of a sample of type-2 Seyfert galaxies based upon the analysis of \asca data. In this paper we consider the sources for which the X-ray spectra appear to be dominated by the nuclear continuum, transmitted through a large column of absorbing material. We find that both Seyfert-2 galaxies and NELGs show iron Kα\alpha line profiles indicative of reprocessing of nuclear X-rays in a face-on accretion disk. Such line profiles are also observed in Seyfert-1 galaxies. This result is contrary to unification models, which would predict the inner regions of Seyfert-2 galaxies to be observed edge-on. This raises some questions as to the orientation of the circumnuclear absorber. If the observed differences between Seyfert type-1 and type-2 galaxies, and NELGs are not due to differences in the orientation of the absorbing material, then we suggest that differences in dust composition and grain size, and in the density of the circumnuclear gas could be of primary importance.Comment: 28 pages, 3 figures. LaTeX with encapsulated postscript. To appear in the Astrophysical Journa

    DMTPC: A dark matter detector with directional sensitivity

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    By correlating nuclear recoil directions with the Earth's direction of motion through the Galaxy, a directional dark matter detector can unambiguously detect Weakly Interacting Massive Particles (WIMPs), even in the presence of backgrounds. Here, we describe the Dark Matter Time-Projection Chamber (DMTPC) detector, a TPC filled with CF4 gas at low pressure (0.1 atm). Using this detector, we have measured the vector direction (head-tail) of nuclear recoils down to energies of 100 keV with an angular resolution of <15 degrees. To study our detector backgrounds, we have operated in a basement laboratory on the MIT campus for several months. We are currently building a new, high-radiopurity detector for deployment underground at the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant facility in New Mexico.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures, proceedings for the CIPANP 2009 conference, May 26-31, 200

    HST Observations of the Serendipitous X-ray Companion to Mrk 273: Cluster at z=0.46?

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    We have used HST I-band images to identify Mrk 273X, the very unusual high-redshift X-ray-luminous Seyfert 2 galaxy found by ROSAT in the same field-of-view as Mrk 273. We have measured the photometric properties of Mrk 273X and have also analyzed the luminosity distribution of the faint galaxy population seen in the HST image. The luminosity of the galaxy and the properties of the surrounding environment suggest that Mrk 273X is the brightest galaxy in a relatively poor cluster at a redshift near 0.46. Its off-center location in the cluster and the presence of other galaxy groupings in the HST image may indicate that this is a dynamically young cluster on the verge of merging with its neighboring clusters. We find that Mrk 273X is a bright featureless elliptical galaxy with no evidence for a disk. It follows the de Vaucouleurs (r^{1/4}) surface brightness law very well over a range of 8 magnitudes. Though the surface brightness profile does not appear to be dominated by the AGN, the galaxy has very blue colors that do appear to be produced by the AGN. Mrk 273X is most similar to the IC 5063 class of active galaxies --- a hybrid Sy 2 / powerful radio galaxy.Comment: Accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journal. 8 pages, including 4 postscript figures. Uses emulateapj.sty and psfig.sty. Higher quality version of Figure 1 is available at http://rings.gsfc.nasa.gov/~borne/fig1-markgals.gi

    Isolamento e identificação de linhagens de Trichoderma em amostras de solos de cultivos de alho e cebola.

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    bitstream/item/170359/1/FINAL-boletim-de-pesquisa-e-desenvolvimento-330.pdf(Embrapa Recursos Genéticos e Biotecnologia. Boletim de Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento, 330